# [ANDES] (C)2015-2022 Hantao Cui
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
Module for ANDES models.
import logging
import pprint
from collections import OrderedDict
from textwrap import wrap
from typing import Callable, Iterable, Union
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
from andes.core.block import Block
from andes.core.common import Config, JacTriplet, ModelFlags
from andes.core.discrete import Discrete
from andes.core.documenter import Documenter
from andes.core.model.modelcache import ModelCache
from andes.core.model.modelcall import ModelCall
from andes.core.param import ExtParam
from andes.core.service import (ApplyFunc, BackRef, BaseService, ConstService,
DeviceFinder, ExtService, FlagValue,
InitChecker, NumReduce, NumRepeat, NumSelect,
ParamCalc, PostInitService, RandomService,
Replace, SubsService, SwBlock, VarService)
from andes.core.symprocessor import SymProcessor
from andes.core.var import Algeb, BaseVar, ExtAlgeb, ExtState, State
from andes.shared import jac_full_names, numba
from andes.utils.func import list_flatten
from andes.utils.tab import Tab
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class Model:
Base class for power system DAE models.
After subclassing `ModelData`, subclass `Model`` to complete a DAE model.
Subclasses of `Model` define DAE variables, services, and other types of
parameters, in the constructor ``__init__``.
num_params : OrderedDict
{name: instance} of numerical parameters, including internal and
external ones
Take the static PQ as an example, the subclass of `Model`, `PQ`, should look
like ::
class PQ(PQData, Model):
def __init__(self, system, config):
PQData.__init__(self) Model.__init__(self, system, config)
Since `PQ` is calling the base class constructors, it is meant to be the
final class and not further derived. It inherits from `PQData` and `Model`
and must call constructors in the order of `PQData` and `Model`. If the
derived class of `Model` needs to be further derived, it should only derive
from `Model` and use a name ending with `Base`. See
Next, in `PQ.__init__`, set proper flags to indicate the routines in which
the model will be used ::
self.flags.update({'pflow': True})
Currently, flags `pflow` and `tds` are supported. Both are `False` by
default, meaning the model is neither used in power flow nor in time-domain
simulation. **A very common pitfall is forgetting to set the flag**.
Next, the group name can be provided. A group is a collection of models with
common parameters and variables. Devices' idx of all models in the same
group must be unique. To provide a group name, use ::
self.group = 'StaticLoad'
The group name must be an existing class name in
:py:mod:`andes.models.group`. The model will be added to the specified group
and subject to the variable and parameter policy of the group. If not
provided with a group class name, the model will be placed in the
`Undefined` group.
Next, additional configuration flags can be added. Configuration flags for
models are load-time variables, specifying the behavior of a model. They can
be exported to an `andes.rc` file and automatically loaded when creating the
`System`. Configuration flags can be used in equation strings, as long as
they are numerical values. To add config flags, use ::
self.config.add(OrderedDict((('pq2z', 1), )))
It is recommended to use `OrderedDict` instead of `dict`, although the
syntax is verbose. Note that booleans should be provided as integers (1 or
0), since `True` or `False` is interpreted as a string when loaded from the
`rc` file and will cause an error.
Next, it's time for variables and equations! The `PQ` class does not have
internal variables itself. It uses its `bus` parameter to fetch the
corresponding `a` and `v` variables of buses. Equation wise, it imposes an
active power and a reactive power load equation.
To define external variables from `Bus`, use ::
self.a = ExtAlgeb(model='Bus', src='a',
indexer=self.bus, tex_name=r'\theta')
self.v = ExtAlgeb(model='Bus', src='v',
indexer=self.bus, tex_name=r'V')
Refer to the subsection Variables for more details.
The simplest `PQ` model will impose constant P and Q, coded as ::
self.a.e_str = "u * p"
self.v.e_str = "u * q"
where the `e_str` attribute is the equation string attribute. `u` is the
connectivity status. Any parameter, config, service or variable can be used
in equation strings.
Three additional scalars can be used in equations: - ``dae_t`` for the
current simulation time (can be used if the model has flag `tds`). -
``sys_f`` for system frequency (from ``system.config.freq``). - ``sys_mva``
for system base mva (from ``system.config.mva``).
The above example is overly simplified. Our `PQ` model wants a feature to
switch itself to a constant impedance if the voltage is out of the range
`(vmin, vmax)`. To implement this, we need to introduce a discrete component
called `Limiter`, which yields three arrays of binary flags, `zi`, `zl`, and
`zu` indicating in-range, below lower-limit, and above upper-limit,
First, create an attribute `vcmp` as a `Limiter` instance ::
self.vcmp = Limiter(u=self.v, lower=self.vmin, upper=self.vmax,
where `self.config.pq2z` is a flag to turn this feature on or off. After
this line, we can use `vcmp_zi`, `vcmp_zl`, and `vcmp_zu` in other equation
strings. ::
self.a.e_str = "u * (p0 * vcmp_zi + " \
"p0 * vcmp_zl * (v ** 2 / vmin ** 2) + " \
"p0 * vcmp_zu * (v ** 2 / vmax ** 2))"
self.v.e_str = "u * (q0 * vcmp_zi + " \
"q0 * vcmp_zl * (v ** 2 / vmin ** 2) + "\
"q0 * vcmp_zu * (v ** 2 / vmax ** 2))"
Note that `PQ.a.e_str` can use the three variables from `vcmp` even before
defining `PQ.vcmp`, as long as `PQ.vcmp` is defined, because `vcmp_zi` is
just a string literal in `e_str`.
