Source code for

PSS/E file parser.

Include a RAW parser and a DYR parser.

import logging
import re
import os
import yaml


from andes.core.symprocessor import resolve_deps
from andes.models import file_classes
from andes.utils.func import list_flatten
from andes.shared import deg2rad, pd
from andes.utils.misc import to_number
from collections import defaultdict

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def testlines(infile): """ Check the raw file for frequency base. """ lines_list = if len(lines_list) == 0: return False first = lines_list[0] first = first.strip().split('/') first = first[0].split(',') # get raw file version if len(first) >= 3: version = int(first[2]) logger.debug(f'PSSE raw version {version} detected') if version < 32 or version > 33: logger.warning('RAW file is not v32 or v33. Errors may occur.') return True else: return False
[docs]def get_block_lines(b, mdata): """ Return the number of lines based on the block index in the RAW file. """ line_counts = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0] if b == 5: # for transformer if mdata[0][2] == 0: # two-winding transformer return 4 else: # three-winding transformer return 5 return line_counts[b]
[docs]def read(system, file): """ Read PSS/E RAW file v32/v33 formats. """ blocks = [ 'bus', 'load', 'fshunt', 'gen', 'branch', 'transf', 'area', 'twotermdc', 'vscdc', 'impedcorr', 'mtdc', 'msline', 'zone', 'interarea', 'owner', 'facts', 'swshunt', 'gne', 'Q' ] rawd = re.compile(r'rawd\d\d') ret = True block_idx = 0 # current block index mva = 100 raw = {} for item in blocks: raw[item] = [] data = [] mdata = [] # multi-line data dev_line = 0 # line counter for multi-line models # read file into `line_list` line_list = # parse file into `raw` with to_number conversions for num, line in enumerate(line_list): line = line.strip() # get basemva and nominal frequency if num == 0: data = line.split('/')[0] data = data.split(',') mva = float(data[1]) system.config.mva = mva try: system.config.freq = float(data[5]) except IndexError: logger.warning('System frequency is set to 60 Hz.\n' 'Consider using a higher version PSS/E raw file.') system.config.freq = 60.0 # get raw file version version = 0 if len(data) >= 3: version = int(data[2]) else: if version = int('rawd')) # NOQA continue elif num == 1 or num == 2: # store the case info line if len(line) > 0:" " + line) continue elif num >= 3: if line[0:2] == '0 ' or line[0:3] == ' 0 ': # end of block block_idx += 1 continue elif line[0] == 'Q': # end of file break data = line.split(',') data = [to_number(item) for item in data] mdata.append(data) dev_line += 1 block_lines = get_block_lines(block_idx, mdata) if dev_line >= block_lines: if block_lines == 1: mdata = mdata[0] raw[blocks[block_idx]].append(mdata) mdata = [] dev_line = 0 # add device elements to system bus_params, bus_idx_list, sw = _parse_bus_v33(raw, system) max_bus = max(bus_idx_list) _parse_load_v33(raw, system) _parse_fshunt_v33(raw, system) _parse_gen_v33(raw, system, sw) _parse_line_v33(raw, system) _parse_transf_v33(raw, system, max_bus) _parse_swshunt_v33(raw, system) _parse_area_v33(raw, system) return ret
