.. ANDES documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Thu Jun 21 11:11:34 2018. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. =================== ANDES documentation =================== **Download documentation**: `PDF for stable version`_ | `PDF for development version`_ .. _`PDF for stable version`: https://docs.andes.app/_/downloads/en/stable/pdf/ .. _`PDF for development version`: https://docs.andes.app/_/downloads/en/latest/pdf/ **Useful Links**: `Binary Installer`_ | `Source Repository`_ | `Report Issues`_ | `Q&A`_ | `Try in Jupyter Notebooks`_ .. _`Source Repository`: https://github.com/cuihantao/andes .. _`Report Issues`: https://github.com/cuihantao/andes/issues .. _`Q&A`: https://github.com/cuihantao/andes/discussions .. _`Binary Installer`: https://pypi.org/project/andes/ .. _`Try in Jupyter Notebooks`: https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/cuihantao/andes/master .. _`LTB Repository`: https://github.com/CURENT/ltb2 ANDES is an open-source Python library for power system modeling, computation, analysis, and control. It supports power flows calculation, transient stability simulation, and small-signal stability analysis for transmission systems. ANDES implements a symbolic-numeric framework for rapid prototyping of differential-algebraic equation-based models. In this framework, a comprehensive :ref:`library of models ` is developed, including the full second-generation renewable models. Models in ANDES have been :ref:`verified ` with commercial software. ANDES is the core simulation engine for the CURENT Largescale Testbed (LTB). More information about CURENT LTB can be found at the `LTB Repository`_. .. panels:: :card: + intro-card text-center :column: col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-xs-12 d-flex --- Getting started ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ New to ANDES? Check out the getting started guides. They contain tutorials to the ANDES command-line interface, scripting usages, as well as guides to configure ANDES and work with case files. +++ .. link-button:: getting-started :type: ref :text: To the getting started guides :classes: btn-block btn-secondary stretched-link --- Examples ^^^^^^^^ The examples provide in-depth usage of ANDES in a Python scripting environment. Advanced usage and and power system studies are shown with explanation. +++ .. link-button:: scripting_examples :type: ref :text: To the examples :classes: btn-block btn-secondary stretched-link --- Model development guide ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Looking to implement new models, algorithms and functionalities in ANDES? The development guide provides in-depth information on the design philosophy, data structure, and implementation of the hybrid symbolic-numeric framework. +++ .. link-button:: development :type: ref :text: To the development guide :classes: btn-block btn-secondary stretched-link --- API reference ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The API reference contains a detailed description of the ANDES package. The reference describes how the methods work and which parameters can be used. It assumes that you have an understanding of the key concepts. +++ .. link-button:: api_reference :type: ref :text: To the API reference :classes: btn-block btn-secondary stretched-link --- :column: col-12 p-3 Using ANDES for Research? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Please cite our paper [Cui2021]_ if ANDES is used in your research for publication. .. [Cui2021] H. Cui, F. Li and K. Tomsovic, "Hybrid Symbolic-Numeric Framework for Power System Modeling and Analysis," in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 1373-1384, March 2021, doi: 10.1109/TPWRS.2020.3017019. .. toctree:: :caption: ANDES Manual :maxdepth: 3 :hidden: getting_started/index examples/index modeling/index release-notes modelref api