pandapower Interface#

This example (1) shows how to convert an ANDES system (ssa) to a pandapower network (ssp), (2) benchmarks the powerflow results, (3) shows how to alter ssa active power setpoints according to ssp results.

The following clarafications you might need to know:

  1. This interface tracks static power flow model in ANDES: Bus, Line, PQ, Shunt, PV, and Slack. The dynamic model in ANDES is not tracked, including but not limited to TurbineGov, SynGen, and Exciter.

  2. The interface converts the Slack in ANDES to gen in pandapower rather than ext_gen.

  3. MUST NOT verify power flow after initializing TDS in ANDES. ANDES does not allow running PFlow for systems with initialized TDS as it will break variable addressing.

  4. If you want to track dynamic model outputs in ANDES and feedback into pandapower, you might need to manually transfer the results from ANDES to pandapower.

This interface is mainly developed by Jinning Wang.

import andes

from andes.interop.pandapower import to_pandapower, \
    make_link_table, runopp_map, add_gencost


import pandapower as pp
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from math import pi

Load case#

Here we use the same ANDES system ss0 to do the pandapower conversion, which leaves the ssa untouched.

This will be useful if you need to modify the ssa parametes or setpoints.

ssa = andes.load(andes.get_case('ieee14/ieee14_ieeet1.xlsx'),
ssa.Toggle.u.v = [0, 0]

ss0 = andes.load(andes.get_case('ieee14/ieee14_ieeet1.xlsx'),
ss0.Toggle.u.v = [0, 0]
Working directory: "/Users/jinningwang/Documents/work/andes/docs/source/examples"
> Loaded generated Python code in "/Users/jinningwang/.andes/pycode".
Generated code for <PQ> is stale.
Numerical code generation (rapid incremental mode) started...
Generating code for 1 models on 8 processes.
Saved generated pycode to "/Users/jinningwang/.andes/pycode"
> Reloaded generated Python code of module "pycode".
Generated numerical code for 1 models in 0.1328 seconds.
Parsing input file "/Users/jinningwang/Documents/work/andes/andes/cases/ieee14/ieee14_ieeet1.xlsx"...
Input file parsed in 0.0441 seconds.
System internal structure set up in 0.0236 seconds.
Working directory: "/Users/jinningwang/Documents/work/andes/docs/source/examples"
> Reloaded generated Python code of module "pycode".
Generated code for <PQ> is stale.
Numerical code generation (rapid incremental mode) started...
Generating code for 1 models on 8 processes.
Saved generated pycode to "/Users/jinningwang/.andes/pycode"
> Reloaded generated Python code of module "pycode".
Generated numerical code for 1 models in 0.2553 seconds.
Parsing input file "/Users/jinningwang/Documents/work/andes/andes/cases/ieee14/ieee14_ieeet1.xlsx"...
Input file parsed in 0.0367 seconds.
System internal structure set up in 0.0227 seconds.

Convert to pandapower net#

Convert ADNES system ssa to pandapower net ssp.

ssp = to_pandapower(ss0)
-> System connectivity check results:
  No islanded bus detected.
  System is interconnected.
  Each island has a slack bus correctly defined and enabled.

-> Power flow calculation
           Numba: Off
   Sparse solver: KLU
 Solution method: NR method
Power flow initialized in 0.0029 seconds.
0: |F(x)| = 0.5605182134
1: |F(x)| = 0.006202200332
2: |F(x)| = 5.819382825e-06
3: |F(x)| = 6.957087684e-12
Converged in 4 iterations in 0.0038 seconds.
Power flow results are consistent. Conversion is successful.

Add generator cost data.

gen_cost = np.array([
        [2, 0, 0, 3, 0.0430293, 20, 0], 
        [2, 0, 0, 3, 0.25,      20, 0], 
        [2, 0, 0, 3, 0.01,      40, 0], 
        [2, 0, 0, 3, 0.01,      40, 0], 
        [2, 0, 0, 3, 0.01,      40, 0]

add_gencost(ssp, gen_cost)

Inspect the pandapower net ssp.

