Source code for

PSSE RAW parser from em_psse

License Pending
import os
from io import StringIO
from andes.shared import pd, yaml

import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

dirname = os.path.dirname(__file__)
with open('{}/psse-modes.yaml'.format(dirname), 'r') as in_file:
    modes = yaml.full_load(in_file)

[docs]def get_signals(line_num, line, current_mode): # print(line_num,line) signals = [] for m in modes: for s in m['signal']: if 'text' in s: if s['text'] in line: signals.append((s, m)) if 'line' in s: if s['line'] == line_num: signals.append((s, m)) return signals
[docs]def read_transformer(lines, records): iter_lines = iter(lines) # records=[] headers = [r['header'] for r in records] line_holder = { 2: [ [headers[0]], [headers[1]], [headers[2]], [headers[3]] ], 3: [ [headers[0]], [headers[1]], [headers[2]], [headers[3]], [headers[4]] ] } for line in iter_lines: rows = [line] rows.append(next(iter_lines)) rows.append(next(iter_lines)) rows.append(next(iter_lines)) windings = None try: flag = int(line.split(',')[2]) if flag != 0: raise ValueError('Not a 2 phase winding') windings = 2 except Exception: windings = 3 rows.append(next(iter_lines)) for r in range(len(rows)): line_holder[windings][r].append(rows[r]) dfs = { 2: [], 3: [] } for winding in line_holder: rc = 0 for record in line_holder[winding]: rc += 1 text = StringIO(''.join(record)) dfs[winding].append(pd.read_table(text, sep=',', error_bad_lines=False)) logger.debug("{} {} {}".format(winding, rc, len(record))) logger.debug("{}".format(record[0])) return dfs
[docs]def read_twodc(lines, records): iter_lines = iter(lines) # records=[] headers = [r['header'] for r in records] line_holder = [ [headers[0]], [headers[1]], [headers[2]] ] for line in iter_lines: rows = [line] rows.append(next(iter_lines)) rows.append(next(iter_lines)) for r in range(len(rows)): line_holder[r].append(rows[r]) dfs = [] rc = 0 for record in line_holder: rc += 1 text = StringIO(''.join(record)) dfs.append(pd.read_table(text, sep=',')) logger.debug("{} {}".format(rc, len(record))) logger.debug("{}".format(record[0])) return dfs
[docs]def parse_raw(in_file_name): """ This function will parse a RAW file and return a PyPSA model """ # Initialize output output = {} for item in modes: key = item['key'] output[key] = { "name": item['name'], "key": key, "lines": [] } # Set up column structure if 'columns' in item: output[key]['columns'] = item['columns'] header = ",".join([c['name'] for c in item['columns']]).replace(' ', '') + '\n' output[key]['header'] = header output[key]['lines'].append(header) if 'records' in item: output[key]['records'] = item['records'] for record in output[key]['records']: header = ",".join([c['name'] for c in record['columns']]).replace(' ', '') + '\n' record['header'] = header # Get parsing info output[key]['parse'] = item.get('parse', {}) # Initialize header mode current_mode = { 'key': 'header' } # Read file and store in container with open(in_file_name, 'r') as in_file: line = in_file.readline() line_num = 0 while line: line_num += 1 START = None STOP = None # Process signals signals = get_signals(line_num, line, current_mode) for signal, mode in signals: logger.debug("Signal: {} {} {}".format(line_num, signal['command'], mode['key'])) if signal['command'] == 'start': START = mode if signal['command'] == 'stop': STOP = mode if current_mode and START and not STOP: raise ValueError('Current mode was never stopped') # Store lines if current_mode and (not STOP or 'keep_tail' in STOP): key = current_mode['key'] output[key]['lines'].append(line) # print key if STOP and current_mode and current_mode['key'] != STOP['key']: raise ValueError('Attempting to stop a different mode', current_mode['key'], STOP['key']) elif START: current_mode = START elif STOP: current_mode = None line = in_file.readline() logger.debug("Captured Lines") for i in output: logger.debug('Item: {}, length: {}'.format(i, len(output[i]['lines']))) for i in output: if 'lines' not in output[i]: logger.debug('no lines {}'.format(i)) continue lines = output[i]['lines'] if len(lines) == 1: logger.debug('only header {}'.format(i)) continue if 'read_table' in output[i]['parse']: text = StringIO(''.join(lines)) output[i]['df'] = pd.read_table(text, sep=',') if 'read_transformer' in output[i]['parse']: output[i]['dfs'] = read_transformer(lines, output[i]['records']) df2 = pd.concat(output[i]['dfs'][2], axis=1, sort=False) df3 = pd.concat(output[i]['dfs'][3], axis=1, sort=False) output[i]['df'] = df3.append(df2, sort=False) if 'read_twodc' in output[i]['parse']: output[i]['dfs'] = read_twodc(lines, output[i]['records']) output[i]['df'] = pd.concat(output[i]['dfs'], axis=1, sort=False) logger.debug('{} {} {}'.format(i, len(lines), 'df' in output[i])) if 'df' in output[i]:'Parsed {} {}'.format(len(output[i]['df']), i)) if len(lines) > 0: logger.debug("{}".format(lines[0])) return output