# [ANDES] (C)2015-2022 Hantao Cui
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# File name: var.py
# Last modified: 8/16/20, 7:27 PM
from typing import List, Optional, Union
from andes.core.common import DummyValue
from andes.core.discrete import Discrete
from andes.core.param import BaseParam
from andes.core.service import BaseService
from andes.models.group import GroupBase
from andes.shared import np
[docs]class BaseVar:
Base variable class.
Derived classes `State` and `Algeb` should be used to build model variables.
info : str, optional
Descriptive information
unit : str, optional
tex_name : str
LaTeX-formatted variable symbol. If is None, the value of `name` will be
discrete : Discrete
Discrete component on which this variable depends. ANDES will call
`check_var()` of the discrete component before initializing this
name : str, optional
Variable name. One should typically assigning the name directly because
it will be automatically assigned by the model. The value of ``name``
will be the symbol name to be used in expressions.
a : array-like
variable address
v : array-like
local-storage of the variable value
e : array-like
local-storage of the corresponding equation value
e_str : str
the string/symbolic representation of the equation
v_str : str
explicit initialization equation
v_str_add : bool
True if the value of `v_str` will be added to the variable. Useful when
other models access this variable and set part of the initial value
v_iter : str
implicit iterative equation in the form of 0 = v_iter
[docs] def __init__(self,
name: Optional[str] = None,
tex_name: Optional[str] = None,
info: Optional[str] = None,
unit: Optional[str] = None,
v_str: Optional[Union[str, float]] = None,
v_iter: Optional[str] = None,
e_str: Optional[str] = None,
discrete: Optional[Discrete] = None,
v_setter: Optional[bool] = False,
e_setter: Optional[bool] = False,
v_str_add: Optional[bool] = False,
addressable: Optional[bool] = True,
export: Optional[bool] = True,
diag_eps: Optional[float] = 0.0,
deps: Optional[List] = None,
is_output: Optional[bool] = False,
self.name = name
self.info = info
self.unit = unit
self.tex_name = tex_name if tex_name else name
self.owner = None # instance of the owner Model
self.id = None # variable internal index inside a model (assigned in run time)
self.v_str = v_str # equation string (v = v_str) for variable initialization
self.v_iter = v_iter # the implicit equation (0 = v_iter) for iterative initialization
self.e_str = e_str # residual equation string
self.discrete = discrete # discrete component on which this variable depends
self.v_setter = v_setter # True if this variable sets the variable value
self.e_setter = e_setter # True if this var sets the equation value
self.v_str_add = v_str_add
self.addressable = addressable # True if this var needs to be assigned an address FIXME: not in use
self.export = export # True if this var's value needs to exported
self.diag_eps = diag_eps # small diagonal value to be added to `dae.gy`
self.deps = deps # a list of variable names this BaseVar depends on for initialization
self.is_output = is_output # indicate if this variable is an output terminal
self.is_input = False # internal variables are never inputs
# --- attributes assigned by `set_address` begins ---
self.n = 0
# address into the variable and equation arrays (dae.f/dae.g and dae.x/dae.y)
self.a: np.ndarray = np.array([], dtype=int)
self.av: np.ndarray = np.array([], dtype=int) # FIXME: future var. address array
self.ae: np.ndarray = np.array([], dtype=int) # FIXME: future equation address array
# --- attributes assigned by `set_address` ends ---
self.v: np.ndarray = np.array([], dtype=float) # variable value array
self.e: np.ndarray = np.array([], dtype=float) # equation value array
# internal flags
# contiguous is True only for internal variables of models with flag `collate = False`.
self._contiguous = False # True if if address is contiguous to allow slicing into arrays without copy.
self.e_inplace = False # True if `self.e` is in-place access to `System.dae.__dict__[self.e_code]`
self.v_inplace = False # True if `self.v` is in-place access to `System.dae.__dict__[self.v_code]`
self.allow_none = False # True to allow None in address (NOT IN USE)
[docs] def reset(self):
Reset the internal numpy arrays and flags.
self.n = 0
self.a[:] = 0
self.v[:] = 0
self.e[:] = 0
self.av[:] = 0
self.ae[:] = 0
self._contiguous = False
self.e_inplace = False
self.v_inplace = False
def __repr__(self):
if self.n == 0:
span = []
elif 1 <= self.n <= 20:
span = f'a={self.a}, v={self.v}, e={self.e}'
span = []
if not isinstance(self, ExtVar):
span.append(self.a[1] - self.a[0])
span = ':'.join([str(i) for i in span])
span = 'a=[' + span + ']'
return f'{self.__class__.__name__}: {self.owner.__class__.__name__}.{self.name}, {span}'
[docs] def set_address(self, addr: np.ndarray, contiguous=False):
Set the address of internal variables.
addr : np.ndarray
The assigned address for this variable
contiguous : bool, optional
If the addresses are contiguous
self.a = addr
self.n = len(self.a)
self.ae = np.array(self.a)
self.av = np.array(self.a)
# -----------
self._contiguous = contiguous
if self._contiguous:
if self.e_setter is False:
self.e_inplace = True
if self.v_setter is False:
self.v_inplace = True
[docs] def set_arrays(self, dae, inplace=True, alloc=True):
Set the equation and values arrays.
dae : DAE
Reference to System.dae
if inplace is True:
if alloc is True:
def _set_arrays_inplace(self, dae):
Set arrays that share memory with the dae arrays.