This pandapower network includes the following parameter tables:
   - bus (14 elements)
   - load (11 elements)
   - gen (5 elements)
   - shunt (2 elements)
   - line (16 elements)
   - trafo (4 elements)
   - poly_cost (5 elements)
 and the following results tables:
   - res_bus (14 elements)
   - res_line (16 elements)
   - res_trafo (4 elements)
   - res_load (11 elements)
   - res_shunt (2 elements)
   - res_gen (5 elements)

Comapre Power Flow Results#

Run power flow of ssa.
-> System connectivity check results:
  No islanded bus detected.
  System is interconnected.
  Each island has a slack bus correctly defined and enabled.

-> Power flow calculation
           Numba: Off
   Sparse solver: KLU
 Solution method: NR method
Power flow initialized in 0.0039 seconds.
0: |F(x)| = 0.5605182134
1: |F(x)| = 0.006202200332
2: |F(x)| = 5.819382825e-06
3: |F(x)| = 6.957087684e-12
Converged in 4 iterations in 0.0045 seconds.
# ssa
ssa_res_gen = pd.DataFrame(columns=['name', 'p_mw', 'q_mvar', 'va_degree', 'vm_pu'])
ssa_res_gen['name'] = ssa.PV.as_df()['name']
ssa_res_gen['p_mw'] = ssa.PV.p.v * ssa.config.mva
ssa_res_gen['q_mvar'] = ssa.PV.q.v * ssa.config.mva
ssa_res_gen['va_degree'] = ssa.PV.a.v * 180 / pi
ssa_res_gen['vm_pu'] = ssa.PV.v.v
ssa_res_slack = pd.DataFrame([[[0], ssa.Slack.p.v[0] * ssa.config.mva,
                              ssa.Slack.q.v[0] * ssa.config.mva, ssa.Slack.a.v[0] * 180 / pi,
ssa_res_gen = pd.concat([ssa_res_gen, ssa_res_slack]).reset_index(drop=True)

# ssp
ssp_res_gen = pd.concat([ssp.gen['name'], ssp.res_gen], axis=1)

res_gen_concat = pd.concat([ssa_res_gen, ssp_res_gen], axis=1)

# ssa
ssa_pf_bus = ssa.Bus.as_df()[["name"]].copy()
ssa_pf_bus['v_andes'] = ssa.Bus.v.v
ssa_pf_bus['a_andes'] = ssa.Bus.a.v * 180 / pi

# ssp
ssp_pf_bus = ssa.Bus.as_df()[["name"]].copy()
ssp_pf_bus['v_pp'] = ssp.res_bus['vm_pu']
ssp_pf_bus['a_pp'] = ssp.res_bus['va_degree']

pf_bus_concat = pd.concat([ssa_pf_bus, ssp_pf_bus], axis=1)


In the table below, the left half are ANDES results, and the right half are from pandapower

name p_mw q_mvar va_degree vm_pu name p_mw q_mvar va_degree vm_pu
0 2 40.0000 30.4361 -1.7641 1.03 2 40.0000 30.4361 -1.7641 1.03
1 3 40.0000 12.5971 -3.5371 1.01 3 40.0000 12.5971 -3.5371 1.01
2 4 30.0000 20.9866 -6.4527 1.03 4 30.0000 20.9866 -6.4527 1.03
3 5 35.0000 7.3964 -1.5400 1.03 5 35.0000 7.3964 -1.5400 1.03
4 1 81.4272 -21.6171 0.0000 1.03 1 81.4272 -21.6171 0.0000 1.03

Bus voltage and angle#

Likewise, the left half are ANDES results, and the right half are from pandapower