def _read_dyr_dict(file): """ Parse dyr file into a dict where keys are model names and values are dataframes. """ input_list = # concatenate multi-line device data input_concat_dict = defaultdict(list) multi_line = list() for line in input_list: if line == '': continue if '/' not in line: multi_line.append(line) else: multi_line.append(line.split('/')[0]) single_line = ' '.join(multi_line) if single_line.strip() == '': continue single_list = single_line.split("'") psse_model = single_list[1].strip() input_concat_dict[psse_model].append(single_list[0] + single_list[2]) multi_line = list() # construct pandas dataframe for all models dyr_dict = dict() # input data from dyr file for psse_model, all_rows in input_concat_dict.items(): dev_params_num = [([to_number(cell) for cell in row.split()]) for row in all_rows] dyr_dict[psse_model] = pd.DataFrame(dev_params_num) return dyr_dict
[docs]def read_add(system, file): """ Read an addition PSS/E dyr file. Parameters ---------- system : System System instance to which data will be loaded file : str Path to the additional `dyr` file Returns ------- bool data parsing status """ dyr_dict = _read_dyr_dict(file) system.dyr_dict = dyr_dict # read yaml and set header for each pss/e model dirname = os.path.dirname(__file__) with open(f'{dirname}/psse-dyr.yaml', 'r') as f: dyr_yaml = yaml.full_load(f) sorted_models = sort_psse_models(dyr_yaml, system) for psse_model in dyr_dict: if psse_model in dyr_yaml: if 'inputs' in dyr_yaml[psse_model]: dyr_dict[psse_model].columns = dyr_yaml[psse_model]['inputs'] # collect not supported models not_supported = [] for model in dyr_dict: if model not in sorted_models: not_supported.append(model) # print out debug messages if len(dyr_dict): logger.debug('dyr contains models %s', ", ".join(dyr_dict.keys())) if len(not_supported): logger.warning('Models not yet supported: %s', ", ".join(not_supported)) else: logger.debug('All dyr models are supported.') # load data into models for psse_model in sorted_models: if psse_model not in dyr_dict: # device not exist continue if psse_model not in dyr_yaml: logger.error(f"PSS/E Model <{psse_model}> is not supported.") continue logger.debug(f'Parsing PSS/E model {psse_model}') dest = dyr_yaml[psse_model]['destination'] find = {} if 'find' in dyr_yaml[psse_model]: for name, source in dyr_yaml[psse_model]['find'].items(): for model, conditions in source.items(): allow_none = conditions.pop('allow_none', 0) cond_names = conditions.keys() cond_values = [] for col in conditions.values(): if col in find: cond_values.append(find[col]) else: cond_values.append(dyr_dict[psse_model][col]) try: logger.debug("<%s> trying to find <%s> using cond_names=%s and cond_values=%s", psse_model, model, cond_names, cond_values) logger.debug("<%s> contains %d devices", model, system.__dict__[model].n) find[name] = system.__dict__[model].find_idx(cond_names, cond_values, allow_none=allow_none) except IndexError as e: logger.error("Data file likely contains references to unsupported models.") logger.error(e) return False if 'get' in dyr_yaml[psse_model]: for name, source in dyr_yaml[psse_model]['get'].items(): for model, conditions in source.items(): idx_name = conditions['idx'] if idx_name in dyr_dict[psse_model]: conditions['idx'] = dyr_dict[psse_model][idx_name] else: conditions['idx'] = find[idx_name] find[name] = system.