Source code for andes.core.symprocessor

Symbolic processor class for ANDES models.

import inspect
import logging
import os
import pprint
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict

import numpy as np
import sympy as sp
from andes.shared import dilled_vars
from andes.thirdparty.npfunc import safe_div
from andes.thirdparty.sympymod import FixPiecewise
from andes.utils.paths import get_pycode_path

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

select_args_add = ["__zeros", "__ones", "__falses", "__trues"]

# the line below caches Piecewise instances
sp.OldPiecewise = sp.Piecewise

sp.Piecewise = FixPiecewise

[docs]class SymProcessor: """ A helper class for symbolic processing and code generation. Parameters ---------- parent : Model The `Model` instance to process Attributes ---------- xy : sympy.Matrix variables pretty print in the order of State, ExtState, Algeb, ExtAlgeb f : sympy.Matrix differential equations pretty print g : sympy.Matrix algebraic equations pretty print df : sympy.SparseMatrix df /d (xy) pretty print dg : sympy.SparseMatrix dg /d (xy) pretty print inputs_dict : OrderedDict All possible symbols in equations, including variables, parameters, discrete flags, and config flags. It has the same variables as what ``get_inputs()`` returns. vars_dict : OrderedDict variable-only symbols, which are useful when getting the Jacobian matrices. """ def __init__(self, parent): self.parent = parent # symbols that are input to lambda functions # including parameters, variables, services, configs, and scalars (dae_t, sys_f, sys_mva) self.inputs_dict = OrderedDict() self.lambdify_func = [dict(), 'numpy'] self.vars_dict = OrderedDict() self.vars_int_dict = OrderedDict() # internal variables only self.vars_list = list() # list of variable symbols, corresponding to `self.xy` self.substitution_map = {} # mapping of ``SubsService`` to its expression self.f_list, self.g_list = list(), list() # symbolic equations in lists self.f_matrix, self.g_matrix, self.s_matrix = list(), list(), list() # equations in matrices self.s_syms = list() # service symbols self.j_args = dict() # Jacobian name -> argument list self.j_calls = dict() # Jacobian name -> symbolic expressions # pretty print of variables self.xy = list() # variables in the order of states, algebs self.f, self.g, self.s = list(), list(), list() self.df, self.dg = None, None # get references to the parent attributes self.calls = parent.calls self.cache = parent.cache self.config = parent.config self.class_name = parent.class_name self.tex_names = OrderedDict()
[docs] def generate_symbols(self): """ Generate symbols for symbolic equation generations. This function should run before other generate equations. Attributes ---------- inputs_dict : OrderedDict name-symbol pair of all parameters, variables and configs vars_dict : OrderedDict name-symbol pair of all variables, in the order of (states_and_ext + algebs_and_ext) """ logger.debug('- Generating symbols for %s', self.class_name) # clear symbols storage self.f_list, self.g_list = list(), list() self.f_matrix, self.g_matrix = sp.Matrix([]), sp.Matrix([]) # process tex_names defined in model # ----------------------------------------------------------- for key in self.parent.tex_names.keys(): self.tex_names[key] = sp.Symbol(self.parent.tex_names[key]) for instance in self.parent.discrete.values(): for name, tex_name in zip(instance.get_names(), instance.get_tex_names()): self.tex_names[name] = tex_name # ----------------------------------------------------------- for var in self.cache.all_params_names: self.inputs_dict[var] = sp.Symbol(var) for var in self.cache.all_vars_names: tmp = sp.Symbol(var) self.vars_dict[var] = tmp self.inputs_dict[var] = tmp if var in self.cache.vars_int: self.vars_int_dict[var] = tmp # store tex names defined in `self.config` for key in self.config.as_dict(): tmp = sp.Symbol(key) self.inputs_dict[key] = tmp if key in self.config.tex_names: self.tex_names[tmp] = sp.Symbol(self.config.tex_names[key]) # store tex names for pretty printing replacement later for var in self.inputs_dict: if var in self.parent.