Changing Setpoints#

This notebook shows an example of changing the generator setpoints in a time-domain simulation. Data in this example is trivial, but the example can be retrofitted for scenarios such as economic dispatch incorporation or reinforcement learning.

Steps are the folllwing:

  1. Initialize a system by running the power flow,

  2. Set the first simulation stop time in,

  3. Run the simulation,

  4. Update the setpoints,

  5. Set the new simulation stop time and repeat from 3 until the end.

Step 1: Case Setup#

import andes
from andes.utils import get_case
kundur = get_case('kundur/kundur_full.xlsx')

ss =
Working directory: "/home/hacui/repos/andes/examples"
> Loaded config from file "/home/hacui/.andes/andes.rc"
> Loaded generated Python code in "/home/hacui/.andes/pycode".
Parsing input file "/home/hacui/repos/andes/andes/cases/kundur/kundur_full.xlsx"...
Input file parsed in 0.2635 seconds.
System internal structure set up in 0.0315 seconds.
-> System connectivity check results:
  No islanded bus detected.
  System is interconnected.
  Each island has a slack bus correctly defined and enabled.

-> Power flow calculation
           Numba: Off
   Sparse solver: KLU
 Solution method: NR method
Power flow initialized in 0.0087 seconds.
0: |F(x)| = 14.9282832
1: |F(x)| = 3.608627841
2: |F(x)| = 0.1701107882
3: |F(x)| = 0.002038626956
4: |F(x)| = 3.745104027e-07
Converged in 5 iterations in 0.0108 seconds.
Initialization for dynamics completed in 0.0395 seconds.
Initialization was successful.
Report saved to "kundur_full_out.txt" in 0.0023 seconds.
-> Single process finished in 0.5215 seconds.
# disable the Toggler in this case
ss.Toggler.alter('u', 1, 0)

Step 2: Set the First Stop Time#

# simulate to t=1 sec

# specify the first stop in `` = 1

Step 3: Run Simulation#
-> Time Domain Simulation Summary:
Sparse Solver: KLU
Simulation time: 0.0-1 s.
Fixed step size: h=33.33 ms. Shrink if not converged.
Simulation completed in 0.0245 seconds.
Outputs to "kundur_full_out.lst" and "kundur_full_out.npz".
Outputs written in 0.0039 seconds.

Step 4. Apply the auxiliary power setpoints to TGOV1.paux0.v#

First, let's check the equations of TGOV1. ss.TGOV1.paux0 is associated with equation 0 = paux - paux0, in which paux is added to the power input equation.

Model <TGOV1> in Group <TurbineGov>
TGOV1 turbine governor model.

Implements the PSS/E TGOV1 model without deadband.


 Name  |            Description            | Default | Unit |    Properties   
 idx   | unique device idx                 |         |      |                 
 u     | connection status                 | 1       | bool |                 
 name  | device name                       |         |      |                 
 syn   | Synchronous generator idx         |         |      | mandatory,unique
 Tn    | Turbine power rating. Equal to    |         | MVA  |                 
       | `Sn` if not provided.             |         |      |                 
 wref0 | Base speed reference              | 1       | p.u. |                 
 R     | Speed regulation gain (mach. base | 0.050   | p.u. | ipower          
       | default)                          |         |      |                 
 VMAX  | Maximum valve position            | 1.200   | p.u. | power           
 VMIN  | Minimum valve position            | 0       | p.u. | power           
 T1    | Valve time constant               | 0.100   |      |                 
 T2    | Lead-lag lead time constant       | 0.200   |      |                 
 T3    | Lead-lag lag time constant        | 10      |      |                 
 Dt    | Turbine damping coefficient       | 0       |      | power           
 Sg    | Rated power from generator        | 0       | MVA  |                 
 ug    | Generator connection status       | 0       | bool |                 
 Vn    | Rated voltage from generator      | 0       | kV   |                 


 Name  |   Type   |             Description              | Unit | Properties
 LAG_y | State    | State in lag TF                      |      | v_str     
 LL_x  | State    | State in lead-lag                    |      | v_str     
 omega | ExtState | Generator speed                      | p.u. |           
 paux  | Algeb    | Auxiliary power input                |      | v_str     
 pout  | Algeb    | Turbine final output power           |      | v_str     
 wref  | Algeb    | Speed reference variable             |      | v_str     
 pref  | Algeb    | Reference power input                |      | v_str     
 wd    | Algeb    | Generator speed deviation            | p.u. | v_str     
 pd    | Algeb    | Pref plus speed deviation times gain | p.u. | v_str     
 LL_y  | Algeb    | Output of lead-lag                   |      | v_str     
 tm    | ExtAlgeb | Mechanical power interface to SynGen |      |           

