Scripting ========= This section is a tutorial for using ANDES in an interactive/scripting environment. All scripting shells are supported, including Python shell, IPython, Jupyter Notebook and Jupyter Lab. The examples below uses Jupyter Notebook. Jupyter Notebook ---------------- Jupyter notebook is a convenient tool to run Python code and present results. Jupyter notebook can be installed with .. code:: bash conda install jupyter notebook After the installation, change directory to the folder where you wish to store notebooks, then start the notebook with .. code:: bash jupyter notebook A browser window should open automatically with the notebook browser loaded. To create a new notebook, use the "New" button near the upper-right corner. .. note:: In the following, code that starts with ``>>>`` are Python code. and should be run inside Python, IPython, or Jupyter Notebook. Python code should not be entered into Anaconda Prompt or Linux shell. Import ------ Like other Python libraries, ANDES needs to be imported into an interactive scripting Python environment. .. code:: python >>> import andes >>> andes.config_logger() Verbosity --------- If you are debugging ANDES, you can enable debug messages with .. code:: python >>> andes.config_logger(stream_level=10) or simply .. code:: python >>> andes.config_logger(10) The ``stream_level`` uses the same verbosity levels as for the command-line. If not explicitly enabled, the default level 20 (INFO) will apply. To set a new logging level for the current session, call ``config_logger`` with the desired new levels. Making a System --------------- Before running studies, an :py:mod:`andes.system.System` object needs to be create to hold the system data. The System object can be created by passing the path to the case file the entry-point function. There are multiple ways to create such object, and :py:mod:`` is the most convenient way. For example, to run the file ``kundur_full.xlsx`` in the same directory as the notebook, use .. code:: python >>> ss ='kundur_full.xlsx') This function will parse the input file, run the power flow, and return the system as an object. Outputs will look like :: Parsing input file Input file kundur_full.xlsx parsed in 0.4172 second. -> Power flow calculation with Newton Raphson method: 0: |F(x)| = 14.9283 1: |F(x)| = 3.60859 2: |F(x)| = 0.170093 3: |F(x)| = 0.00203827 4: |F(x)| = 3.76414e-07 Converged in 5 iterations in 0.0222 second. Report saved to in 0.0015 second. -> Single process finished in 0.4677 second. In this example, ``ss`` is an instance of ``andes.System``. It contains member attributes for models, routines, and numerical DAE. Naming convention for the ``System`` attributes are as follows - Model attributes share the same name as class names. For example, ``ss.Bus`` is the ``Bus`` instance, and ``ss.GENROU`` is the ``GENROU`` instance. - Routine attributes share the same name as class names. For example, ``ss.PFlow`` and ``ss.TDS`` are the routine instances. - The numerical DAE instance is in lower case ``ss.dae``. To work with PSS/E inputs, refer to :ref:`scripting_examples` - "Working with Data". .. note:: :py:mod:`` can accept multiple input files for multiprocessing. They can be passed as a list of strings to the first positional argument. Passing options ............... ```` can accept options that are available to the command-line ``andes run``. Options need to be passed as keyword arguments to ```` in addition to the positional argument for the test case. For example, setting ``no_output`` to ``True`` will disable all file outputs. When scripting, one can do .. code:: python >>> ss ='kundur_full.xlsx', no_output=True) which is equivalent to the following shell command: .. code:: bash andes run kundur_full.xlsx --no-output Please note that the dash between ``no`` and ``output`` needs to be replaced with an underscore for scripting. This is the convention in Python's argument parser. Another example is to specify a folder for output files. By default, outputs will be saved to the folder where Python is run (or where the notebook is run). In case you need to organize outputs, a path prefix can be passed to ```` through ``output_path``: .. code:: python >>> ss ='kundur_full.xlsx', output_path='outputs/') which will put outputs into folder ``outputs`` relative to the current path. You can also supply an absolute path to ``output_path``. The next example is to specify the simulation time for a time-domain simulation. There are multiple ways to implement it (see :ref:`scripting_examples`), and one way is to pass the end time (in sec) through argument ``tf`` and set the ``routine`` to ``tds``: .. code:: python >>> ss ='kundur_full.xlsx', routine='tds', tf=5) which will set the simulation time to 5 seconds. .. note:: While ``andes run`` accepts single-letter alias for the