It slicing into DAE due to the contiguous indices.
slice_idx = slice(self.a[0], self.a[-1] + 1)
if self.v_inplace:
self.v = dae.__dict__[self.v_code][slice_idx]
if self.e_inplace:
self.e = dae.__dict__[self.e_code][slice_idx]
def _set_arrays_alloc(self):
Allocate for internal v and e arrays that cannot
share memory with dae arrays.
if not self.v_inplace:
self.v = np.zeros(self.n)
if not self.e_inplace:
self.e = np.zeros(self.n)
[docs] def get_names(self):
return [self.name]
def class_name(self):
return self.__class__.__name__
[docs]class Algeb(BaseVar):
Algebraic variable class, an alias of :py:class:`andes.core.var.BaseVar`.
Note that residual equations corresponding to algebraic variables are given
in an implicit form.
When an algebraic variable ``y`` and the equation ``y = x + z`` shall be
defined, use
.. code-block:: python
e_str = 'x + z - y'
because it expresses the equation ``x + z - y = 0``. It is a common mistake
to use ``e_str = 'x + z'``, which will result in a singular Jacobian matrix
because ``d(x + z) / d(y)`` is zero.
e_code : str
Equation code string, equals string literal ``g``
v_code : str
Variable code string, equals string literal ``y``
e_code = 'g'
v_code = 'y'
[docs]class State(BaseVar):
Differential variable class, an alias of the `BaseVar`.
t_const : BaseParam, DummyValue
Left-hand time constant for the differential equation. They will be
collected to array ``dae.Tf``. Time constants will not be used when
evaluating the right-hand side specified in ``e_str`` but will be
applied to the left-hand side.
check_init : bool
True to check if the equation right-hand-side is zero initially.
Disabling the checking can be used for integrators when the initial
input may not be zero.
e_code : str
Equation code string, equals string literal ``f``
v_code : str
Variable code string, equals string literal ``x``
To implement the swing equation
.. math::
M \dot {\omega} = \tau_m - \tau_e - D(\omega - 1)
Do the following in the ``__init__()`` of a model class:
.. code-block:: python
self.omega = State(e_str = 'tm - te - D * (omega - 1)',
t_const = self.M,
Note that ``self.M``, the inertia parameter is given through ``t_const`` and
is not part of ``e_str``.
e_code = 'f'
v_code = 'x'
[docs] def __init__(self,
name: Optional[str] = None,
tex_name: Optional[str] = None,
info: Optional[str] = None,
unit: Optional[str] = None,
v_str: Optional[Union[str, float]] = None,
v_iter: Optional[str] = None,
e_str: Optional[str] = None,
discrete: Optional[Discrete] = None,
t_const: Optional[Union[BaseParam, DummyValue, BaseService]] = None,
check_init: Optional[bool] = True,
v_setter: Optional[bool] = False,
e_setter: Optional[bool] = False,
addressable: Optional[bool] = True,
export: Optional[bool] = True,
diag_eps: Optional[float] = 0.0,
deps: Optional[List] = None,
BaseVar.__init__(self, name=name,
self.t_const = t_const
self.check_init = check_init
[docs]class ExtVar(BaseVar):
Algebraic variable that links to an external model.
This class is used to retrieve the addresses of a variable defined in an
external model. An equation can be defined for the ``ExtVar``. The evaluated
value for the equation will be stored in the ``ExtVar.e`` attribute and
added to the equations corresponding to the external variables.
model : str
Name of the source model
src : str
Source variable name
indexer : BaseParam, BaseService
A parameter of the hosting model, used as indices into the source model
and variable. If is None, the source variable address will be fully
allow_none : bool, optional, default=False
True to allow None in indexer
e_str : string, optional, default=None
Equation string, the evaluated value of which will be added to the source
residual equation
parent_model : Model
The parent model providing the original parameter.
uid : array-like
An array containing the absolute indices into the parent_instance
e_code : str
Equation code string; copied from the parent instance.
v_code : str
Variable code string; copied from the parent instance.
[docs] def __init__(self,
model: str,
src: str,
indexer: Optional[Union[List, np.ndarray, BaseParam, BaseService]] = None,
allow_none: Optional[bool] = False,
name: Optional[str] = None,
tex_name: Optional[str] = None,
ename: Optional[str] = None,
tex_ename: Optional[str] = None,
info: Optional[str] = None,
unit: Optional[str] = None,
v_str: Optional[Union[str, float]] = None,
v_iter: Optional[str] = None,
e_str: Optional[str] = None,
v_setter: Optional[bool] = False,
e_setter: Optional[bool] = False,
addressable: Optional[bool] = True,
export: Optional[bool] = True,
diag_eps: Optional[float] = 0.0,
is_input: Optional[bool] = False,
# equation name corresponding to this variable
self.ename = ename
self.tex_ename = tex_ename if tex_ename else ename
# address into external equation RHS array (dae.h/dae.i)
self.r: np.ndarray = np.array([], dtype=int)
self.model = model
self.src = src
self.indexer = indexer
self.allow_none = allow_none
self.is_input = is_input # if this ExtVar is an input terminal
self.is_output = False # external variables are never outputs
self.parent = None
self._idx = None
self._n = []
self._n_count = 0
def _v(self):
out = []
idx = 0
for n in self._n:
idx += n
return out
def _a(self):
out = []
idx = 0
for n in self._n:
idx += n
return out
[docs] def set_address(self, addr, contiguous=False):
Assigns address for equation RHS.
self.r = addr
[docs] def set_arrays(self, dae, inplace=True, alloc=True):
Access ``dae.h`` or ``dae.i`` for the RHS of external variables
when ``e_str`` exists..
if self.e_str is None or (self.n == 0):
slice_idx = slice(self.r[0], self.r[-1] + 1)
except IndexError as e:
raise e
if isinstance(self, ExtState):
self.e = dae.h[slice_idx]
elif isinstance(self, ExtAlgeb):
self.e = dae.i[slice_idx]
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def link_external(self, ext_model):
Update variable addresses provided by external models
This method sets attributes including `parent_model`,
`parent_instance`, `uid`, `a`, `n`, `e_code` and
`v_code`. It initializes the `e` and `v` to zero.
ext_model : Model
Instance of the parent model
`link_external` does not check if the ExtVar type is the same
as the original variable to reduce performance overhead.
It will be a silent error (a dimension too small error from `dae.build_pattern`)
if a model uses `ExtAlgeb` to access a `State`, or vice versa.
self.parent = ext_model
if isinstance(ext_model, GroupBase):
# determine the number of elements based on `indexer.v`
if self.indexer.n > 0 and isinstance(self.indexer.v[0], (list, np.ndarray)):
self._n = [len(i) for i in self.indexer.v] # number of elements in each sublist
self._idx = np.concatenate([np.array(i) for i in self.indexer.v])
self._n = [len(self.indexer.v)]
self._idx = self.indexer.v
# use `0` for non-existent addresses (corr. to None in indexer)
self.a = ext_model.get(src=self.src,
# check if source var type is the same as this ExtVar
vcodes = np.array(ext_model.get_field(src=self.src, idx=self._idx, field='v_code'))
vcodes = vcodes[vcodes != np.array(None)].astype(str)
if not all(vcodes == np.array(self.v_code)):
raise TypeError("ExtVar <%s.%s> is of type <%s>, but source Vars <%s.%s> may not." %
(self.owner.class_name, self.name, self.v_code,
ext_model.class_name, self.src))
self.n = len(self.a)
original_var = ext_model.__dict__[self.src]
if self.allow_none:
raise NotImplementedError(f"{self.name}: allow_none not implemented for Model")
if original_var.v_code != self.v_code:
raise TypeError("Linking %s of %s to %s of %s is not allowed" %
(self.name, self.class_name,
original_var.name, original_var.class_name))
if self.indexer is not None:
uid = ext_model.idx2uid(self.indexer.v)
uid = np.arange(ext_model.n, dtype=int)
self._n = [len(uid)]
if len(uid) > 0:
self.a = original_var.a[uid]
self.a = np.array([], dtype=int)
# set initial v and e values to zero
self.n = len(self.a)
self.v = np.zeros(self.n)
# `self.e` is assigned in `set_arrays()`
[docs]class ExtState(ExtVar):
External state variable type.
``ExtState`` is not allowed to set ``t_const``, as it may conflict with the
source ``State`` variable.
Only in rare cases should one set ``e_str`` for ``ExtState``. The
``t_const`` of the source State variable is used.
e_code = 'f'
r_code = 'h'
v_code = 'x'
t_const = None
[docs]class ExtAlgeb(ExtVar):
External algebraic variable type.
e_code = 'g'
r_code = 'i'
v_code = 'y'
[docs]class AliasAlgeb(ExtAlgeb):
Alias algebraic variable. Essentially ``ExtAlgeb`` that links to a a model's
own variable.
``AliasAlgeb`` is useful when the final output of a model is from a block,
but the model must provide the final output in a pre-defined name. Using
``AliasAlgeb``, A model can avoid adding an additional variable with a dummy
Like ``ExtVar``, labels of ``AliasAlgeb`` will not be saved in the final
output. When plotting from file, one need to look up the original variable
[docs] def __init__(self, var, **kwargs):
info=f'Alias of {var.name}',
[docs]class AliasState(ExtState):
Alias state variable.
Refer to the docs of ``AliasAlgeb``.
[docs] def __init__(self, var, **kwargs):
info=f'Alias of {var.name}',