__dict__[model].get(**conditions) if 'outputs' in dyr_yaml[psse_model]: output_keys = list(dyr_yaml[psse_model]['outputs'].keys()) output_exprs = list(dyr_yaml[psse_model]['outputs'].values()) out_dict = {} for idx in range(len(output_exprs)): out_key = output_keys[idx] expr = output_exprs[idx] if expr in find: out_dict[out_key] = find[expr] elif ';' in expr: args, func = expr.split(';') func = eval(func) args = args.split(',') # support local and external model parameters argv = list() for param in args: if '.' in param: argv.append(param.split('.')) else: argv.append((psse_model, param)) argv = [dyr_dict[model][param] for model, param in argv] out_dict[output_keys[idx]] = func(*argv) else: out_dict[output_keys[idx]] = dyr_dict[psse_model][expr] df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(out_dict) for row in df.to_dict(orient='records'): system.add(dest, row) system.link_ext_param(system.__dict__[dest]) return True
def _parse_bus_v33(raw, system): # version 32: # 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 # ID, NAME, BasekV, Type, Area Zone Owner Vm, Va # out = defaultdict(list) bus_idx_list = list() sw = dict() for data in raw['bus']: idx = data[0] bus_idx_list.append(idx) ty = data[3] a0 = data[8] * deg2rad if ty == 3: sw[idx] = a0 param = {'idx': idx, 'name': data[1], 'Vn': data[2], 'v0': data[7], 'a0': a0, 'area': data[4], 'zone': data[5], 'owner': data[6]} out['Bus'].append(param) _add_devices_from_dict(out, system) return out, bus_idx_list, sw def _parse_load_v33(raw, system): # version 32: # 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 # Bus, Id, Status, Area, Zone, PL(MW), QL (MW), IP, IQ, YP, YQ, OWNER mva = system.config.mva out = defaultdict(list) for data in raw['load']: bus = data[0] vn = system.Bus.get(src='Vn', idx=bus, attr='v') v0 = system.Bus.get(src='v0', idx=bus, attr='v') param = {'bus': bus, 'u': data[2], 'Vn': vn, 'p0': (data[5] + data[7] * v0 + data[9] * v0 ** 2) / mva, 'q0': (data[6] + data[8] * v0 - data[10] * v0 ** 2) / mva, 'owner': data[11]} out['PQ'].append(param) _add_devices_from_dict(out, system) return out def _parse_fshunt_v33(raw, system): # 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 # Bus, name, Status, g (MW), b (Mvar) mva = system.config.mva out = defaultdict(list) for data in raw['fshunt']: bus = data[0] vn = system.Bus.get(src='Vn', idx=bus, attr='v') param = {'bus': bus, 'Vn': vn, 'u': data[2], 'Sn': mva, 'g': data[3] / mva, 'b': data[4] / mva} out['Shunt'].append(param) _add_devices_from_dict(out, system) return out def _parse_gen_v33(raw, system, sw): """ Helper function for parsing static generator section. """ # 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, # I, ID, PG, QG, QT, QB, VS, IREG, MBASE, ZR, ZX, RT, XT, GTAP, STAT, # 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, ..., 26, 27 # RMPCT, PT, PB, O1, F1, ..., O4, F4, WMOD, WPF # The columns above for v33 is different from the manual of v34.5, which includes two new columns: # `NREG`` at 8 and `BSLOD` before `O1` mva = system.config.mva out = defaultdict(list) gen_idx = 0 for data in raw['gen']: bus = data[0] subidx = data[1] vn = system.Bus.get(src='Vn', idx=bus, attr='v') gen_mva = data[8] gen_idx += 1 status = data[14] wmod = data[26] if len(data) >= 26 else 0 param = {'Sn': gen_mva, 'Vn': vn, 'u': status, 'bus': bus, 'subidx': subidx, 'idx': gen_idx, 'p0': data[2] / mva, 'q0': data[3] / mva, 'pmax': data[16] / mva, 'pmin': data[17] / mva, 'qmax': data[4] / mva, 'qmin': data[5] / mva, 'v0': data[6], 'ra': data[9], # ra - armature resistance 'xs': data[10], # xs - synchronous reactance 