The two equations above implement a piece-wise power injection equation. It
selects the original power demand if within range, and uses the calculated
power when out of range.
Finally, to let ANDES pick up the model, the model name needs to be added to
`models/__init__.py`. Follow the examples in the `OrderedDict`, where the
key is the file name, and the value is the class name.
[docs] def __init__(self, system=None, config=None):
self.system = system
# duplicate attributes from ModelData. Keep for now.
self.n = 0
self.group = 'Undefined'
# params and vars that exist in the group but not in this model
# normally empty but can be used in special cases to bypass
# shared param/var checking
self.group_param_exception = list()
self.group_var_exception = list()
if not hasattr(self, 'num_params'):
self.num_params = OrderedDict()
if not hasattr(self, 'cache'):
self.cache = ModelCache()
# variables
self.states = OrderedDict() # internal states
self.states_ext = OrderedDict() # external states
self.algebs = OrderedDict() # internal algebraic variables
self.algebs_ext = OrderedDict() # external algebraic vars
self.vars_decl_order = OrderedDict() # variable in the order of declaration
self.params_ext = OrderedDict() # external parameters
self.discrete = OrderedDict() # discrete comp.
self.blocks = OrderedDict() # blocks
self.services = OrderedDict() # service/temporary variables
self.services_var = OrderedDict() # variable services updated each step/iter
self.services_var_seq = OrderedDict()
self.services_var_nonseq = OrderedDict()
self.services_post = OrderedDict() # post-initialization storage services
self.services_subs = OrderedDict() # to-be-substituted services
self.services_icheck = OrderedDict() # post-initialization check services
self.services_ref = OrderedDict() # BackRef
self.services_fnd = OrderedDict() # services to find/add devices
self.services_ext = OrderedDict() # external services (to be retrieved)
self.services_ops = OrderedDict() # operational services (for special usages)
self.tex_names = OrderedDict((('dae_t', 't_{dae}'),
('sys_f', 'f_{sys}'),
('sys_mva', 'S_{b,sys}'),
# Model behavior flags
self.flags = ModelFlags()
# `in_use` is used by models with `BackRef` when not reference
self.in_use = True # True if this model is in use, False removes this model from all calls
self.config = Config(name=self.class_name) # `config` that can be exported
if config is not None:
# basic configs
self.config.add(OrderedDict((('allow_adjust', 1),
('adjust_lower', 0),
('adjust_upper', 1),
allow_adjust='allow adjusting upper or lower limits',
adjust_lower='adjust lower limit',
adjust_upper='adjust upper limit',
allow_adjust=(0, 1),
adjust_lower=(0, 1),
adjust_upper=(0, 1),
self.calls = ModelCall() # callback and LaTeX string storage
self.triplets = JacTriplet() # Jacobian triplet storage
self.syms = SymProcessor(self) # symbolic processor instance
self.docum = Documenter(self) # documenter instance
# cached class attributes
self.cache.add_callback('all_vars', self._all_vars)
self.cache.add_callback('iter_vars', self._iter_vars)
self.cache.add_callback('input_vars', self._input_vars)
self.cache.add_callback('output_vars', self._output_vars)
self.cache.add_callback('all_vars_names', self._all_vars_names)
self.cache.add_callback('all_params', self._all_params)
self.cache.add_callback('all_params_names', self._all_params_names)
self.cache.add_callback('algebs_and_ext', self._algebs_and_ext)
self.cache.add_callback('states_and_ext', self._states_and_ext)
self.cache.add_callback('services_and_ext', self._services_and_ext)
self.cache.add_callback('vars_ext', self._vars_ext)
self.cache.add_callback('vars_int', self._vars_int)
self.cache.add_callback('v_getters', self._v_getters)
self.cache.add_callback('v_adders', self._v_adders)
self.cache.add_callback('v_setters', self._v_setters)
self.cache.add_callback('e_adders', self._e_adders)
self.cache.add_callback('e_setters', self._e_setters)
self._input = OrderedDict() # cached dictionary of inputs
self._input_z = OrderedDict() # discrete flags, storage only.
self._rhs_f = OrderedDict() # RHS of external f
self._rhs_g = OrderedDict() # RHS of external g
self.f_args = []
self.g_args = [] # argument value lists
self.j_args = dict()
self.s_args = OrderedDict()
self.ia_args = OrderedDict()
self.ii_args = OrderedDict()
self.ij_args = OrderedDict()
self.coeffs = dict() # pu conversion coefficient storage
self.bases = dict() # base storage, such as Vn, Vb, Zn, Zb
self.debug_equations = list() # variable names for debugging corresponding equation
self.non_top_level = list() # list of non-top-level components
def _register_attribute(self, key, value):
Register a pair of attributes to the model instance.
Called within ``__setattr__``, this is where the magic happens.
Subclass attributes are automatically registered based on the variable type.
