Inspecting Models#

First of all, import andes and configure the logger.

If logger if not configured, information will not be shown correctly.

import andes


Inspect Model Equations#

Create an empty andes.System object and call prepare() to generate the equations.

This operation may take a moment.

ss = andes.System()
ss.prepare(nomp=True)  # disable multiprocessing
 Generating code for COI (83/83).2/83)..

List all models#

Supported Groups and Models

      Group        |                          Models                          
 ACLine            | Line                                                     
 ACShort           | Jumper                                                   
 ACTopology        | Bus                                                      
 Calculation       | ACE, ACEc, COI                                           
 Collection        | Area                                                     
 DCLink            | Ground, R, L, C, RCp, RCs, RLs, RLCs, RLCp               
 DCTopology        | Node                                                     
 DG                | PVD1, ESD1, EV1, EV2                                     
 DGProtection      | DGPRCT1, DGPRCTExt                                       
 DynLoad           | ZIP, FLoad                                               
 Exciter           | EXDC2, IEEEX1, ESDC2A, EXST1, ESST3A, SEXS, IEEET1,      
                   | EXAC1, EXAC4, ESST4B, AC8B, IEEET3, ESAC1A, ESST1A       
 FreqMeasurement   | BusFreq, BusROCOF                                        
 Information       | Summary                                                  
 Motor             | Motor3, Motor5                                           
 PSS               | IEEEST, ST2CUT                                           
 PhasorMeasurement | PMU                                                      
 RenAerodynamics   | WTARA1, WTARV1                                           
 RenExciter        | REECA1, REECA1E, REECA1G                                 
 RenGen            | REGCA1, REGCVSG, REGCVSG2                                
 RenGovernor       | WTDTA1, WTDS                                             
 RenPitch          | WTPTA1                                                   
 RenPlant          | REPCA1                                                   
 RenTorque         | WTTQA1                                                   
 StaticACDC        | VSCShunt                                                 
 StaticGen         | PV, Slack                                                
 StaticLoad        | PQ                                                       
 StaticShunt       | Shunt, ShuntTD, ShuntSw                                  
 SynGen            | GENCLS, GENROU, PLBVFU1                                  
 TimedEvent        | Toggler, Fault, Alter                                    
 TurbineGov        | TG2, TGOV1, TGOV1DB, TGOV1N, TGOV1NDB, IEEEG1, IEESGO,   
                   | GAST                                                     
 Undefined         | TimeSeries                                               
 VoltComp          | IEEEVC                                                   

Check model documentation#

To check the documentation for the model, print the return of doc() for the model instance.

For example, the documentation for GENCLS can be printed with

Model <GENCLS> in Group <SynGen>

    Classical generator model.

 Name   |            Description             | Default | Unit |   Properties  
 idx    | unique device idx                  |         |      |               
 u      | connection status                  | 1       | bool |               
 name   | device name                        |         |      |               
 bus    | interface bus id                   |         |      | mandatory     
 gen    | static generator index             |         |      | mandatory     
 coi    | center of inertia index            |         |      |               
 coi2   | center of inertia index            |         |      |               
 Sn     | Power rating                       | 100     | MVA  |               
 Vn     | AC voltage rating                  | 110     |      |               
 fn     | rated frequency                    | 60      |      |               
 D      | Damping coefficient                | 0       |      | power         
 M      | machine start up time (2H)         | 6       |      | non_zero,power
 ra     | armature resistance                | 0       |      | z             
 xl     | leakage reactance                  | 0       |      | z             
 xd1    | d-axis transient reactance         | 0.302   |      | z             
 kp     | active power feedback gain         | 0       |      |               
 kw     | speed feedback gain                | 0       |      |               
 S10    | first saturation factor            | 0       |      |               
 S12    | second saturation factor           | 1       |      |               
 gammap | P ratio of linked static gen       | 1       |      |               
 gammaq | Q ratio of linked static gen       | 1       |      |               
 subidx | Generator idx in plant; only used  | 0       |      |               
        | by PSS/E data                      |         |      |               

Variables (States + Algebraics)