__dict__ and self.parent.__dict__[var].tex_name is not None: self.tex_names[sp.Symbol(var)] = sp.Symbol(self.parent.__dict__[var].tex_name) # additional variables by conventions self.inputs_dict['dae_t'] = sp.Symbol('dae_t') self.inputs_dict['sys_f'] = sp.Symbol('sys_f') self.inputs_dict['sys_mva'] = sp.Symbol('sys_mva') # custom functions self.lambdify_func[0]['Indicator'] = lambda x: x self.lambdify_func[0]['imag'] = np.imag self.lambdify_func[0]['real'] = np.real self.lambdify_func[0]['safe_div'] = safe_div self.vars_list = list(self.vars_dict.values()) # useful for ``.jacobian()``
def _check_expr_symbols(self, expr): """ Check if expression contains unknown symbols. """ fs = expr.free_symbols for item in fs: if item not in self.inputs_dict.values(): raise ValueError(f'{self.class_name} expression "{expr}" contains unknown symbol "{item}"') fs = sorted(fs, key=lambda s: return fs def generate_subs_expr(self): """ Generate expressions for substituting ``SubsService``. """ for name, instance in self.parent.services_subs.items(): if instance.v_str is not None: expr = sp.sympify(instance.v_str, locals=self.inputs_dict) self.substitution_map[self.inputs_dict[name]] = expr def _do_substitute(self, input_expr): """ Helper function to substitute ``SubsService`` with its expression. """ return input_expr.subs(self.substitution_map)
[docs] def generate_equations(self): """ Generate equations. The pretty-print equations in matrices can be accessed in ``self.f_matrix`` and ``self.g_matrix``. """ logger.debug('- Generating equations for %s', self.class_name) self.f_list, self.g_list = list(), list() self.calls.f = None self.calls.g = None self.calls.f_args = list() self.calls.g_args = list() vars_list = [self.cache.states_and_ext, self.cache.algebs_and_ext] expr_list = [self.f_list, self.g_list] eqn_names = ['f', 'g'] eqn_args = [self.calls.f_args, self.calls.g_args] for vlist, elist, ename, eargs in zip(vars_list, expr_list, eqn_names, eqn_args): sym_args = list() for name, instance in vlist.items(): if instance.e_str is None: elist.append(0) else: try: expr = sp.sympify(instance.e_str, locals=self.inputs_dict) expr = self._do_substitute(expr) except (sp.SympifyError, TypeError) as e: logger.error('Error parsing equation "%s "for %s.%s', instance.e_str, instance.owner.class_name, name) raise e free_syms = self._check_expr_symbols(expr) for s in free_syms: if s not in sym_args: sym_args.append(s) eargs.append(str(s)) elist.append(expr) sym_args = sorted(sym_args, key=lambda s: eargs.sort() if len(elist) == 0 or not any(elist): # `any`, not `all` self.calls.__dict__[ename] = None else: self.calls.__dict__[ename] = sp.lambdify(sym_args, tuple(elist), modules=self.lambdify_func) # manually append additional arguments for select. if 'select' in inspect.getsource(self.calls.__dict__[ename]): eargs.extend(select_args_add) # convert to SymPy matrices self.f_matrix = sp.Matrix(self.f_list) self.g_matrix = sp.Matrix(self.g_list)
def generate_services(self): """ Generate calls for services, including ``ConstService`` and ``VarService`` among others. Sequence is preserved due to possible dependency. All ``VarService`` with ``sequential = False`` are generated into one function, ``calls.sns``. Starting from SymPy 1.9, ``Matrix`` no longer supports non-Expr objects. Due to the use of logical conditions in services, service expressions will not be converted to SymPy Matrix. The dictionary to look up service name and expression is in ``self.s_syms``. """ s_syms = OrderedDict() s_args = OrderedDict() s_calls = OrderedDict() sns_args = list() # ``sns`` means services that are non-sequential sns_calls = None s_calls_nonseq = list() s_calls_nonseq_args = list() for name, instance in v_str = '0' if instance.v_str is None else instance.v_str try: expr = sp.sympify(v_str, locals=self.inputs_dict) expr = self._do_substitute(expr) except (sp.SympifyError, TypeError) as e: logger.error(f'Error parsing equation for {instance.owner.class_name}.