Block attributes will be exported and registered recursively.
if isinstance(value, Algeb):
self.algebs[key] = value
elif isinstance(value, ExtAlgeb):
self.algebs_ext[key] = value
elif isinstance(value, State):
self.states[key] = value
elif isinstance(value, ExtState):
self.states_ext[key] = value
elif isinstance(value, ExtParam):
self.params_ext[key] = value
elif isinstance(value, Discrete):
self.discrete[key] = value
elif isinstance(value, ConstService): # services with only `v_str`
self.services[key] = value
# store VarService in an additional dict
if isinstance(value, VarService):
self.services_var[key] = value
if value.sequential:
self.services_var_seq[key] = value
self.services_var_nonseq[key] = value
elif isinstance(value, PostInitService):
self.services_post[key] = value
elif isinstance(value, SubsService):
self.services_subs[key] = value
elif isinstance(value, DeviceFinder):
self.services_fnd[key] = value
elif isinstance(value, BackRef):
self.services_ref[key] = value
elif isinstance(value, ExtService):
self.services_ext[key] = value
elif isinstance(value, (NumRepeat, NumReduce, NumSelect,
FlagValue, RandomService,
ParamCalc, Replace, ApplyFunc)):
self.services_ops[key] = value
elif isinstance(value, InitChecker):
self.services_icheck[key] = value
elif isinstance(value, Block):
self.blocks[key] = value
# pull in sub-variables from control blocks
if value.namespace == 'local':
prepend = value.name + '_'
tex_append = value.tex_name
prepend = ''
tex_append = ''
for var_name, var_instance in value.export().items():
var_instance.name = f'{prepend}{var_name}'
var_instance.tex_name = f'{var_instance.tex_name}_{{{tex_append}}}'
self.__setattr__(var_instance.name, var_instance)
var_instance.not_top_level = True
def _check_attribute(self, key, value):
Check the attribute pair for valid names while instantiating the class.
This function assigns `owner` to the model itself, assigns the name and tex_name.
if isinstance(value, (BaseVar, BaseService, Discrete, Block)):
if not value.owner:
value.owner = self
if not value.name:
value.name = key
if not value.tex_name:
value.tex_name = key
if key in self.__dict__:
logger.warning(f"{self.class_name}: redefinition of member <{key}>. Likely a modeling error.")
def __setattr__(self, key, value):
Overload the setattr function to register attributes.
key : str
name of the attribute
value : [BaseVar, BaseService, Discrete, Block]
value of the attribute
self._check_attribute(key, value)
# store the variable declaration order
if isinstance(value, BaseVar):
value.id = len(self._all_vars()) # NOT in use yet
self.vars_decl_order[key] = value
self._register_attribute(key, value)
super(Model, self).__setattr__(key, value)
[docs] def idx2uid(self, idx):
Convert idx to the 0-indexed unique index.
idx : array-like, numbers, or str
idx of devices
A list containing the unique indices of the devices
if idx is None:
logger.debug("idx2uid returned None for idx None")
return None
if isinstance(idx, (float, int, str, np.integer, np.floating)):
return self._one_idx2uid(idx)
elif isinstance(idx, Iterable):
if len(idx) > 0 and isinstance(idx[0], (list, np.ndarray)):
idx = list_flatten(idx)
return [self._one_idx2uid(i) if i is not None else None
for i in idx]
raise NotImplementedError(f'Unknown idx type {type(idx)}')
def _one_idx2uid(self, idx):
Helper function for checking if an idx exists and
converting it to uid.
if idx not in self.uid:
raise KeyError("<%s>: device not exist with idx=%s." %
(self.class_name, idx))
return self.uid[idx]
[docs] def set_backref(self, name, from_idx, to_idx):
Helper function for setting idx-es to ``BackRef``.
if name not in self.services_ref:
uid = self.idx2uid(to_idx)
[docs] def get(self, src: str, idx, attr: str = 'v', allow_none=False, default=0.0):
Get the value of an attribute of a model property.
The return value is ``self.<src>.<attr>[idx]``
src : str
Name of the model property
idx : str, int, float, array-like
Indices of the devices
attr : str, optional, default='v'
The attribute of the property to get.
``v`` for values, ``a`` for address, and ``e`` for equation value.
allow_none : bool
True to allow None values in the indexer
default : float
If `allow_none` is true, the default value to use for None indexer.
uid = self.idx2uid(idx)
if isinstance(self.__dict__[src].__dict__[attr], list):
if isinstance(uid, Iterable):
if not allow_none and (uid is None or None in uid):
raise KeyError('None not allowed in uid/idx. Enable through '
'`allow_none` and provide a `default` if needed.')
return [self.__dict__[src].__dict__[attr][i] if i is not None else default
for i in uid]
return self.__dict__[src].__dict__[attr][uid]
[docs] def set(self, src, idx, attr, value):
Set the value of an attribute of a model property.
Performs ``self.<src>.<attr>[idx] = value``. This method will not modify
the input values from the case file that have not been converted to the
system base. As a result, changes applied by this method will not affect
the dumped case file.
To alter parameters and reflect it in the case file, use :meth:`alter`
src : str
Name of the model property
idx : str, int, float, array-like
Indices of the devices
attr : str, optional, default='v'
The internal attribute of the property to get.
