Source code for andes.core.model.modelcall

Module for ModelCall.

from collections import OrderedDict

from andes.shared import jac_names, jac_types

[docs]class ModelCall: """ Class for storing generated function calls, Jacobian calls, and arguments. """
[docs] def __init__(self): self.md5 = '' # `f` and `g` are callables generated by lambdify that take positional args # `s` is a dict of callables for services needing sequential updates # `sns` is a callable for updating non-sequential services self.f = None self.g = None self.j = dict() self.s = OrderedDict() self.sns = None # `f_args` and `g_args` are the arg names self.f_args = list() self.g_args = list() self.j_args = dict() self.s_args = OrderedDict() self.sns_args = list() # when saving to pycode, dict of functions are stored as individual functions. # these include `j`, `ia`, `ii`, `ij`, and `s`. self.ia = OrderedDict() self.ii = OrderedDict() self.ij = OrderedDict() self.ia_args = OrderedDict() # assignment initialization self.ii_args = OrderedDict() # iterative initialization self.ij_args = OrderedDict() self.ijac = OrderedDict() self.jjac = OrderedDict() self.vjac = OrderedDict() self.j_names = list() # existing jacobian names for this model self.init_seq = list() # initialization sequence self.need_diag_eps = list() # id of algeb variables needing diag_eps
[docs] def clear_ijv(self): for jname in jac_names: for jtype in jac_types: self.ijac[jname + jtype] = list() self.jjac[jname + jtype] = list() self.vjac[jname + jtype] = list()
[docs] def append_ijv(self, j_full_name, ii, jj, vv): if not isinstance(ii, int): raise ValueError("i index must be an integer") if not isinstance(jj, int): raise ValueError("j index must be an integer") if not isinstance(vv, (int, float)) and (not callable(vv)): raise ValueError("v must be a number or a callable") self.ijac[j_full_name].append(ii) self.jjac[j_full_name].append(jj) self.vjac[j_full_name].append(vv)
[docs] def zip_ijv(self, j_full_name): """ Return a zipped iterator for the rows, cols and vals for the specified matrix name. """ return zip(self.ijac[j_full_name], self.jjac[j_full_name], self.vjac[j_full_name])