name v_andes a_andes name v_pp a_pp
0 BUS1 1.0300 0.0000 BUS1 1.0300 0.0000
1 BUS2 1.0300 -1.7641 BUS2 1.0300 -1.7641
2 BUS3 1.0100 -3.5371 BUS3 1.0100 -3.5371
3 BUS4 1.0114 -4.4098 BUS4 1.0114 -4.4098
4 BUS5 1.0173 -3.8430 BUS5 1.0173 -3.8430
5 BUS6 1.0300 -6.4527 BUS6 1.0300 -6.4527
6 BUS7 1.0225 -4.8852 BUS7 1.0225 -4.8852
7 BUS8 1.0300 -1.5400 BUS8 1.0300 -1.5400
8 BUS9 1.0218 -7.2459 BUS9 1.0218 -7.2459
9 BUS10 1.0155 -7.4155 BUS10 1.0155 -7.4155
10 BUS11 1.0191 -7.0797 BUS11 1.0191 -7.0797
11 BUS12 1.0174 -7.4730 BUS12 1.0174 -7.4730
12 BUS13 1.0145 -7.7208 BUS13 1.0145 -7.7208
13 BUS14 1.0163 -9.4811 BUS14 1.0163 -9.4811

Generator dispatch based on OPF from pandapower#

Prepare the link table.

# Asign the StaticGen with OPF, in this case, all the SynGen are GENROU
link_table = make_link_table(ssa)
stg_name stg_u stg_idx bus_idx dg_idx rg_idx rexc_idx syg_idx exc_idx gov_idx bus_name gammap gammaq
0 1 1.0 1 1 NaN NaN NaN GENROU_1 ESST3A_2 TGOV1_1 BUS1 1.0 1.0
1 2 1.0 2 2 NaN NaN NaN GENROU_2 EXST1_1 TGOV1_2 BUS2 1.0 1.0
2 3 1.0 3 3 NaN NaN NaN GENROU_3 ESST3A_3 TGOV1_3 BUS3 1.0 1.0
3 4 1.0 4 6 NaN NaN NaN GENROU_4 ESST3A_4 TGOV1_4 BUS6 1.0 1.0
4 5 1.0 5 8 NaN NaN NaN GENROU_5 1 TGOV1_5 BUS8 1.0 1.0

Note: some Jupyter notebooks may not support inline plots. You can use the following command to enable it.

import matplotlib
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib
%matplotlib inline

Run the TDS in ADNES to 2s. = 2

-> Time Domain Simulation Summary:
Sparse Solver: KLU
Simulation time: 0.0-2 s.
Fixed step size: h=33.33 ms. Shrink if not converged.
Initialization for dynamics completed in 0.1282 seconds.
Initialization was successful.
Simulation to t=2.00 sec completed in 0.0623 seconds.
(<Figure size 640x480 with 1 Axes>, <AxesSubplot:xlabel='Time [s]'>)

Get the OPF results from pandapower. The ssp_res has been converted to p.u..

ssp_res = runopp_map(ssp, link_table)
ACOPF is solved.
stg_idx p q vm_pu bus_idx controllable dg_idx rg_idx syg_idx gov_idx exc_idx
0 2 0.5 0.129107 1.096903 2 True NaN NaN GENROU_2 TGOV1_2 EXST1_1
1 3 0.41275 0.149997 1.082551 3 True NaN NaN GENROU_3 TGOV1_3 ESST3A_3
2 4 0.34426 0.099998 1.086084 6 True NaN NaN GENROU_4 TGOV1_4 ESST3A_4
3 5 0.495878 0.085204 1.099996 8 True NaN NaN GENROU_5 TGOV1_5 1
4 1 0.5 -0.079016 1.100000 1 True NaN NaN GENROU_1 TGOV1_1 ESST3A_2

Now dispatch the resutls into ssa, where the active power setpoitns are updated to TurbinGov.pref0.

ssa_gov_idx = list(ssp_res['gov_idx'][~ssp_res['gov_idx'].isna()])
ssa.TurbineGov.set(src='pref0', idx=ssa_gov_idx, attr='v', value=ssp_res['p'][~ssp_res['gov_idx'].isna()])
ssa.TurbineGov.get(src='pref0', idx=ssa_gov_idx, attr='v')
array([0.49999998, 0.41274963, 0.34426   , 0.49587786, 0.50000031])

Now run the TDS to 50s. = 50
Simulation to t=50.00 sec completed in 1.9001 seconds.

We can see the outputs of GENROU are rearranged by the OPF results.

(<Figure size 640x480 with 1 Axes>, <AxesSubplot:xlabel='Time [s]'>)