option, such as ``andes run -n`` for ``andes run --no-output``, ```` can only work with the full option name (with hyphen replaced by underscore) Load Only ......... In many workflows, one will simulate many scenarios with largely identical system data. A base case can be loaded and modified to create scenarios in memory. See Example "Working with Data" for details Inspecting Parameter -------------------- DataFrame ......... Parameters for the loaded system can be readily inspected in Jupyter Notebook using Pandas. Parameters for a model instance can be retrieved in a DataFrame using the ``as_df()`` method on the model instance. For example, to view the parameters of ``Bus``, use .. code:: python >>> ss.Bus.as_df() A table will be printed with the columns being parameters and the rows being Bus devices/instances. For a system that has been setup, parameters have been converted to per unit values in the system base specified by ``ss.config.mva``. The per-unit values in the system base will be used in computation as all computation in ANDES uses system-base per-unit data. To view the original input values, use the ``as_df(vin=True)`` method. For example, to view the system-base per unit value of ``GENROU``, use .. code:: python >>> ss.GENROU.as_df(vin=True) Parameter in the table is the same as that in the input file without any conversion. Some input data, by convention, are given as per unit in the device base; see :ref:`per_unit_system` for details. Note that :py:meth:`andes.core.modeldata.ModelData.as_df` returns a *view*. Modifying the returned dataframe *will not* affect the original data used for simulation. To modify the data, see Example "Working with Data". Running Studies --------------- Three routines are currently supported: PFlow, TDS and EIG. Each routine provides a ``run()`` method to execute. The System instance contains member attributes having the same names. For example, to run the time-domain simulation for ``ss``, use .. code:: python >>> To change configuration for routines, one can set the attribute before calling run. For example, to change the end time to 5 sec, one can do .. code:: python >>> = 5 >>> Note that not all config changes are respected. Some config values are used while creating the routine instance. For config changes that does not necessarily have to be done on-the-fly, it is recommended to edit the config file. Checking Exit Code ------------------ ``andes.System`` contains field ``exit_code`` for checking if error occurred in run time. A normal completion without error should always have ``exit_code == 0``. One should read output messages carefully and check the exit code, which is particularly useful for batch simulations. Error may occur in any phase - data parsing, power flow, or simulation. To diagnose, split the simulation steps and check the outputs from each one. Plotting TDS Results -------------------- TDS comes with a plotting utility for scripting usage. After running the simulation, a ``plotter`` attributed will be created for ``TDS``. To use the plotter, provide the attribute instance of the variable to plot. For example, to plot all the generator speed, use .. code:: python >>> ss.TDS.plotter.plot( .. note:: If you see the error AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'plot' You will need to manually load plotter with .. code:: python >>> ss.TDS.load_plotter() Optional indices is accepted to choose the specific elements to plot. It can be passed as a tuple through the ``a`` argument .. code:: python >>> ss.TDS.plotter.plot(, a=(0, )) In the above example, the speed of the "zero-th" generator will be plotted. Scaling ....... A lambda function can be passed to argument ``ycalc`` to scale the values. This is useful to convert a per-unit variable to nominal. For example, to plot generator speed in Hertz, use .. code:: python >>> ss.TDS.plotter.plot(, a=(0, ), ycalc=lambda x: 60*x, ) Formatting .......... A few formatting arguments are supported: - ``grid = True`` to turn on grid display - ``greyscale = True`` to switch to greyscale - ``ylabel`` takes a string for the y-axis label Extracting Data --------------- One can extract data from ANDES for custom plotting. Variable names can be extracted from the following fields of ``ss.dae``: Un-formatted names (non-LaTeX): - ``x_name``: state variable names - ``y_name``: algebraic variable names - ``xy_name``: state variable names followed by algebraic ones LaTeX-formatted names: - ``x_tex_name``: state variable names - ``y_tex_name``: algebraic variable names - ``xy_tex_name``: state variable names followed by algebraic ones These lists only contain the variable names used in the current analysis routine. If you only ran power flow, ``ss.dae.y_name`` will only contain the power flow algebraic variables, and ``ss.dae.x_name`` will likely be empty. After