 Name   |   Type   |            Description            |   Unit   | Properties
 delta  | State    | rotor angle                       | rad      | v_str     
 omega  | State    | rotor speed                       | pu (Hz)  | v_str     
 Id     | Algeb    | d-axis current                    |          | v_str     
 Iq     | Algeb    | q-axis current                    |          | v_str     
 vd     | Algeb    | d-axis voltage                    |          | v_str     
 vq     | Algeb    | q-axis voltage                    |          | v_str     
 tm     | Algeb    | mechanical torque                 |          | v_str     
 te     | Algeb    | electric torque                   |          | v_str     
 vf     | Algeb    | excitation voltage                | pu       | v_str     
 XadIfd | Algeb    | d-axis armature excitation        | p.u (kV) | v_str     
        |          | current                           |          |           
 Pe     | Algeb    | active power injection            |          | v_str     
 Qe     | Algeb    | reactive power injection          |          | v_str     
 psid   | Algeb    | d-axis flux                       |          | v_str     
 psiq   | Algeb    | q-axis flux                       |          | v_str     
 a      | ExtAlgeb | Bus voltage phase angle           |          |           
 v      | ExtAlgeb | Bus voltage magnitude             |          |           

Variable Initialization Equations

 Name   |   Type   |        Initial Value       
 delta  | State    | delta0                     
 omega  | State    | u                          
 Id     | Algeb    | u * Id0                    
 Iq     | Algeb    | u * Iq0                    
 vd     | Algeb    | u * vd0                    
 vq     | Algeb    | u * vq0                    
 tm     | Algeb    | tm0                        
 te     | Algeb    | u * tm0                    
 vf     | Algeb    | u * vf0                    
 XadIfd | Algeb    | u * vf0                    
 Pe     | Algeb    | u * (vd0 * Id0 + vq0 * Iq0)
 Qe     | Algeb    | u * (vq0 * Id0 - vd0 * Iq0)
 psid   | Algeb    | u * psid0                  
 psiq   | Algeb    | u * psiq0                  
 a      | ExtAlgeb |                            
 v      | ExtAlgeb |                            

Differential Equations

 Name  | Type  | RHS of Equation "T x' = f(x, y)" | T (LHS)
 delta | State | u * (2 * pi * fn) * (omega - 1)  |        
 omega | State | u * (tm - te - D * (omega - 1))  | M      

Algebraic Equations

 Name   |   Type   |  RHS of Equation "0 = g(x, y)"  
 Id     | Algeb    | + xq * Id - vf+ psid            
 Iq     | Algeb    | + xq * Iq+ psiq                 
 vd     | Algeb    | u * v * sin(delta - a) - vd     
 vq     | Algeb    | u * v * cos(delta - a) - vq     
 tm     | Algeb    | tm0 - tm                        
 te     | Algeb    | u * (psid * Iq - psiq * Id) - te
 vf     | Algeb    | u * vf0 - vf                    
 XadIfd | Algeb    | u * vf0 - XadIfd                
 Pe     | Algeb    | u * (vd * Id + vq * Iq) - Pe    
 Qe     | Algeb    | u * (vq * Id - vd * Iq) - Qe    
 psid   | Algeb    | u * (ra*Iq + vq) - psid         
 psiq   | Algeb    | u * (ra*Id + vd) + psiq         
 a      | ExtAlgeb | -u * (vd * Id + vq * Iq)        
 v      | ExtAlgeb | -u * (vq * Id - vd * Iq)        


  Name   |                       Equation                       |     Type    
 p0      | p0s * gammap                                         | ConstService
 q0      | q0s * gammaq                                         | ConstService
 _V      | v * exp(1j * a)                                      | ConstService
 _S      | p0 - 1j * q0                                         | ConstService
 _I      | _S / conj(_V)                                        | ConstService
 _E      | _V + _I * (ra + 1j * xq)                             | ConstService
 _deltac | log(_E / abs(_E))                                    | ConstService
 delta0  | u * im(_deltac)                                      | ConstService
 vdq     | u * (_V * exp(1j * 0.5 * pi - _deltac))              | ConstService
 Idq     | u * (_I * exp(1j * 0.5 * pi - _deltac))              | ConstService
 Id0     | re(Idq)                                              | ConstService
 Iq0     | im(Idq)                                              | ConstService
 vd0     | re(vdq)                                              | ConstService
 vq0     | im(vdq)                                              | ConstService
 tm0     | u * ((vq0 + ra * Iq0) * Iq0 + (vd0 + ra * Id0) *     | ConstService
         | Id0)                                                 |             
 psid0   | u * (ra * Iq0) + vq0                                 | ConstService
 psiq0   | -u * (ra * Id0) - vd0                                | ConstService
 vf0     | (vq0 + ra * Iq0) + xq * Id0                          | ConstService