{name}') raise e fs = self._check_expr_symbols(expr) s_syms[name] = expr args_expr = [str(i) for i in fs] if instance.sequential is True: s_args[name] = args_expr s_calls[name] = sp.lambdify(s_args[name], s_syms[name], modules=self.lambdify_func) if 'select' in inspect.getsource(s_calls[name]): s_args[name].extend(select_args_add) else: s_calls_nonseq.append(expr) s_calls_nonseq_args.extend(args_expr) if len(s_calls_nonseq) > 0: sns_args = sorted(list(set(s_calls_nonseq_args))) sns_calls = sp.lambdify(sns_args, tuple(s_calls_nonseq), modules=self.lambdify_func) if 'select' in inspect.getsource(sns_calls): sns_args.extend(select_args_add) self.s_syms = s_syms self.calls.s = s_calls self.calls.s_args = s_args self.calls.sns = sns_calls self.calls.sns_args = sns_args
[docs] def generate_jacobians(self, diag_eps=1e-8): """ Generate Jacobians and store to corresponding triplets. The internal indices of equations and variables are stored, alongside the lambda functions. For example, dg/dy is a sparse matrix whose elements are ``(row, col, val)``, where ``row`` and ``col`` are the internal indices, and ``val`` is the numerical lambda function. They will be stored to row -> self.calls._igy col -> self.calls._jgy val -> self.calls._vgy """ logger.debug('- Generating Jacobians for %s', self.class_name) from sympy import Tuple # clear storage self.df_syms, self.dg_syms = sp.Matrix([]), sp.Matrix([]) self.calls.clear_ijv() # NOTE: SymPy does not allow getting the derivative of an empty array if len(self.g_matrix) > 0: self.dg_syms = self.g_matrix.jacobian(self.vars_list) if len(self.f_matrix) > 0: self.df_syms = self.f_matrix.jacobian(self.vars_list) self.df_sparse = sp.SparseMatrix(self.df_syms) self.dg_sparse = sp.SparseMatrix(self.dg_syms) vars_syms_list = list(self.vars_dict) algebs_and_ext_list = list(self.cache.algebs_and_ext) states_and_ext_list = list(self.cache.states_and_ext) fg_sparse = [self.df_sparse, self.dg_sparse] j_args = defaultdict(list) # argument list for each jacobian call j_calls = defaultdict(list) # jacobian functions (one for each type) for idx, eq_sparse in enumerate(fg_sparse): for item in eq_sparse.row_list(): e_idx, v_idx, e_symbolic = item if idx == 0: # differential equation eq_name = states_and_ext_list[e_idx] else: # algebraic equation eq_name = algebs_and_ext_list[e_idx] var_name = vars_syms_list[v_idx] eqn = self.cache.all_vars[eq_name] # `BaseVar` that corr. to the equation var = self.cache.all_vars[var_name] # `BaseVar` that corr. to the variable jname = f'{eqn.e_code}{var.v_code}' # jac calls with all arguments and stored individually # the `0` value will be used for building the Jacobian sparsity pattern self.calls.append_ijv(jname, e_idx, v_idx, 0) # collect unique arguments for jac calls free_syms = self._check_expr_symbols(e_symbolic) for fs in free_syms: if fs not in j_args[jname]: j_args[jname].append(fs) j_calls[jname].append(e_symbolic) self.j_args = j_args self.j_calls = j_calls for jname in j_calls: # sort for stable argument list j_args[jname].sort(key=lambda s: self.calls.j_args[jname] = [str(i) for i in j_args[jname]] # workaround for SymPy 1.10 to generate tuples with one element. See # self.calls.j[jname] = sp.lambdify(j_args[jname], Tuple(*j_calls[jname]), modules=self.lambdify_func) # manually append additional arguments for select if 'select' in inspect.getsource(self.calls.j[jname]): self.calls.j_args[jname].extend(select_args_add) self.calls.j_names = list(j_calls.keys()) # The for-loop below is intended to add an epsilon small value to the diagonal of `gy`. # The user should take care of the algebraic equations by using `diag_eps` in `Algeb` definition for var in self.parent.cache.all_vars.values(): if var.diag_eps == 0.0: continue elif var.diag_eps is True: if self.get_system_config('diag_eps') is not None: eps = self.parent.system.config.diag_eps elif diag_eps is not None: eps = diag_eps # from function argument else: eps = 1e-8 else: eps = var.diag_eps if var.e_code == 'g': eq_list = algebs_and_ext_list else: eq_list = states_and_ext_list e_idx = eq_list.index( v_idx = vars_syms_list.index( self.calls.append_ijv(f'{var.e_code}{var.v_code}c', e_idx, v_idx, eps)
