Source code for

JSON reader and writer for ANDES.

import io
import json
import logging

from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Union

from andes.utils.paths import confirm_overwrite

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def testlines(infile): return True
[docs]def write(system, outfile, skip_empty=True, overwrite=None, **kwargs): """ Write loaded ANDES system data into a JSON file. Parameters ---------- system : System A loaded system with parameters outfile : str Path to the output file skip_empty : bool Skip output of empty models (n = 0) overwrite : bool None to prompt for overwrite selection; True to overwrite; False to not overwrite Returns ------- bool True if file written; False otherwise """ if not confirm_overwrite(outfile, overwrite): return False if hasattr(outfile, 'write'): outfile.write(_dump_system(system, skip_empty)) else: with open(outfile, 'w') as writer: writer.write(_dump_system(system, skip_empty))'JSON file written to "%s"', outfile) return True
def _dump_system(system, skip_empty, orient='records'): """ Dump parameters of each model into a json string and return them all in an OrderedDict. """ out = OrderedDict() for name, instance in system.models.items(): if skip_empty and instance.n == 0: continue out[name] = instance.cache.df_in.to_dict(orient=orient) return json.dumps(out, indent=2)
[docs]def read(system, infile: Union[str, io.IOBase]): """ Read JSON file with ANDES model data into an empty system. Parameters ---------- system : System Empty System instance infile : str or io.BaseIO str: path to the input file; or io.BaseIO: a stream to read from Returns ------- System System instance after succeeded """ if isinstance(infile, str): f = open(infile, 'r') else: f = infile json_in = json.load(f) if f is not infile: f.close() for name, dct in json_in.items(): for row in dct: system.add(name, row) return system