Initialization Equations

 Name  |   Type   | Initial Value
 LAG_y | State    | pd * 1 / 1   
 LL_x  | State    | LAG_y        
 omega | ExtState |              
 paux  | Algeb    | paux0        
 pout  | Algeb    | ue * tm0     
 wref  | Algeb    | wref0        
 pref  | Algeb    | tm0 * R      
 wd    | Algeb    | 0            
 pd    | Algeb    | ue * tm0     
 LL_y  | Algeb    | LAG_y        
 tm    | ExtAlgeb |              

Differential Equations

 Name  |   Type   | RHS of Equation "T x' = f(x, y)" | T (LHS)
 LAG_y | State    | 1 * pd - 1 * LAG_y               | T1     
 LL_x  | State    | (LAG_y - LL_x)                   | T3     
 omega | ExtState |                                  |        

Algebraic Equations

Name  |   Type   |                RHS of Equation "0 = g(x, y)"               
 paux | Algeb    | paux0 - paux                                               
 pout | Algeb    | ue * (LL_y - Dt * wd) - pout                               
 wref | Algeb    | wref0 - wref                                               
 pref | Algeb    | pref0 * R - pref                                           
 wd   | Algeb    | ue * (omega - wref) - wd                                   
 pd   | Algeb    | ue*(- wd + pref + paux) * gain - pd                        
 LL_y | Algeb    | 1 * T2 * (LAG_y - LL_x) + 1 * LL_x * T3 - LL_y * T3+       
      |          | LL_LT1_z1 * LL_LT2_z1 * (LL_y - 1 * LL_x)                  
 tm   | ExtAlgeb | ue * (pout - tm0)                                          


 Name  | Equation |     Type    
 ue    | u * ug   | ConstService
 pref0 | tm0      | ConstService
 paux0 | 0        | ConstService
 gain  | ue/R     | ConstService


  Name   |    Type    |      Info     
 LAG_lim | AntiWindup | Limiter in Lag
 LL_LT1  | LessThan   |               
 LL_LT2  | LessThan   |               


Name |     Type      | Info
 LAG | LagAntiWindup |     
 LL  | LeadLag       |     

Config Fields in [TGOV1]

   Option     | Value |                Info                | Acceptable values
 allow_adjust | 1     | allow adjusting upper or lower     | (0, 1)           
              |       | limits                             |                  
 adjust_lower | 0     | adjust lower limit                 | (0, 1)           
 adjust_upper | 1     | adjust upper limit                 | (0, 1)           
array([0., 0., 0., 0.])
# look up the original values of TGOV1 make sure they are as expected

array([0., 0., 0., 0.])
# MUST use in-place assignments. 
# Here, we increase the setpoint of the 0-th generator

# method 1: use in-place assignment again

ss.TGOV1.paux0.v[0] = 0.05

# method 2: use ``ss.TGOV1.alter()``

# ss.TGOV1.alter('paux0', 1, 0.05)
array([0.05, 0.  , 0.  , 0.  ])

Continue to simulate to 2 seconds. = 2
Simulation completed in 0.0916 seconds.
Outputs to "kundur_full_out.lst" and "kundur_full_out.npz".
Outputs written in 0.0032 seconds.
(<Figure size 480x320 with 1 Axes>, <AxesSubplot:xlabel='Time [s]'>)
(<Figure size 480x320 with 1 Axes>, <AxesSubplot:xlabel='Time [s]'>)
(<Figure size 480x320 with 1 Axes>, <AxesSubplot:xlabel='Time [s]'>)

Step 5: Set Another New Setpoints and New Ending TIme.#

In this example, we clear the auxiliary power previously set to TGOV1.paux0.v

# method 1: use in-place assignment again

ss.TGOV1.paux0.v[0] = 0.

# method 2: use ``ss.TGOV1.alter()``

# ss.TGOV1.alter('paux0', 1, 0)

# set the new ending time to 10 sec. = 10
Simulation completed in 0.6068 seconds.
Outputs to "kundur_full_out.lst" and "kundur_full_out.npz".
Outputs written in 0.0275 seconds.
(<Figure size 480x320 with 1 Axes>, <AxesSubplot:xlabel='Time [s]'>)
(<Figure size 480x320 with 1 Axes>, <AxesSubplot:xlabel='Time [s]'>)
!andes misc -C
"/home/hacui/repos/andes/examples/kundur_full_out.npz" removed.
"/home/hacui/repos/andes/examples/kundur_full_out.txt" removed.
"/home/hacui/repos/andes/examples/kundur_full_out.lst" removed.