initializing time-domain simulation, these lists will be extended to include all variables used by TDS. In case you want to extract the discontinuous flags from TDS, you can set ``store_z`` to ``1`` in the config file under section ``[TDS]``. When enabled, discontinuous flag names will be populated at - ``ss.dae.z_name``: discontinuous flag names - ``ss.dae.z_tex_name``: LaTeX-formatted discontinuous flag names If not enabled, both lists will be empty. Power flow solutions .................... The full power flow solutions are stored at ``ss.dae.xy`` after running power flow (and before initializing dynamic models). You can extract values from ``ss.dae.xy``, which corresponds to the names in ``ss.dae.xy_name`` or ``ss.dae.xy_tex_name``. If you want to extract variables from a particular model, for example, bus voltages, you can directly access the ``v`` field of that variable .. code:: python >>> import numpy as np >>> voltages = np.array(ss.Bus.v.v) which stores a **copy** of the bus voltage values. Note that the first ``v`` is the voltage variable of ``Bus``, and the second ``v`` stands for *value*. It is important to make a copy by using ``np.array()`` to avoid accidental changes to the solutions. If you want to extract bus voltage phase angles, do .. code:: python >>> angle = np.array(ss.Bus.a.v) where ``a`` is the field name for voltage angle. To find out names of variables in a model, use command ``andes doc`` or refer to :ref:`modelref`. Time-domain data ................ Time-domain simulation data will be ready when simulation completes. It is stored in ``ss.dae.ts``, which has the following fields: - ``txyz``: a two-dimensional array. The first column is time stamps, and the following are variables. Each row contains all variables for that time step. - ``t``: all time stamps. - ``x``: all state variables (one column per variable). - ``y``: all algebraic variables (one column per variable). - ``z``: all discontinuous flags (if enabled, one column per flag). If you want the output in pandas DataFrame, call .. code:: python ss.dae.ts.unpack(df=True) Dataframes are stored in the following fields of ``ss.dae.ts``: - ``df``: dataframe for states and algebraic variables - ``df_z``: dataframe for discontinuous flags (if enabled) For both dataframes, time is the index column, and each column correspond to one variable. .. note:: Looking to extract data for a single variable? See :ref:`scripting_examples` - "Working with Data". Pretty Print of Equations ---------------------------------------- Each ANDES models offers pretty print of :math:`\LaTeX`-formatted equations in the jupyter notebook environment. To use this feature, symbolic equations need to be generated in the current session using .. code:: python import andes ss = andes.System() ss.prepare() Or, more concisely, one can do .. code:: python import andes ss = andes.prepare() This process may take a few minutes to complete. To save time, you can selectively generate it only for interested models. For example, to generate for the classical generator model ``GENCLS``, do .. code:: python import andes ss = andes.System() ss.GENROU.prepare() Once done, equations can be viewed by accessing ``ss..syms.``, where ```` is the model name, and ```` is the equation or Jacobian name. .. Note :: Pretty print only works for the particular ``System`` instance whose ``prepare()`` method is called. In the above example, pretty print only works for ``ss`` after calling ``prepare()``. Supported equation names include the following: - ``xy``: variables in the order of `State`, `ExtState`, `Algeb` and `ExtAlgeb` - ``f``: the **right-hand side of** differential equations :math:`\mathbf{M} \dot{\mathbf{x}} = \mathbf{f}` - ``g``: implicit algebraic equations :math:`0 = \mathbf{g}` - ``df``: derivatives of ``f`` over all variables ``xy`` - ``dg``: derivatives of ``g`` over all variables ``xy`` - ``s``: the value equations for `ConstService` For example, to print the algebraic equations of model ``GENCLS``, one can use ``ss.GENCLS.syms.g``. Finding Help ------------ docstring ......... To find out how a Python class, method, or function should be used, use the built-in ``help()`` function. This will print out the docstring of the class/method/function. For example, to check how the ``get`` method of ``GENROU`` should be called, do .. code:: python help(ss.GENROU.get) In Jupyter notebook, this can be simplified into ``?ss.GENROU.get`` or ``ss.GENROU.get?``. Please report issues if you find missing docstring. Model docs .......... Model docs can be shown by printing the return of ``doc()``. For example, to check the docs of ``GENCLS``, do .. code:: python print(ss.GENCLS.doc()) It is the same as calling ``andes doc GENCLS`` from the command line. Likewise, a pretty-print version is available online in :ref:`modelref`. .. _formats: