Source code for andes.main

#!/bin/bash python

Main entry point for the ANDES CLI and scripting interfaces.

#  [ANDES] (C)2015-2022 Hantao Cui
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  File name:
#  Last modified: 8/16/20, 7:26 PM

import cProfile
import glob
import io
import logging
import os
import platform
import pprint
import pstats
import sys
from functools import partial
from subprocess import call
from time import sleep
from typing import Optional, Union

from ._version import get_versions

import andes
from andes.routines import routine_cli
from andes.shared import Pool, Process, coloredlogs, unittest, NCPUS_PHYSICAL
from andes.system import System
from andes.utils.misc import elapsed, is_interactive
from andes.utils.paths import get_config_path, get_log_dir, tests_root

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def config_logger(stream_level=logging.INFO, *, stream=True, file=True, log_file='andes.log', log_path=None, file_level=logging.DEBUG, ): """ Configure an ANDES logger with a `FileHandler` and a `StreamHandler`. This function is called at the beginning of ``andes.main.main()``. Updating ``stream_level`` and ``file_level`` is now supported. Parameters ---------- stream : bool, optional Create a `StreamHandler` for `stdout` if ``True``. If ``False``, the handler will not be created. file : bool, optionsl True if logging to ``log_file``. log_file : str, optional Logg file name for `FileHandler`, ``'andes.log'`` by default. If ``None``, the `FileHandler` will not be created. log_path : str, optional Path to store the log file. By default, the path is generated by get_log_dir() in utils.misc. stream_level : {10, 20, 30, 40, 50}, optional `StreamHandler` verbosity level. file_level : {10, 20, 30, 40, 50}, optional `FileHandler` verbosity level. Returns ------- None """ lg = logging.getLogger('andes') lg.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) if log_path is None: log_path = get_log_dir() sh_formatter_str = '%(message)s' if stream_level == 1: sh_formatter_str = '%(name)s:%(lineno)d - %(levelname)s - %(message)s' stream_level = 10 sh_formatter = logging.Formatter(sh_formatter_str) if len(lg.handlers) == 0: # create a StreamHandler if stream is True: sh = logging.StreamHandler() sh.setFormatter(sh_formatter) sh.setLevel(stream_level) lg.addHandler(sh) # file handler for level DEBUG and up if file is True and (log_file is not None): log_full_path = os.path.join(log_path, log_file) fh_formatter = logging.Formatter('%(process)d: %(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') fh = logging.FileHandler(log_full_path) fh.setLevel(file_level) fh.setFormatter(fh_formatter) lg.addHandler(fh) globals()['logger'] = lg else: # update the handlers set_logger_level(logger, logging.StreamHandler, stream_level) set_logger_level(logger, logging.FileHandler, file_level) if not is_interactive(): coloredlogs.install(logger=lg, level=stream_level, fmt=sh_formatter_str)
[docs]def edit_conf(edit_config: Optional[Union[str, bool]] = ''): """ Edit the Andes config file which occurs first in the search path. Parameters ---------- edit_config : bool If ``True``, try to open up an editor and edit the config file. Otherwise returns. Returns ------- bool ``True`` is a config file is found and an editor is opened. ``False`` if ``edit_config`` is False. """ ret = False # no `edit-config` supplied if edit_config == '': return ret conf_path = get_config_path() if conf_path is None:'Config file does not exist. Automatically saving.') system = System() conf_path = system.save_config()'Editing config file "%s"', conf_path) editor = '' if edit_config is not None: # use `edit_config` as default editor editor = edit_config else: # use the following default editors if platform.system() == 'Linux': editor = os.environ.get('EDITOR', 'vim') elif platform.system() == 'Darwin': editor = os.environ.get('EDITOR', 'vim') elif platform.system() == 'Windows': editor = 'notepad.exe' editor_cmd = editor.split() editor_cmd.append(conf_path) call(editor_cmd) ret = True return ret
[docs]def save_conf(config_path=None, overwrite=None, **kwargs): """ Save the Andes config to a file at the path specified by ``save_config``. The save action will not run if ``save_config = ''``. Parameters ---------- config_path : None or str, optional, ('' by default) Path to the file to save the config file. If the path is an emtpy string, the save action will not run. Save to `~/.andes/andes.conf` if ``None``. Returns ------- bool ``True`` is the save action is run. ``False`` otherwise. """ ret = False # no ``--save-config `` if config_path == '': return ret if config_path is not None and os.path.isdir(config_path): config_path = os.path.join(config_path, 'andes.rc') ps = System(**kwargs) ps.save_config(config_path, overwrite=overwrite) ret = True return ret