def generate_pretty_print(self): """ Generate pretty print variables and equations. """ logger.debug("- Generating pretty prints for %s", self.class_name) # equation symbols for pretty printing self.f, self.g = sp.Matrix([]), sp.Matrix([]) try: self.xy = sp.Matrix(list(self.vars_dict.values())).subs(self.tex_names) except TypeError as e: logger.error("Error while substituting tex_name for variables.") logger.error("Variable names might have conflicts with SymPy functions.") raise e # get pretty printing equations by substituting symbols self.f = self.f_matrix.subs(self.tex_names) self.g = self.g_matrix.subs(self.tex_names) self.s = [item.subs(self.tex_names) for item in self.s_syms.values()] # store latex strings nx = len(self.f) ny = len(self.g) self.calls.x_latex = [sp.latex(item) for item in self.xy[:nx]] self.calls.y_latex = [sp.latex(item) for item in self.xy[nx:nx + ny]] self.calls.f_latex = [sp.latex(item) for item in self.f] self.calls.g_latex = [sp.latex(item) for item in self.g] self.calls.s_latex = [sp.latex(item) for item in self.s] self.df = self.df_sparse.subs(self.tex_names) self.dg = self.dg_sparse.subs(self.tex_names) # store init latex strings init_latex = OrderedDict() for name, instance in self.cache.all_vars.items(): if instance.v_str is None and instance.v_iter is None: init_latex[name] = '' else: if instance.v_str is not None: init_latex[name] = sp.latex(self.v_str_syms[name].subs(self.tex_names)) if instance.v_iter is not None: init_latex[name] = sp.latex(self.v_iter_syms[name].subs(self.tex_names)) self.calls.init_latex = init_latex def generate_pycode(self, pycode_path, yapf_pycode): """ Create output source code file for generated code. Generated code are stored at ``~/.andes/pycode``. Notes ----- In the current implementation, each model saves a ``.py`` file. In systems with slow disk access (such as networked file systems), this function can be the bottleneck. """ out = list() yf = yapf_pycode header = \ """from collections import OrderedDict # NOQA from numpy import ones_like, zeros_like, full, array # NOQA from numpy import nan, pi, sin, cos, tan, sqrt, exp, select # NOQA from numpy import greater_equal, less_equal, greater, less, equal # NOQA from numpy import logical_and, logical_or, logical_not # NOQA from numpy import real, imag, conj, angle, radians, abs # NOQA from numpy import arcsin, arccos, arctan, arctan2 # NOQA from numpy import log # NOQA from andes.thirdparty.npfunc import * # NOQA """ # header goes first out.append(header) # checksum out.append(f'md5 = "{self.calls.md5}"\n') # equations out.append(self._rename_func(self.calls.f, 'f_update', yf)) out.append(self._rename_func(self.calls.g, 'g_update', yf)) # jacobians for name in self.calls.j: out.append(self._rename_func(self.calls.j[name], f'{name}_update', yf)) # initialization: assignments for name in self.calls.ia: out.append(self._rename_func(self.calls.ia[name], f'{name}_ia', yf)) for name in self.calls.ii: out.append(self._rename_func(self.calls.ii[name], f'{name}_ii', yf)) for name in self.calls.ij: out.append(self._rename_func(self.calls.ij[name], f'{name}_ij', yf)) # services for name in self.calls.s: out.append(self._rename_func(self.calls.s[name], f'{name}_svc', yf)) # non-sequential services out.append(self._rename_func(self.calls.sns, 'sns_update', yf)) # variables for name in dilled_vars: out.append(f'{name} = ' + pprint.pformat(self.calls.__dict__[name])) out_str = '\n'.join(out) pycode_path = get_pycode_path(pycode_path, mkdir=True) file_path = os.path.join(pycode_path, f'{self.class_name}.py') # do not overwrite file if already up to date if os.path.isfile(file_path): with open(file_path, 'r') as f: fread = f.readlines() fread = ''.join(fread) if fread == out_str: logger.debug("<%s>: generated code is up-to-date and not overwritten.", self.parent.class_name) return with open(file_path, 'w') as f: f.write(out_str) def _rename_func(self, func, func_name, yapf_pycode=False): """ Rename the function name and return source code. This function performs these tasks: 1. rename ``_lambdifygenerated`` to the given ``func_name``. 