``v`` for values, ``a`` for address, and ``e`` for equation value.
value : array-like
New values to be set
True when successful.
uid = self.idx2uid(idx)
instance = self.__dict__[src]
instance.__dict__[attr][uid] = value
# update differential equations' time constants stored in `dae.Tf`
if attr == "v":
for state in self.states.values():
if (state.t_const is instance) and len(state.a) > 0:
self.system.dae.Tf[state.a[uid]] = instance.v[uid]
# convert scalar `uid` to list
if isinstance(uid, (float, int, str, np.integer, np.floating)):
uid = [uid]
# set diagonal elements of `Teye` for each element in `uid``
uid_int = state.a.tolist()
for ii in uid:
self.system.TDS.Teye[uid_int[ii], uid_int[ii]] = instance.v[ii]
return True
[docs] def alter(self, src, idx, value, attr='v'):
Alter values of input parameters or constant service.
If the method operates on an input parameter, the new data should be in
the same base as that in the input file. This function will convert
``value`` to per unit in the system base whenever necessary.
The values for storing the input data, i.e., the parameter's ``vin``
field, will be overwritten. As a result, altered values will be
reflected in the dumped case file.
src : str
The parameter name to alter
idx : str, float, int
The device to alter
value : float
The desired value
attr : str
The attribute to alter, default is 'v'.
New in version 1.9.3: Added the `attr` parameter and the feature to alter
specific attributes. This feature is useful when you need to manipulate parameter
values in the system base and ensure that these changes are reflected in the
dumped case file.
>>> import andes
>>> ss = andes.load(andes.get_case('5bus/pjm5bus.xlsx'), setup=True)
>>> ss.GENCLS.alter(src='M', idx=2, value=1, attr='v')
>>> ss.GENCLS.get(src='M', idx=2, attr='v')
>>> ss.GENCLS.alter(src='M', idx=2, value=1, attr='vin')
>>> ss.GENCLS.get(src='M', idx=2, attr='v')
instance = self.__dict__[src]
if hasattr(instance, 'vin') and (instance.vin is not None):
uid = self.idx2uid(idx)
if attr == 'vin':
self.set(src, idx, 'vin', value / instance.pu_coeff[uid])
self.set(src, idx, 'v', value=value)
self.set(src, idx, 'vin', value)
self.set(src, idx, 'v', value * instance.pu_coeff[uid])
elif not hasattr(instance, 'vin') and attr == 'vin':
logger.warning(f"{self.class_name}.{src} has no `vin` attribute, changing `v`.")
self.set(src, idx, 'v', value)
self.set(src, idx, attr=attr, value=value)
[docs] def l_update_var(self, dae_t, *args, niter=None, err=None, **kwargs):
Call the ``check_var`` method of discrete components to update the internal status flags.
The function is variable-dependent and should be called before updating equations.
for instance in self.discrete.values():
if instance.has_check_var:
instance.check_var(dae_t=dae_t, niter=niter, err=err)
[docs] def l_check_eq(self, init=False, niter=0, **kwargs):
Call the ``check_eq`` method of discrete components to update equation-dependent flags.
This function should be called after equation updates.
AntiWindup limiters use it to append pegged states to the ``x_set`` list.
if init:
for instance in self.discrete.values():
if instance.has_check_eq:
for instance in self.discrete.values():
if instance.has_check_eq:
[docs] def s_update(self):
Update service equation values.
This function is only evaluated at initialization. Service values are
updated sequentially. The ``v`` attribute of services will be assigned
at a new memory address.
for name, instance in self.services.items():
if name in self.calls.s:
func = self.calls.s[name]
if callable(func):
# Use new assignment due to possible size change.
# Always make a copy and make the RHS a 1-d array
instance.v = np.array(func(*self.s_args[name]),
instance.v = np.array(func, dtype=instance.vtype).ravel()
# convert to an array if the return of lambda function is a scalar
if isinstance(instance.v, (int, float)):
instance.v = np.ones(self.n, dtype=instance.vtype) * instance.v
elif isinstance(instance.v, np.ndarray) and len(instance.v) == 1:
instance.v = np.ones(self.n, dtype=instance.vtype) * instance.v
# --- Very Important ---
# the numerical call of a `ConstService` should only depend on previously
# evaluated variables.
func = instance.v_numeric
if func is not None and callable(func):
kwargs = self.get_inputs(refresh=True)
instance.v = func(**kwargs).copy().astype(instance.vtype) # performs type conv.
if self.flags.s_num is True:
kwargs = self.get_inputs(refresh=True)
# Block-level `s_numeric` not supported.
[docs] def s_update_var(self):
Update values of :py:class:`andes.core.service.VarService`.
if len(self.services_var):
kwargs = self.get_inputs()
# evaluate `v_str` functions for sequential VarService
for name, instance in self.services_var_seq.items():
if instance.v_str is not None:
func = self.calls.s[name]
if callable(func):
instance.v[:] = func(*self.s_args[name])
# apply non-sequential services from ``v_str``:w
if callable(self.calls.sns):
ret = self.calls.sns(*self.sns_args)
for idx, instance in enumerate(self.services_var_nonseq.values()):
instance.v[:] = ret[idx]
# Apply individual `v_numeric`
for instance in self.services_var.values():
if instance.v_numeric is None:
if callable(instance.v_numeric):
instance.v[:] = instance.v_numeric(**kwargs)
if self.flags.sv_num is True:
kwargs = self.get_inputs()
# Block-level `s_numeric_var` not supported.
[docs] def s_update_post(self):
Update post-initialization services.