[docs]def remove_output(recursive=False): """ Remove the outputs generated by Andes, including power flow reports ``_out.txt``, time-domain list ``_out.lst`` and data ``_out.dat``, eigenvalue analysis report ``_eig.txt``. Parameters ---------- recursive : bool Recursively clean all subfolders Returns ------- bool ``True`` is the function body executes with success. ``False`` otherwise. """ found = False cwd = os.getcwd() if recursive: dirs = [x[0] for x in os.walk(cwd)] else: dirs = (cwd,) for d in dirs: for file in os.listdir(d): if file.endswith('_eig.txt') or \ file.endswith('_out.txt') or \ file.endswith('_out.lst') or \ file.endswith('_out.npy') or \ file.endswith('_out.npz') or \ file.endswith('') or \ file.endswith('_prof.txt'): found = True try: os.remove(os.path.join(d, file))'"%s" removed.', os.path.join(d, file)) except IOError: logger.error('Error removing file "%s".', os.path.join(d, file)) if not found:'No output file found in the working directory.') return True
[docs]def load(case, codegen=False, setup=True, use_input_path=True, **kwargs): """ Load a case and set up a system without running routine. Return a system. Takes other kwargs recognizable by ``System``, such as ``addfile``, ``input_path``, and ``no_putput``. Parameters ---------- case: str Path to the test case codegen : bool, optional Call full `System.prepare` on the returned system. Set to True if one need to inspect pretty-print equations and run simulations. setup : bool, optional Call `System.setup` after loading use_input_path : bool, optional True to use the ``input_path`` argument to behave the same as ````. Warnings -------- If one need to add devices in addition to these from the case file, do ``setup=False`` and call ``System.add()`` to add devices. When done, manually invoke ``setup()`` to set up the system. """ if use_input_path: input_path = kwargs.get('input_path', '') case = _find_cases(case, input_path) if len(case) > 1: logger.error("`andes.load` does not support mulitple cases.") return None elif len(case) == 0: logger.error("No valid case found.") return None case = case[0] system = System(case, **kwargs) if codegen: system.prepare() if not return None if setup: system.setup() return system
[docs]def run_case(case, *, routine='pflow', profile=False, convert='', convert_all='', add_book=None, codegen=False, remove_pycapsule=False, **kwargs): """ Run single simulation case for the given full path. Use ``run`` instead of ``run_case`` whenever possible. Argument ``input_path`` will not be prepended to ``case``. Arguments recognizable by ``load`` can be passed to ``run_case``. Parameters ---------- case : str Full path to the test case routine : str, ('pflow', 'tds', 'eig') Computation routine to run profile : bool, optional True to enable profiler convert : str, optional Format name for case file conversion. convert_all : str, optional Format name for case file conversion, output sheets for all available devices. add_book : str, optional Name of the device to be added to an excel case as a new sheet. codegen : bool, optional True to run codegen remove_pycapsule : bool, optional True to remove pycapsule from C libraries. Useful when dill serialization is needed. """ pr = cProfile.Profile() # enable profiler if requested if profile is True: pr.enable() system = load(case, codegen=codegen, use_input_path=False, **kwargs) if system is None: return None skip_empty = True overwrite = None # convert to xlsx and process `add-book` option if add_book is not None: convert = 'xlsx' overwrite = True if convert_all != '': convert = 'xlsx' skip_empty = False # convert to the requested format if convert != '':, convert, overwrite=overwrite, skip_empty=skip_empty, add_book=add_book) return system # run the requested routine if routine is not None: if isinstance(routine, str): routine = [routine] if 'pflow' in routine: routine = list(routine) routine.remove('pflow') if system.is_setup:**kwargs) for r in routine: system.__dict__[routine_cli[r.lower()]].run(**kwargs) else: logger.error("System is not set up. Routines cannot continue.") # Disable profiler and output results if profile: pr.disable() if system.files.no_output: nlines = 40 s = io.StringIO() ps = pstats.Stats(pr, stream=sys.stdout).sort_stats('cumtime') ps.print_stats(nlines) s.close() else: nlines = 999 with open(, 'w') as s: ps = pstats.Stats(pr, stream=s).sort_stats('cumtime') ps.print_stats(nlines) ps.dump_stats(system.files.prof_raw)'cProfile text data written to "%s".','cProfile raw data written to "%s". View with tool `snakeviz`.', system.files.prof_raw) if remove_pycapsule is True: system.remove_pycapsule() return system
def _find_cases(filename, path): """ Find valid cases using the provided names and path Parameters ---------- filename : str Test case file name Returns ------- list A list of valid cases. """'Working directory: "%s"', os.getcwd()) if len(filename) == 0:'info: no input file. Use `andes run -h` for help.') if isinstance(filename, str): filename = [filename] cases = [] for file in filename: full_paths = os.path.join(path, file) found = glob.glob(full_paths) if len(found) == 0: logger.error('error: file "%s" does not exist.', full_paths) else: cases += found # remove folders and make cases unique unique_cases = list(set(cases)) valid_cases = [] for case in unique_cases: if os.path.isfile(case): valid_cases.append(case) if len(valid_cases) > 0: valid_cases = sorted(valid_cases) logger.debug('Found files: %s', pprint.pformat(valid_cases)) return valid_cases
[docs]def set_logger_level(lg, type_to_set, level): """ Set logging level for the given type of handler. """ for h in lg.handlers: if isinstance(h, type_to_set): h.setLevel(level)
[docs]def find_log_path(lg): """ Find the file paths of the FileHandlers. """ out = [] for h in lg.handlers: if isinstance(h, logging.FileHandler): out.append(h.baseFilename) return out
def _run_mp_proc(cases, ncpu=NCPUS_PHYSICAL, **kwargs): """ Run multiprocessing with `Process`. Return values from `run_case` are not preserved. Always return `True` when done. """ # start processes jobs = [] for idx, file in enumerate(cases): job = Process(name=f'Process {idx:d}', target=run_case, args=(file,), kwargs=kwargs) jobs.append(job) job.start() start_msg = f'Process {idx:d} for "{file:s}" started.' print(start_msg) logger.debug(start_msg) if (idx % ncpu == ncpu - 1) or (idx == len(cases) - 1): sleep(0.1) for job in jobs: job.join() jobs = [] return True def _run_mp_pool(cases, ncpu=NCPUS_PHYSICAL, verbose=logging.INFO, **kwargs): """ Run multiprocessing jobs using Pool. This function returns all System instances in a list, but requires longer computation time. Parameters ---------- ncpu : int, optional = os.cpu_cout() Number of cpu cores to use in parallel mp_verbose : 10 - 50 Verbosity level during multiprocessing verbose : 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 Verbosity level outside multiprocessing """ pool = Pool(ncpu) print("Cases are processed in the following order:") print('\n'.join([f'"{name}"' for name in cases])) ret =, verbose=verbose, remove_pycapsule=True, **kwargs), cases) # fix address for in-place arrays for ss in ret: ss.fix_address() return ret
[docs]def run(filename, input_path='', verbose=20, mp_verbose=30, ncpu=NCPUS_PHYSICAL, pool=False, cli=False, codegen=False, shell=False, **kwargs): """ Entry point to run ANDES routines. Parameters ---------- filename : str file name (or pattern) input_path : str, optional input search path verbose : int, 10 (DEBUG), 20 (INFO), 30 (WARNING), 40 (ERROR), 50 (CRITICAL) Verbosity level. If ``config_logger`` is called prior to ``run``, this option will be ignored. mp_verbose : int Verbosity level for multiprocessing tasks ncpu : int, optional Number of cpu cores to use in parallel pool: bool, optional Use Pool for multiprocessing to return a list of created Systems. kwargs Other supported keyword arguments cli : bool, optional If is running from command-line. If True, returns exit code instead of System codegen : bool, optional Run full code generation for System before loading case. Only used for single test case. shell : bool, optional If True, enter IPython shell after routine. Returns ------- System or exit_code An instance of system (if `cli == False`) or an exit code otherwise.. """ if is_interactive() and len(logger.handlers) == 0: config_logger(verbose, file=False) # put some args back to `kwargs` kwargs['input_path'] = input_path kwargs['verbose'] = verbose cases = _find_cases(filename, input_path) system = None ex_code = 0 if len(filename) > 0 and len(cases) == 0: ex_code = 1 # file specified but not found t0, _ = elapsed() if len(cases) == 1: system = run_case(cases[0], codegen=codegen, **kwargs) elif len(cases) > 1: # suppress logging output during multiprocessing'-> Processing %s jobs on %s CPUs.', len(cases), ncpu) set_logger_level(logger, logging.StreamHandler, mp_verbose) set_logger_level(logger, logging.FileHandler, logging.DEBUG) kwargs['no_pbar'] = True if pool is True: system = _run_mp_pool(cases, ncpu=ncpu, mp_verbose=mp_verbose, **kwargs) else: system = _run_mp_proc(cases, ncpu=ncpu, mp_verbose=mp_verbose, **kwargs) # restore command line output when all jobs are done set_logger_level(logger, logging.StreamHandler, verbose) log_files = find_log_path(logger) if len(log_files) > 0: log_paths = '\n'.join(log_files) print(f'Log saved to "{log_paths}".') t0, s0 = elapsed(t0) if len(cases) == 1: if system is not None: ex_code += system.exit_code else: ex_code += 1 elif len(cases) > 1: if isinstance(system, list): for s in system: ex_code += s.exit_code if len(cases) == 1: if ex_code == 0: print(f'-> Single process finished in {s0}.') else: print(f'-> Single process exit with an error in {s0}.') elif len(cases) > 1: if ex_code == 0: print(f'-> Multiprocessing finished in {s0}.') else: print(f'-> Multiprocessing exit with an error in {s0}.') # IPython interactive shell if shell is True: try: from IPython import embed # load plotter before entering IPython if system is None: logger.warning("IPython: The System object has not been created.") elif isinstance(system, System):"IPython: Access System object in variable `system`.") system.TDS.load_plotter() elif isinstance(system, list): logger.warning("IPython: System objects stored in list `system`.