2. append four arguments if ``select`` is used to pass numba compilation. 3. remove ``Indicator`` for wrappers of logic expressions. This function does not check for name conflicts. Install `yapf` for optional code reformatting (takes extra processing time). It also patches function argument list for select. """ if func is None: return f"# empty {func_name}\n" src = inspect.getsource(func) src = src.replace("def _lambdifygenerated(", f"def {func_name}(") # remove `Indicator` src = src.replace("Indicator", "") # append additional arguments for select if 'select' in src: right_parenthesis = ", " + ', '.join(select_args_add) + "):" src = src.replace("):", right_parenthesis) if yapf_pycode: try: from yapf.yapflib.yapf_api import FormatCode src = FormatCode(src, style_config='pep8')[0] # drop the encoding `None` except ImportError: logger.warning("`yapf` not installed. Skipped code reformatting.") src += '\n' return src def generate_dependency(self): """ Generate dependency list and initialization order. """ self.v_str_syms = OrderedDict() self.v_iter_syms = OrderedDict() deps = OrderedDict() # convert to symbols for name, instance in self.cache.all_vars.items(): if instance.v_str is not None: sympified = sp.sympify(instance.v_str, locals=self.inputs_dict) sympified = self._do_substitute(sympified) self._check_expr_symbols(sympified) self.v_str_syms[name] = sympified else: # default initial values to zero sympified = sp.sympify('0.0', locals=self.inputs_dict) self.v_str_syms[name] = sympified if instance.v_iter is not None: sympified = sp.sympify(instance.v_iter, locals=self.inputs_dict) sympified = self._do_substitute(sympified) self._check_expr_symbols(sympified) self.v_iter_syms[name] = sympified # store deps for explicit and iterative initializers for name, expr in self.v_str_syms.items(): _store_deps(name, expr, self.vars_dict, deps) for name, expr in self.v_iter_syms.items(): _store_deps(name, expr, self.vars_dict, deps) # store deps for manually added dependent variables for name, instance in self.cache.vars_int.items(): if instance.deps is not None: deps[name].extend(instance.deps) # resolve dependency self.init_seq = resolve_deps(deps) self.calls.init_seq = self.init_seq def check_v_iter(self): """ Helper function to check if `v_iter` is defined for variables with circular dependencies. """ for item in self.init_seq: if not isinstance(item, list): continue for vi in item: if self.cache.all_vars[vi].v_iter is None: logger.error("%s: v_iter not defined for %s" % (self.class_name, vi))
[docs] def generate_init(self): """ Generate initialization equations. """ self.generate_dependency() self.check_v_iter() self.generate_init_eqn() self.lambdify_init()
def generate_init_eqn(self): """ Generate initialization equations. The RHS of assignment equations ``v = v_str(x, y)`` or RHS of iterative initialization equations in the form of ``0 = v_iter(x, y)`` will be stored to ``self.init_list``. A list of flags will be stored to ``self.init_flag`` with 0 for assignments and 1 for iterative. For iteratively initialized variables that require assigned initial values (to improve convergence), the initial value can be provided through `self.v_str`. """ self.init_asn = OrderedDict() # assignment-type initialization self.init_itn = OrderedDict() # iterative initialization self.init_itn_vars = OrderedDict() # variables corr. to iterative vars self.init_jac = OrderedDict() for item in self.init_seq: if isinstance(item, str): instance = self.parent.__dict__[item] if instance.v_str is not None: self.init_asn[item] = self.v_str_syms[item] if instance.v_iter is not None: self.init_itn[item] = sp.Matrix([self.v_iter_syms[item]]) self.init_itn_vars[item] = [item] elif isinstance(item, list): name_concat = '_'.join(item) eqn_set = sp.Matrix([self.v_iter_syms[name] for name in item]) self.init_itn[name_concat] = eqn_set self.init_itn_vars[name_concat] = item for vv in item: instance = self.parent.