kwargs = self.get_inputs()
if len(self.services_post):
for name, instance in self.services_post.items():
func = self.calls.s[name]
if callable(func):
instance.v[:] = func(*self.s_args[name])
for instance in self.services_post.values():
func = instance.v_numeric
if func is not None and callable(func):
instance.v[:] = func(**kwargs)
def _init_wrap(self, x0, params):
A wrapper for converting the initialization equations into standard forms g(x) = 0, where x is an array.
vars_input = []
for i, _ in enumerate(self.cache.iter_vars.values()):
vars_input.append(x0[i * self.n: (i + 1) * self.n])
ret = np.ravel(self.calls.init_std(vars_input, params))
return ret
[docs] def store_sparse_pattern(self):
Store rows and columns of the non-zeros in the Jacobians for building the sparsity pattern.
This function converts the internal 0-indexed equation/variable address to the numerical addresses for
the loaded system.
Calling sequence:
For each Jacobian name, `fx`, `fy`, `gx` and `gy`, store by
a) generated constant and variable Jacobians
c) user-provided constant and variable Jacobians,
d) user-provided block constant and variable Jacobians
If `self.n == 0`, skipping this function will avoid appending empty lists/arrays and
non-empty values, which, as a combination, is not accepted by `kvxopt.spmatrix`.
if self.n == 0: # do not check `self.in_use` here
if self.flags.address is False:
# store model-level user-defined Jacobians
if self.flags.j_num is True:
# store and merge user-defined Jacobians in blocks
for instance in self.blocks.values():
if instance.flags.j_num is True:
# for all combinations of Jacobian names (fx, fxc, gx, gxc, etc.)
for j_name in jac_full_names:
for idx, val in enumerate(self.calls.vjac[j_name]):
row_name, col_name = self._jac_eq_var_name(j_name, idx)
row_idx = self.__dict__[row_name].a
col_idx = self.__dict__[col_name].a
if len(row_idx) != len(col_idx):
logger.error(f'row {row_name}, row_idx: {row_idx}')
logger.error(f'col {col_name}, col_idx: {col_idx}')
raise ValueError(f'{self.class_name}: non-matching row_idx and col_idx')
# Note:
# n_elem: number of elements in the equation or variable
# It does not necessarily equal to the number of devices of the model
# For example, `COI.omega_sub.n` depends on the number of generators linked to the COI
# and is likely different from `COI.n`
n_elem = self.__dict__[row_name].n
if j_name[-1] == 'c':
value = val * np.ones(n_elem)
value = np.zeros(n_elem)
self.triplets.append_ijv(j_name, row_idx, col_idx, value)
def _jac_eq_var_name(self, j_name, idx):
Get the equation and variable name for a Jacobian type based on the absolute index.
var_names_list = list(self.cache.all_vars.keys())
eq_names = {'f': var_names_list[:len(self.cache.states_and_ext)],
'g': var_names_list[len(self.cache.states_and_ext):]}
row = self.calls.ijac[j_name][idx]
col = self.calls.jjac[j_name][idx]
row_name = eq_names[j_name[0]][row] # where jname[0] is the equation name in ("f", "g")
col_name = var_names_list[col]
except IndexError as e:
logger.error("Generated code outdated. Run `andes prepare -i` to re-generate.")
raise e
return row_name, col_name
[docs] def get_init_order(self):
Get variable initialization order and send to `logger.info`.
out = []
for name in self.vars_decl_order.keys():
logger.info(f'Initialization order: \n{", ".join(out)}')
[docs] def f_update(self):
Evaluate differential equations.
In-place equations: added to the corresponding DAE array.
Non-in-place equations: in-place set to internal array to
overwrite old values (and avoid clearing).
if callable(self.calls.f):
f_ret = self.calls.f(*self.f_args)
for i, var in enumerate(self.cache.states_and_ext.values()):
if var.e_inplace:
var.e += f_ret[i]
var.e[:] = f_ret[i]
kwargs = self.get_inputs()
# user-defined numerical calls defined in the model
if self.flags.f_num is True:
# user-defined numerical calls in blocks
for instance in self.blocks.values():
if instance.flags.f_num is True:
[docs] def g_update(self):
Evaluate algebraic equations.
if callable(self.calls.g):
g_ret = self.calls.g(*self.g_args)
for i, var in enumerate(self.cache.algebs_and_ext.values()):
if var.e_inplace:
var.e += g_ret[i]
var.e[:] = g_ret[i]
kwargs = self.get_inputs()
# numerical calls defined in the model
if self.flags.g_num is True:
# numerical calls in blocks
for instance in self.blocks.values():
if instance.flags.g_num is True:
[docs] def j_update(self):
Update Jacobian elements.