\n" "Call `TDS.load_plotter()` on each for plotter.") embed() except ImportError: logger.warning("IPython import error. Installed?") if cli is True: return ex_code return system
[docs]def plot(*args, **kwargs): """ Wrapper for the plot tool. """ from andes.plot import tdsplot return tdsplot(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def misc(edit_config='', save_config='', show_license=False, clean=True, recursive=False, overwrite=None, version=False, **kwargs): """ Miscellaneous commands. """ if edit_conf(edit_config): return if show_license: print_license() return if save_config != '': save_conf(save_config, overwrite=overwrite, **kwargs) return if clean is True: remove_output(recursive) return if demo is True: demo(**kwargs) return if version is True: versioninfo() return"info: no option specified. Use 'andes misc -h' for help.")
[docs]def prepare(quick=False, incremental=False, models=None, precompile=False, nomp=False, **kwargs): """ Run code generation. Parameters ---------- full : bool True to run full prep with formatted equations. Useful in interactive mode and during document generation. ncpu : int Number of cores to be used for parallel processing. cli : bool True to indicate running from CLI. It will set `quick` to True if not `full`. precompile : bool True to compile model function calls after code generation. Warnings -------- The default behavior has changed since v1.0.8: when `cli` is `True` and `full` is not `True`, quick code generation will be used. Returns ------- System object if `cli` is `False`; exit_code 0 otherwise. """ # use `quick` for cli if `full` is not enforced, # because the LaTeX code gen is usually discarded in CLI. cli = kwargs.get("cli", False) full = kwargs.get("full", False) ncpu = kwargs.get("ncpu", NCPUS_PHYSICAL) if cli is True: if not full: quick = True if full is True: quick = False # run code generation system = System(options=kwargs, no_undill=True) system.prepare(quick=quick, incremental=incremental, models=models, nomp=nomp, ncpu=ncpu) # compile model function calls if precompile: system.precompile(models, nomp=nomp, ncpu=ncpu) if cli is True: return 0 else: return system
[docs]def selftest(quick=False, **kwargs): """ Run unit tests. """ # map verbosity level from logging to unittest vmap = {1: 3, 10: 3, 20: 2, 30: 1, 40: 1, 50: 1} verbose = vmap[kwargs.get('verbose', 20)] # skip if quick quick_skips = ('test_1_docs', 'test_codegen_inc') try: logger.handlers[0].setLevel(logging.WARNING) sys.stdout = open(os.devnull, 'w') # suppress print statements except IndexError: # logger not set up pass # discover test cases test_directory = tests_root() suite = unittest.TestLoader().discover(test_directory) # remove codegen for quick mode if quick is True: for test_group in suite._tests: for test_class in test_group._tests: tests_keep = list() for t in test_class._tests: if t._testMethodName not in quick_skips: tests_keep.append(t) test_class._tests = tests_keep unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=verbose).run(suite) sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
[docs]def doc(attribute=None, list_supported=False, config=False, **kwargs): """ Quick documentation from command-line. """ system = System() if attribute is not None: if attribute in system.__dict__ and hasattr(system.__dict__[attribute], 'doc'):[attribute].doc()) else: logger.error('Model <%s> does not exist.', attribute) elif list_supported is True: else:'info: no option specified. Use \'andes doc -h\' for help.')
[docs]def demo(**kwargs): """ TODO: show some demonstrations from CLI. """ raise NotImplementedError("Demos have not been implemented")
[docs]def versioninfo(): """ Print version info for ANDES and dependencies. """ import numpy as np import sympy import scipy import pandas import numba import kvxopt versions = {'Python': platform.python_version(), 'andes': get_versions()['version'], 'numpy': np.__version__, 'kvxopt': kvxopt.__version__, 'sympy': sympy.__version__, 'scipy': scipy.__version__, 'pandas': pandas.__version__, 'numba': numba.__version__, } maxwidth = max([len(k) for k in versions.keys()]) for key, val in versions.items(): print(f"{key: <{maxwidth}} {val}")