Config Fields in [GENCLS]

   Option     | Value |                Info                | Acceptable values
 allow_adjust | 1     | allow adjusting upper or lower     | (0, 1)           
              |       | limits                             |                  
 adjust_lower | 0     | adjust lower limit                 | (0, 1)           
 adjust_upper | 1     | adjust upper limit                 | (0, 1)           
 vf_lower     | 1     | lower limit for vf warning         |                  
 vf_upper     | 5     | upper limit for vf warning         |                  

Pretty print of variables#

All symbols are stored in the attributes of Model.syms. For example,

\[\begin{split}\displaystyle \left[\begin{matrix}\delta\\\omega\\I_{d}\\I_{q}\\V_{d}\\V_{q}\\\tau_{m}\\\tau_{e}\\v_{f}\\X_{ad}I_{fd}\\P_{e}\\Q_{e}\\\psi_{d}\\\psi_{q}\\\theta\\V\end{matrix}\right]\end{split}\]

Differential variables comes before algebraic variables.

OrderedDict([('delta', State:, []),
             ('omega', State:, [])])
OrderedDict([('Id', Algeb: GENCLS.Id, []),
             ('Iq', Algeb: GENCLS.Iq, []),
             ('vd', Algeb: GENCLS.vd, []),
             ('vq', Algeb: GENCLS.vq, []),
             ('tm', Algeb:, []),
             ('te', Algeb: GENCLS.te, []),
             ('vf', Algeb: GENCLS.vf, []),
             ('XadIfd', Algeb: GENCLS.XadIfd, []),
             ('Pe', Algeb: GENCLS.Pe, []),
             ('Qe', Algeb: GENCLS.Qe, []),
             ('psid', Algeb: GENCLS.psid, []),
             ('psiq', Algeb: GENCLS.psiq, [])])

Pretty print of equations#

Formatted equations are stored in each model. The following attributes of Model.syms are available for equation printing.

  • f: differential equations

  • g: algebraic equations

  • df: df/dxy

  • dg: dg/dxy

\[\begin{split}\displaystyle \left[\begin{matrix}2 \pi f u \left(\omega - 1\right)\\u \left(- D \left(\omega - 1\right) - \tau_{e} + \tau_{m}\right)\end{matrix}\right]\end{split}\]
\[\begin{split}\displaystyle \left[\begin{matrix}I_{d} xq + \psi_{d} - v_{f}\\I_{q} xq + \psi_{q}\\V u \sin{\left(\delta - \theta \right)} - V_{d}\\V u \cos{\left(\delta - \theta \right)} - V_{q}\\- \tau_{m} + \tau_{m0}\\- \tau_{e} + u \left(- I_{d} \psi_{q} + I_{q} \psi_{d}\right)\\u v_{f0} - v_{f}\\- X_{ad}I_{fd} + u v_{f0}\\- P_{e} + u \left(I_{d} V_{d} + I_{q} V_{q}\right)\\- Q_{e} + u \left(I_{d} V_{q} - I_{q} V_{d}\right)\\- \psi_{d} + u \left(I_{q} r_{a} + V_{q}\right)\\\psi_{q} + u \left(I_{d} r_{a} + V_{d}\right)\\- u \left(I_{d} V_{d} + I_{q} V_{q}\right)\\- u \left(I_{d} V_{q} - I_{q} V_{d}\right)\end{matrix}\right]\end{split}\]
\[\begin{split}\displaystyle \left[\begin{array}{cccccccccccccccc}0 & 2 \pi f u & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0\\0 & - D u & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & u & - u & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0\end{array}\right]\end{split}\]
\[\begin{split}\displaystyle \left[\begin{array}{cccccccccccccccc}0 & 0 & xq & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & -1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0\\0 & 0 & 0 & xq & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0\\V u \cos{\left(\delta - \theta \right)} & 0 & 0 & 0 & -1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & - V u \cos{\left(\delta - \theta \right)} & u \sin{\left(\delta - \theta \right)}\\- V u \sin{\left(\delta - \theta \right)} & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & -1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & V u \sin{\left(\delta - \theta \right)} & u \cos{\left(\delta - \theta \right)}\\0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & -1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0\\0 & 0 & - \psi_{q} u & \psi_{d} u & 0 & 0 & 0 & -1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & I_{q} u & - I_{d} u & 0 & 0\\0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & -1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0\\0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & -1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0\\0 & 0 & V_{d} u & V_{q} u & I_{d} u & I_{q} u & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & -1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0\\0 & 0 & V_{q} u & - V_{d} u & - I_{q} u & I_{d} u & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & -1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0\\0 & 0 & 0 & r_{a} u & 0 & u & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & -1 & 0 & 0 & 0\\0 & 0 & r_{a} u & 0 & u & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0\\0 & 0 & - V_{d} u & - V_{q} u & - I_{d} u & - I_{q} u & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0\\0 & 0 & - V_{q} u & V_{d} u & I_{q} u & - I_{d} u & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0\end{array}\right]\end{split}\]