Values are stored to ``Model.triplets[jname]``, where ``jname`` is a jacobian name.
for jname, jfunc in self.calls.j.items():
ret = jfunc(*self.j_args[jname])
for idx, fun in enumerate(self.calls.vjac[jname]):
self.triplets.vjac[jname][idx][:] = ret[idx]
except (ValueError, IndexError, FloatingPointError) as e:
row_name, col_name = self._jac_eq_var_name(jname, idx)
logger.error('%s: error calculating or storing Jacobian <%s>: j_idx=%s, d%s / d%s',
self.class_name, jname, idx, row_name, col_name)
raise e
[docs] def get_times(self):
Get event switch_times from `TimerParam`.
A list containing all switching times defined in TimerParams
out = []
if self.n > 0:
for instance in self.timer_params.values():
return out
[docs] def switch_action(self, dae_t):
Call the switch actions.
dae_t : float
Current simulation time
Timer exported from blocks are supposed to work
but have not been tested.
for timer in self.timer_params.values():
if timer.callback is not None:
def class_name(self):
Return the class name
return self.__class__.__name__
def _all_vars(self):
An OrderedDict of States, ExtStates, Algebs, ExtAlgebs
return OrderedDict(list(self.states.items()) +
list(self.states_ext.items()) +
list(self.algebs.items()) +
def _iter_vars(self):
Variables to be iteratively initialized
all_vars = OrderedDict(self.cache.all_vars)
for name, instance in self.cache.all_vars.items():
if not instance.v_iter:
return all_vars
def _all_vars_names(self):
out = []
for instance in self.cache.all_vars.values():
out += instance.get_names()
return out
def _all_params(self):
# the service stuff should not be moved to variables.
return OrderedDict(list(self.num_params.items()) +
list(self.services.items()) +
list(self.services_ext.items()) +
list(self.services_ops.items()) +
list(self.services_subs.items()) +
def _all_params_names(self):
out = []
for instance in self.cache.all_params.values():
out += instance.get_names()
return out
def _algebs_and_ext(self):
return OrderedDict(list(self.algebs.items()) +
def _states_and_ext(self):
return OrderedDict(list(self.states.items()) +
def _services_and_ext(self):
return OrderedDict(list(self.services.items()) +
def _vars_ext(self):
return OrderedDict(list(self.states_ext.items()) +
def _vars_int(self):
return OrderedDict(list(self.states.items()) +
def _v_getters(self):
out = OrderedDict()
for name, var in self.cache.all_vars.items():
if var.v_inplace:
out[name] = var
return out
def _v_adders(self):
out = OrderedDict()
for name, var in self.cache.all_vars.items():
if var.v_inplace is True:
if var.v_str is None and var.v_iter is None:
if var.v_setter is True:
out[name] = var
return out
def _v_setters(self):
out = OrderedDict()
for name, var in self.cache.all_vars.items():
if var.v_inplace is True:
if var.v_str is None and var.v_iter is None:
if var.v_setter is False:
out[name] = var
return out
def _e_adders(self):
out = OrderedDict()
for name, var in self.cache.all_vars.items():
if var.e_inplace is True:
if var.e_str is None:
if var.e_setter is True:
out[name] = var
return out
def _e_setters(self):
out = OrderedDict()
for name, var in self.cache.all_vars.items():
if var.e_inplace is True:
if var.e_str is None:
if var.e_setter is False:
out[name] = var
return out
def _input_vars(self):
out = list()
for name, var in self.cache.all_vars.items():
if var.is_input:
return out
def _output_vars(self):
out = list()
for name, var in self.cache.all_vars.items():
if var.is_output:
return out
[docs] def set_in_use(self):
Set the `in_use` attribute. Called at the end of ``System.collect_ref``.
This function is overloaded by models with `BackRef` to disable calls when no model is referencing.
Models with no back references will have internal variable addresses assigned but external addresses
being empty.
For internal equations that have external variables, the row indices will be non-zeros, while the col
indices will be empty, which causes an error when updating Jacobians.
Setting `self.in_use` to False when `len(back_ref_instance.v) == 0` avoids this error. See COI.
self.in_use = True
[docs] def list2array(self):
Convert all the value attributes ``v`` to NumPy arrays.
Value attribute arrays should remain in the same address afterwards.
Namely, all assignments to value array should be operated in place (e.g., with [:]).
for instance in self.num_params.values():
for instance in self.cache.services_and_ext.values():
for instance in self.discrete.values():
[docs] def a_reset(self):
Reset addresses to empty and reset flags.address to ``False``.
for var in self.cache.all_vars.values():
self.flags.address = False
self.flags.initialized = False
[docs] def e_clear(self):
Clear equation value arrays associated with all internal variables.
for instance in self.cache.all_vars.values():
if instance.e_inplace:
instance.e[:] = 0
[docs] def v_numeric(self, **kwargs):
Custom variable initialization function.
[docs] def g_numeric(self, **kwargs):
Custom gcall functions. Modify equations directly.
[docs] def f_numeric(self, **kwargs):
Custom fcall functions. Modify equations directly.
[docs] def s_numeric(self, **kwargs):
Custom service value functions. Modify ``Service.v`` directly.
[docs] def s_numeric_var(self, **kwargs):
Custom variable service value functions. Modify ``VarService.v`` directly.