__dict__[vv] if instance.v_str is not None: self.init_asn[vv] = self.v_str_syms[vv] for name, expr in self.init_itn.items(): vars_iter = OrderedDict() for item in self.init_itn_vars[name]: vars_iter[item] = self.vars_dict[item] self.init_jac[name] = expr.jacobian(list(vars_iter.values())) def lambdify_init(self): """ Convert equations and Jacobians to lambda functions. """ init_a = OrderedDict() init_i = OrderedDict() init_j = OrderedDict() ia_args = OrderedDict() # arguments for assignment init. ii_args = OrderedDict() # arguments for iterative init. ij_args = OrderedDict() for name, expr in self.init_asn.items(): fs = self._check_expr_symbols(expr) ia_args[name] = [str(i) for i in fs] init_a[name] = sp.lambdify(ia_args[name], expr, modules=self.lambdify_func) if 'select' in inspect.getsource(init_a[name]): ia_args[name].extend(select_args_add) for name, expr in self.init_itn.items(): fs = self._check_expr_symbols(expr) ii_args[name] = [str(i) for i in fs] init_i[name] = sp.lambdify(ii_args[name], expr, modules=self.lambdify_func) if 'select' in inspect.getsource(init_i[name]): ii_args[name].extend(select_args_add) jexpr = self.init_jac[name] fs = self._check_expr_symbols(jexpr) ij_args[name] = [str(i) for i in fs] init_j[name] = sp.lambdify(ij_args[name], jexpr, modules=self.lambdify_func) if 'select' in inspect.getsource(init_j[name]): ij_args[name].extend(select_args_add) self.calls.ia = init_a self.calls.ii = init_i self.calls.ij = init_j self.calls.ia_args = ia_args self.calls.ii_args = ii_args self.calls.ij_args = ij_args def get_system_config(self, name): """ Helper function for obtaining system config. If System is None, return None. """ if hasattr(self.parent.system, 'config'): return self.parent.system.config.__dict__[name] return None def get_var_symbol(self, xyname, *, with_ext=False): """ Get a list of symbols for variables. Parameters ---------- xyname : str 'x' or 'y' with_ext : bool True to include external variables """ if xyname not in ("x", "y"): raise ValueError("unknown variable name %s" % xyname) if len(self.vars_dict) == 0: logger.warning("Symbols not generated. Trying to generate") self.parent.prepare() out = list() if xyname == 'x': if with_ext is True: look_up_from = self.parent.cache.states_and_ext else: look_up_from = self.parent.states else: if with_ext is True: look_up_from = self.parent.cache.algebs_and_ext else: look_up_from = self.parent.algebs for name, sym in self.vars_dict.items(): if name in look_up_from: out.append(sym) return out
def _store_deps(name, sympified, vars_int_dict, deps): """ Helper function to store dependencies to a dict. Used by ``resolve``. """ deps[name] = [] free_symbols = sorted(sympified.free_symbols, key=lambda s: for fs in free_symbols: if fs not in vars_int_dict.values(): continue if fs not in deps[name]: deps[name].append(str(fs)) def resolve_deps(graph): """ Resolve dependency for a dict-based graph using recursion. Parameters ---------- graph : dict Each key is a variable name, and the corresponding value is the list of variables the key depends on. Returns ------- list A list of initialization sequence. Elements are either a variable name or a list of mutually-dependent variables that need iterative initialization. """ seq = list() # sequence after resolving dependency visited = list() # book keeper of the visited nodes cflat = list() # flattened node in circles circles = list() # circles as lists def sub_resolve(name, deps, path): for item in deps: if (item == name) or (item in visited): continue # undeclared leaf node if (item not in graph): if item not in seq: seq.append(item) continue # circular dependency if item in path: idx1 = path.index(item) idx2 = path.index(name) mn = min(idx1, idx2) mx = max(idx1, idx2) cflat.extend(path[mn:mx+1]) circles.append(path[mn:mx+1]) continue path.append(item) sub_resolve(item, graph[item], path) # when all dependent nodes are visited if name not in visited: # if the current node is not in any circle if name not in cflat: seq.append(name) else: for cc in circles: if (name in cc) and (cc not in seq): seq.append(cc) visited.append(name) for name, deps in graph.items(): path = list() sub_resolve(name, deps, path) return seq