Pretty print of services#

The list of services is in services.
OrderedDict([('p0', ConstService: GENCLS.p0, v=[0.]),
             ('q0', ConstService: GENCLS.q0, v=[0.]),
             ('_V', ConstService: GENCLS._V, v=[0.]),
             ('_S', ConstService: GENCLS._S, v=[0.]),
             ('_I', ConstService: GENCLS._I, v=[0.]),
             ('_E', ConstService: GENCLS._E, v=[0.]),
             ('_deltac', ConstService: GENCLS._deltac, v=[0.]),
             ('delta0', ConstService: GENCLS.delta0, v=[0.]),
             ('vdq', ConstService: GENCLS.vdq, v=[0.]),
             ('Idq', ConstService: GENCLS.Idq, v=[0.]),
             ('Id0', ConstService: GENCLS.Id0, v=[0.]),
             ('Iq0', ConstService: GENCLS.Iq0, v=[0.]),
             ('vd0', ConstService: GENCLS.vd0, v=[0.]),
             ('vq0', ConstService: GENCLS.vq0, v=[0.]),
             ('tm0', ConstService: GENCLS.tm0, v=[0.]),
             ('psid0', ConstService: GENCLS.psid0, v=[0.]),
             ('psiq0', ConstService: GENCLS.psiq0, v=[0.]),
             ('vf0', ConstService: GENCLS.vf0, v=[0.])])

Service equations are in Model.syms.s For example, services of GENCLS is in

\[\begin{split}\displaystyle \left[\begin{matrix}P_{0s} \gamma_{P}\\Q_{0s} \gamma_{Q}\\V e^{i \theta}\\P_{0} - i Q_{0}\\\frac{S}{\operatorname{conj}{\left(V_{c} \right)}}\\I_{c} \left(r_{a} + i xq\right) + V_{c}\\\log{\left(\frac{E}{\operatorname{abs}{\left(E \right)}} \right)}\\u \operatorname{im}{\left(\delta_{c}\right)}\\V_{c} u e^{- \delta_{c} + 0.5 i \pi}\\I_{c} u e^{- \delta_{c} + 0.5 i \pi}\\\operatorname{re}{\left(I_{dq}\right)}\\\operatorname{im}{\left(I_{dq}\right)}\\\operatorname{re}{\left(V_{dq}\right)}\\\operatorname{im}{\left(V_{dq}\right)}\\u \left(I_{d0} \left(I_{d0} r_{a} + V_{d0}\right) + I_{q0} \left(I_{q0} r_{a} + V_{q0}\right)\right)\\I_{q0} r_{a} u + V_{q0}\\- I_{d0} r_{a} u - V_{d0}\\I_{d0} xq + I_{q0} r_{a} + V_{q0}\end{matrix}\right]\end{split}\]