This custom numerical function is evaluated at each step/iteration before equation update.
[docs] def j_numeric(self, **kwargs):
Custom numeric update functions.
This function should append indices to `_ifx`, `_jfx`, and append anonymous functions to `_vfx`.
It is only called once by `store_sparse_pattern`.
[docs] def doc(self, max_width=78, export='plain'):
Retrieve model documentation as a string.
return self.docum.get(max_width=max_width, export=export)
[docs] def prepare(self, quick=False, pycode_path=None, yapf_pycode=False):
Symbolic processing and code generation.
logger.debug("Generating code for %s", self.class_name)
self.calls.md5 = self.get_md5()
if quick is False:
[docs] def get_md5(self):
Return the md5 hash of concatenated equation strings.
import hashlib
md5 = hashlib.md5()
for name in self.cache.all_params.keys():
for name in self.config.as_dict().keys():
for name, item in self.cache.all_vars.items():
if item.v_str is not None:
if item.v_iter is not None:
if item.e_str is not None:
if item.diag_eps is not None:
for name, item in self.services.items():
if item.v_str is not None:
for name, item in self.discrete.items():
return md5.hexdigest()
[docs] def post_init_check(self):
Post init checking. Warns if values of `InitChecker` are not True.
if self.system.config.warn_abnormal:
for item in self.services_icheck.values():
[docs] def numba_jitify(self, parallel=False, cache=True, nopython=True):
Convert equation residual calls, Jacobian calls, and variable service
calls into JIT compiled functions.
This function can be enabled by setting ``System.config.numba = 1``.
if self.system.config.numba != 1:
if self.flags.jited is True:
kwargs = {'parallel': parallel,
'cache': cache,
'nopython': nopython,
self.calls.f = to_jit(self.calls.f, **kwargs)
self.calls.g = to_jit(self.calls.g, **kwargs)
self.calls.sns = to_jit(self.calls.sns, **kwargs)
for jname in self.calls.j:
self.calls.j[jname] = to_jit(self.calls.j[jname], **kwargs)
for name, instance in self.services_var_seq.items():
if instance.v_str is not None:
self.calls.s[name] = to_jit(self.calls.s[name], **kwargs)
self.flags.jited = True
[docs] def precompile(self):
Trigger numba compilation for this model.
This function requires the system to be setup, i.e.,
memory allocated for storage.
if self.n == 0:
if callable(self.calls.f):
if callable(self.calls.g):
if callable(self.calls.sns):
for jname, jfunc in self.calls.j.items():
for name, instance in self.services_var_seq.items():
if instance.v_str is not None:
def __repr__(self):
dev_text = 'device' if self.n == 1 else 'devices'
return f'{self.class_name} ({self.n} {dev_text}) at {hex(id(self))}'
[docs] def init(self, routine):
Numerical initialization of a model.
Initialization sequence:
1. Sequential initialization based on the order of definition
2. Use Newton-Krylov method for iterative initialization
3. Custom init
# evaluate `ConstService` and `VarService`
# find out if variables need to be initialized for `routine`
flag_name = routine + '_init'
if not hasattr(self.flags, flag_name) or getattr(self.flags, flag_name) is None:
do_init = getattr(self.flags, routine)
do_init = getattr(self.flags, flag_name)
sys_debug = self.system.options.get("init")
logger.debug('========== %s has <%s> = %s ==========',
self.class_name, flag_name, do_init)
if do_init:
kwargs = self.get_inputs(refresh=True)
logger.debug('Initialization sequence:')
seq_str = ' -> '.join([str(i) for i in self.calls.init_seq])
logger.debug('\n'.join(wrap(seq_str, 70)))
logger.debug("%s: assignment initialization phase begins", self.class_name)
for idx, name in enumerate(self.calls.init_seq):
debug_flag = sys_debug or (name in self.debug_equations)
# single variable - do assignment
if isinstance(name, str):
"%s: entering <%s> assignment init",
self.class_name, name)
instance = self.__dict__[name]
if instance.discrete is not None:
_log_init_debug(debug_flag, "%s: evaluate discrete <%s>", name, instance.discrete)
_eval_discrete(instance, self.config.allow_adjust,
self.config.adjust_lower, self.config.adjust_upper)
if instance.v_str is not None:
arg_print = OrderedDict()
if debug_flag:
for a, b in zip(self.calls.ia_args[name], self.ia_args[name]):
arg_print[a] = b
if not instance.v_str_add:
# assignment is for most variable initialization
_log_init_debug(debug_flag, "%s: new values will be assigned (=)", name)
instance.v[:] = self.calls.ia[name](*self.ia_args[name])