'wmod': wmod, # generator control mode } if data[0] in sw.keys(): param.update({'a0': sw[data[0]]}) out['Slack'].append(param) else: out['PV'].append(param) _add_devices_from_dict(out, system) return out def _parse_line_v33(raw, system): # # 0,1, 2,3,4,5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10,11,12,13, 14,15,16 # I,J,CKT,R,X,B,RATEA,RATEB,RATEC,GI,BI,GJ,BJ,ST,LEN,O1,F1,...,O4,F4 # out = defaultdict(list) for data in raw['branch']: param = { 'u': data[13], 'bus1': data[0], 'bus2': data[1], 'r': data[3], 'x': data[4], 'b': data[5], 'rate_a': data[6], 'rate_b': data[7], 'rate_c': data[8], 'Vn1': system.Bus.get(src='Vn', idx=data[0], attr='v'), 'Vn2': system.Bus.get(src='Vn', idx=data[1], attr='v'), } out['Line'].append(param) _add_devices_from_dict(out, system) return out def _parse_transf_v33(raw, system, max_bus): out = defaultdict(list) xf_3_count = 1 for data in raw['transf']: if len(data) == 4: # """ # I,J,K,CKT,CW,CZ,CM,MAG1,MAG2,NMETR,'NAME',STAT,O1,F1,...,O4,F4 # R1-2,X1-2,SBASE1-2 # WINDV1,NOMV1,ANG1,RATA1,RATB1,RATC1,COD1,CONT1,RMA1,RMI1,VMA1,VMI1,NTP1,TAB1,CR1,CX1 # WINDV2,NOMV2 # # """ Sn = system.config.mva bus_Vn1 = system.Bus.get(src='Vn', idx=data[0][0], attr='v') bus_Vn2 = system.Bus.get(src='Vn', idx=data[0][1], attr='v') Vn1 = data[2][1] if data[2][1] != 0.0 else bus_Vn1 Vn2 = data[3][1] if data[3][1] != 0.0 else bus_Vn2 transf = True tap = data[2][0] # pu or in kV phi = data[2][2] * deg2rad # `ANG1` is entered in degree; convert to rad rate_a = data[2][3] rate_b = data[2][4] rate_c = data[2][5] # CW - Winding I/O code, 1-turn ratio on pu bus base kV, 2: winding V, 3: turn ratio pu on norn wind V if data[0][4] == 2: tap = (data[2][0] / bus_Vn1) / (data[3][0] / bus_Vn2) elif data[0][4] == 3: tap = tap * (Vn1 / bus_Vn1) / (Vn2 / bus_Vn2) # CZ - Z code, 1-system base, 2-winding base, 3-load loss and |z| if data[0][5] == 1: Sn = system.config.mva elif data[0][5] == 2: Sn = data[1][2] else: logger.warning('Impedance code 3 not implemented') # CM - Y code, 1-system base, 2-No load loss and exc. loss if data[0][6] == 2: logger.warning('Admittance code 2 not implemented') param = {'bus1': data[0][0], 'bus2': data[0][1], 'u': data[0][11], 'b': data[0][8], 'r': data[1][0], 'x': data[1][1], 'trans': transf, 'tap': tap, 'phi': phi, 'Sn': Sn, 'Vn1': Vn1, 'Vn2': Vn2, 'rate_a': rate_a, 'rate_b': rate_b, 'rate_c': rate_c, } out['Line'].append(param) else: # I, J, K, CKT, CW, CZ, CM, MAG1, MAG2, NMETR, 'NAME', STAT, Ol, Fl,...,o4, F4 # R1-2, X1-2, SBASE1-2, R2-3, X2-3, SBASE2-3, R3-1, X3-1, SBASE3-1, VMSTAR, ANSTAR # WINDV1, NOMV1, ANG1, RATA1, BATB1, RATC1, COD1, CONT1, RMA1, RMI1, VMA1, VMI1, NTP1, TAB1, CR1, CX1 # WINDV2, NOMV2, ANG2, RATA2, BATB2, RATC2, COD2, CONT2, RMA2, RMI2, VMA2, VMI2, NTP2, TAB2, CR2, CX2 # WINDV3, NOMV3, ANG3, RATA3, BATB3, RATC3, COD3, CONT3, RMA3, RMI3, VMA3, VMI3, NTP3, TAB3, CR3, CX3 new_bus = data[0][2] + 1 if new_bus in system.Bus.idx.v: new_bus = max_bus + xf_3_count logger.warning('Added bus <%s> for 3-winding transformer <%s-%s-%s>', new_bus, data[0][0], data[0][1], data[0][2]) # Assign `area`, `owner`, and `zone` using the high-voltage side bus values high_voltage_bus = data[0][0] area = system.Bus.get(src='area', attr='v', idx=high_voltage_bus) zone = system.Bus.get(src='zone', attr='v', idx=high_voltage_bus) owner = system.Bus.get(src='owner', attr='v', idx=high_voltage_bus) param = {'idx': new_bus, 'name': '_'.join([str(i) for i in data[0][:3]]), 'Vn': 1.0, 'v0': data[1][-2], 'a0': data[1][-1] * deg2rad, 'area': area, 'owner': owner, 'zone': zone, } out['Bus'].append(param) r = [] x = [] r.append((data[1][0] + data[1][6] - data[1][3])/2) r.append((data[1][3] + data[1][0] - data[1][6])/2) r.append((data[1][6] + data[1][3] - data[1][0])/2) x.append((data[1][1] + data[1][7] - data[1][4])/2) x.append((data[1][4] + data[1][1] - data[1][7])/2) x.append((data[1][7] + data[1][4] - data[1][1])/2) for i in range(0, 3): param = {'trans': True, 'bus1': data[0][i], 'bus2': new_bus, 'u': data[0][11], 'b': data[0][8], 'r': r[i], 'x': x[i], 'tap': data[2+i][0], 'phi': data[2+i][2] * deg2rad, 'Vn1': system.Bus.get(src='Vn', idx=data[0][i], attr='v'), 'Vn2': 1.0, } out['Line'].append(param) xf_3_count += 1 _add_devices_from_dict(out, system) return out, xf_3_count def _parse_swshunt_v33(raw, system): # I, MODSW, ADJM, STAT, VSWHI, VSWLO, SWREM, RMPCT, RMIDNT, # BINIT, N1, B1, N2, B2, ... N8, B8 out = defaultdict(list) mva = system.config.mva for data in raw['swshunt']: bus = data[0] vn = system.Bus.get(src='Vn', idx=bus, attr='v') param = {'bus': bus, 'Vn': vn, 'Sn': mva, 'u': data[3], 'b': data[9] / mva} out['Shunt'].append(param) _add_devices_from_dict(out, system) return out def _parse_area_v33(raw, system): out = defaultdict(list) for data in raw['area']: # ID, ISW, PDES, PTOL, ARNAME param = {'idx': data[0], 'name': data[4], # 'isw': data[1], # 'pdes': data[2], # 'ptol': data[3], } out['Area'].append(param) for data in raw['zone']: # """ID, NAME""" param = {'idx': data[0], 'name': data[1]} # TODO: add back # system.add('Zone', param) _add_devices_from_dict(out, system) return out def _add_devices_from_dict(params, system): """ Add devices from a dict, where the key is the model name, and the value is a list of parameters. """ for name, plist in params.items(): for p in plist: system.add(name, p)
[docs]def sort_psse_models(dyr_yaml, system): """ Sort supported models so that model names are ordered by dependency. Dependency is determined by checking the ``find`` key in ``psse-dyr.yaml`` for each model. Returns ------- list The sequence of model names for loading parameters. """ _, andes_models = map(list, zip(*file_classes)) andes_models = list_flatten(andes_models) graph = defaultdict(list) for psse_model in dyr_yaml: # build model dependency graph if 'find' in dyr_yaml[psse_model]: # below is a list of `dict_keys` dep_models = [item.keys() for item in dyr_yaml[psse_model]['find'].values()] # extract strings from single-element `dict_keys` dep_models = [list(item)[0] for item in dep_models] graph[psse_model].extend(dep_models) # resolve PSS/E model dependency based on `find` # `find` requires the model indices to have existed for key in graph: value = list(graph[key]) for item in graph[key]: if item in system.groups: value.remove(item) value.extend(list(system.groups[item].models.keys())) graph[key] = value sequence = resolve_deps(graph) # does not support ciruclar dependencies for item in sequence: if not isinstance(item, str): raise NotImplementedError("Circular depencency exists for models %s. %s". item, "Please report this bug.") # prepend no-dependency models to the front nodep_models = list() for item in andes_models: if item not in sequence: nodep_models.append(item) return nodep_models + sequence