# in-place add initial values.
# Voltage compensators can set part of the `v` of exciters.
# Exciters will then set the bus voltage part.
_log_init_debug(debug_flag, "%s: new values will be in-place added (+=)", name)
instance.v[:] += self.calls.ia[name](*self.ia_args[name])
arg_print[name] = instance.v
if debug_flag:
for key, val in arg_print.items():
if isinstance(val, (int, float, np.floating, np.integer)) or \
isinstance(val, np.ndarray) and val.ndim == 0:
arg_print[key] = val * np.ones_like(instance.v)
if isinstance(val, np.ndarray) and val.dtype == complex:
arg_print[key] = [str(i) for i in val]
tab = Tab(title="v_str of %s is '%s'" % (name, instance.v_str),
header=["idx", *self.calls.ia_args[name], name],
data=list(zip(self.idx.v, *arg_print.values())),
_log_init_debug(debug_flag, tab.draw())
# single variable iterative solution
if name in self.calls.ii:
"\n%s: entering <%s> iterative init",
self.solve_iter(name, kwargs)
"%s new values are %s", name, self.__dict__[name].v)
# multiple variables, iterative
_log_init_debug(debug_flag, "\n%s: entering <%s> iterative init",
self.class_name, name)
for vv in name:
instance = self.__dict__[vv]
if instance.discrete is not None:
_log_init_debug(debug_flag, "%s: evaluate discrete <%s>",
name, instance.discrete)
_eval_discrete(instance, self.config.allow_adjust,
self.config.adjust_lower, self.config.adjust_upper)
if instance.v_str is not None:
_log_init_debug(debug_flag, "%s: v_str = %s", vv, instance.v_str)
arg_print = OrderedDict()
if debug_flag:
for a, b in zip(self.calls.ia_args[vv], self.ia_args[vv]):
arg_print[a] = b
_log_init_debug(debug_flag, pprint.pformat(arg_print))
instance.v[:] = self.calls.ia[vv](*self.ia_args[vv])
_log_init_debug(debug_flag, "\n%s: entering <%s> iterative init", self.class_name,
self.solve_iter(name, kwargs)
for vv in name:
instance = self.__dict__[vv]
_log_init_debug(debug_flag, "%s new values are %s", vv, instance.v)
# call custom variable initializer after generated init
kwargs = self.get_inputs(refresh=True)
# call post initialization checking
self.flags.initialized = True
[docs] def solve_iter(self, name, kwargs):
Solve iterative initialization.
for pos in range(self.n):
logger.debug("%s: iterative init for %s, device pos = %s",
self.class_name, name, pos)
self.solve_iter_single(name, kwargs, pos)
[docs] def solve_iter_single(self, name, inputs, pos):
Solve iterative initialization for one given device.
if isinstance(name, str):
x0 = inputs[name][pos]
name_concat = name
x0 = np.ravel([inputs[item][pos] for item in name])
name_concat = '_'.join(name)
rhs = self.calls.ii[name_concat]
jac = self.calls.ij[name_concat]
ii_args = self.ii_args[name_concat]
ij_args = self.ij_args[name_concat]
# iteration setup
maxiter = self.system.TDS.config.max_iter
eps = self.system.TDS.config.tol
niter = 0
solved = False
while niter < maxiter:
logger.debug("iteration %s:", niter)
i_args = [item[pos] for item in ii_args] # all variables of one device at a time
j_args = [item[pos] for item in ij_args]
b = np.ravel(rhs(*i_args))
A = jac(*j_args)
logger.debug("A:\n%s", A)
logger.debug("b:\n%s", b)
mis = np.max(np.abs(b))
if mis <= eps:
solved = True
inc = - sp.linalg.lu_solve(sp.linalg.lu_factor(A), b)
if np.isnan(inc).any():
if self.u.v[pos] != 0:
logger.debug("%s: nan ignored in iterations for offline device pos = %s",
self.class_name, pos)
logger.error("%s: nan error detected in iterations for device pos = %s",
self.class_name, pos)
x0 += inc
logger.debug("solved x0:\n%s", x0)
for idx, item in enumerate(name):
inputs[item][pos] = x0[idx]
niter += 1
if solved:
for idx, item in enumerate(name):
inputs[item][pos] = x0[idx]
logger.warning(f"{self.class_name}: iterative initialization failed for {self.idx.v[pos]}.")
[docs] def externalize(self):
Externalize internal data as a snapshot.
[docs] def internalize(self):
Internalize snapshot data.
[docs] def register_debug_equation(self, var_name):
Helper function to register a variable for debugging the initialization.
This function needs to be called before calling ``TDS.init()``, and
logging level needs to be set to ``DEBUG``.
def _eval_discrete(instance, allow_adjust=True,
adjust_lower=False, adjust_upper=False):
Evaluate discrete components associated with a variable instance.
Calls ``check_var()`` on the discrete components.
For variables associated with limiters, limiters need to be evaluated
before variable initialization.
However, if any limit is hit, initialization is likely to fail.
instance : BaseVar
instance of a variable
allow_adjust : bool, optional
True to enable overall adjustment
adjust_lower : bool, optional
True to adjust lower limits to the input values
adjust_upper : bool, optional
True to adjust upper limits to the input values
if not isinstance(instance.discrete, (list, tuple, set)):
dlist = (instance.discrete,)
dlist = instance.discrete
for d in dlist:
def to_jit(func: Union[Callable, None],
parallel: bool = False,
cache: bool = False,
nopython: bool = True,
Helper function for converting a function to a numba jit-compiled function.
Note that this function will be compiled just-in-time when first called,
based on the argument types.
if func is not None:
return numba.jit(func,
return func
def _log_init_debug(debug_flag, *args):
Helper function to log initialization debug message.
if debug_flag is True: