Renewable electrical control (exciter) group.
Common Parameters: u, name, reg
Common Variables: Pref, Qref, wg, Pord
Available models: REECA1, REECA1E, REECA1G
Renewable energy electrical control.
There are two user-defined voltages: Vref0 and Vref1.
The difference between the initial bus voltage and Vref0 should be within the voltage deadbands dbd1 and dbd2.
If VFLAG=0, the input to the second PI controller will be Vref1.
Regarding the additional reactive current injection during voltage dip:
Exercise caution when coordinating the parameters
, andVup
to avoid unintended responses.Kqv
inpu current / pu voltage deviation
controls the intensity of reactive power injection. The parameter needs to tuned properly to avoid voltage overshoot.When multiple renewable generators are connected to the same bus,
shall be reduced accordingly to avoid excessive reactive power injection.
Name |
Symbol |
Description |
Default |
Unit |
Properties |
idx |
unique device idx |
u |
\(u\) |
connection status |
1 |
bool |
name |
device name |
reg |
Renewable generator idx |
mandatory |
busr |
Optional remote bus for voltage control |
Power factor control flag; 1-PF control, 0-Q control |
bool |
mandatory |
Voltage control flag; 1-Q control, 0-V control |
bool |
mandatory |
Q control flag; 1-V or Q control, 0-const. PF or Q |
bool |
mandatory |
P speed-dependency flag; 1-has speed dep., 0-no dep. |
bool |
mandatory |
P/Q priority flag for I limit; 0-Q priority, 1-P priority |
bool |
mandatory |
Vdip |
\(V_{dip}\) |
Low V threshold to activate Iqinj logic |
0.800 |
p.u. |
Vup |
\(V_{up}\) |
V threshold above which to activate Iqinj logic |
1.200 |
p.u. |
Trv |
\(T_{rv}\) |
Voltage filter time constant |
0.020 |
dbd1 |
\(d_{bd1}\) |
Lower bound of the voltage deadband (<=0) |
-0.020 |
dbd2 |
\(d_{bd2}\) |
Upper bound of the voltage deadband (>=0) |
0.020 |
Kqv |
\(K_{qv}\) |
Gain to compute Iqinj from V error (caution!!) |
1 |
Iqh1 |
\(I_{qh1}\) |
Upper limit on Iqinj |
999 |
Iql1 |
\(I_{ql1}\) |
Lower limit on Iqinj |
-999 |
Vref0 |
\(V_{ref0}\) |
User defined Vref (if 0, use initial bus V) |
1 |
Iqfrz |
\(I_{qfrz}\) |
Hold Iqinj at the value for Thld (>0) seconds following a Vdip |
0 |
Thld |
\(T_{hld}\) |
Time for which Iqinj is held. Hold at Iqinj if>0; hold at State 1 if<0 |
0 |
s |
Thld2 |
\(T_{hld2}\) |
Time for which IPMAX is held after voltage dip ends |
0 |
s |
Tp |
\(T_p\) |
Filter time constant for Pe |
0.020 |
s |
QMax |
\(Q_{max}\) |
Upper limit for reactive power regulator |
999 |
QMin |
\(Q_{min}\) |
Lower limit for reactive power regulator |
-999 |
\(V_{max}\) |
Upper limit for voltage control |
999 |
\(V_{min}\) |
Lower limit for voltage control |
-999 |
Kqp |
\(K_{qp}\) |
Proportional gain for reactive power error |
1 |
Kqi |
\(K_{qi}\) |
Integral gain for reactive power error |
0.100 |
Kvp |
\(K_{vp}\) |
Proportional gain for voltage error |
1 |
Kvi |
\(K_{vi}\) |
Integral gain for voltage error |
0.100 |
Vref1 |
\(V_{ref1}\) |
Voltage ref. if VFLAG=0 |
1 |
non_zero |
Tiq |
\(T_{iq}\) |
Filter time constant for Iq |
0.020 |
dPmax |
\(d_{Pmax}\) |
Power reference max. ramp rate (>0) |
999 |
dPmin |
\(d_{Pin}\) |
Power reference min. ramp rate (<0) |
-999 |
\(P_{max}\) |
Max. active power limit > 0 |
999 |
\(P_{min}\) |
Min. active power limit |
0 |
Imax |
\(I_{max}\) |
Max. apparent current limit |
999 |
current |
Tpord |
\(T_{pord}\) |
Filter time constant for power setpoint |
0.020 |
Vq1 |
\(V_{q1}\) |
Reactive power V-I pair (point 1), voltage |
0.200 |
Iq1 |
\(I_{q1}\) |
Reactive power V-I pair (point 1), current |
2 |
current |
Vq2 |
\(V_{q2}\) |
Reactive power V-I pair (point 2), voltage |
0.400 |
Iq2 |
\(I_{q2}\) |
Reactive power V-I pair (point 2), current |
4 |
current |
Vq3 |
\(V_{q3}\) |
Reactive power V-I pair (point 3), voltage |
0.800 |
Iq3 |
\(I_{q3}\) |
Reactive power V-I pair (point 3), current |
8 |
current |
Vq4 |
\(V_{q4}\) |
Reactive power V-I pair (point 4), voltage |
1 |
Iq4 |
\(I_{q4}\) |
Reactive power V-I pair (point 4), current |
10 |
current |
Vp1 |
\(V_{p1}\) |
Active power V-I pair (point 1), voltage |
0.200 |
Ip1 |
\(I_{p1}\) |
Active power V-I pair (point 1), current |
2 |
current |
Vp2 |
\(V_{p2}\) |
Active power V-I pair (point 2), voltage |
0.400 |
Ip2 |
\(I_{p2}\) |
Active power V-I pair (point 2), current |
4 |
current |
Vp3 |
\(V_{p3}\) |
Active power V-I pair (point 3), voltage |
0.800 |
Ip3 |
\(I_{p3}\) |
Active power V-I pair (point 3), current |
8 |
current |
Vp4 |
\(V_{p4}\) |
Active power V-I pair (point 4), voltage |
1 |
Ip4 |
\(I_{p4}\) |
Active power V-I pair (point 4), current |
12 |
current |
bus |
Retrieved bus idx |
gen |
Retrieved StaticGen idx |
Sn |
\(S_n\) |
0 |
Name |
Symbol |
Type |
Description |
Unit |
Properties |
s0_y |
\(s_{0 y}\) |
State |
State in lag transfer function |
v_str |
S1_y |
\(S_{1 y}\) |
State |
State in lag transfer function |
v_str |
PIQ_xi |
\(PIQ_{\xi}\) |
State |
Integrator output |
v_str |
s4_y |
\(s_{4 y}\) |
State |
State in lag transfer function |
v_str |
pfilt_y |
\(pfilt_{y}\) |
State |
State in lag TF |
v_str |
s5_y |
\(s_{5 y}\) |
State |
State in lag TF |
v_str |
PIV_xi |
\(PIV_{\xi}\) |
State |
Integrator output |
v_str |
Pord |
\(Pord\) |
AliasState |
Alias of s5_y |
vp |
\(vp\) |
Algeb |
Sensed lower-capped voltage |
v_str |
pfaref |
\(pfaref\) |
Algeb |
power factor angle ref |
rad |
v_str |
Qref |
\(Qref\) |
Algeb |
external Q ref |
p.u. |
v_str |
Qcpf |
\(Qcpf\) |
Algeb |
Q calculated from P and power factor |
p.u. |
v_str |
PFsel |
\(PFsel\) |
Algeb |
Output of PFFLAG selector |
v_str |
Qerr |
\(Qerr\) |
Algeb |
Reactive power error |
v_str |
PIQ_ys |
\(PIQ_{ys}\) |
Algeb |
PI summation before limit |
v_str |
PIQ_y |
\(PIQ_{y}\) |
Algeb |
PI output |
v_str |
Vsel_x |
\(Vsel_{x}\) |
Algeb |
Value before limiter |
v_str |
Vsel_y |
\(Vsel_{y}\) |
Algeb |
Output after limiter and post gain |
v_str |
Verr |
\(Verr\) |
Algeb |
Voltage error (Vref0) |
v_str |
dbV_y |
\(dbV_{y}\) |
Algeb |
Deadband type 1 output |
v_str |
Iqinj |
\(Iqinj\) |
Algeb |
Additional Iq signal during under- or over-voltage |
v_str |
wg |
\(wg\) |
Algeb |
Drive train generator speed |
v_str |
Pref |
\(Pref\) |
Algeb |
external P ref |
p.u. |
v_str |
Psel |
\(Psel\) |
Algeb |
Output selection of PFLAG |
v_str |
VDL1_y |
\(VDL_{1 y}\) |
Algeb |
Output of piecewise |
v_str |
VDL2_y |
\(VDL_{2 y}\) |
Algeb |
Output of piecewise |
v_str |
Ipmax |
\(Ipmax\) |
Algeb |
Upper limit on Ipcmd |
v_str |
Iqmax |
\(Iqmax\) |
Algeb |
Upper limit on Iqcmd |
v_str |
PIV_ys |
\(PIV_{ys}\) |
Algeb |
PI summation before limit |
v_str |
PIV_y |
\(PIV_{y}\) |
Algeb |
PI output |
v_str |
Qsel |
\(Qsel\) |
Algeb |
Selection output of QFLAG |
v_str |
IpHL_x |
\(IpHL_{x}\) |
Algeb |
Value before limiter |
v_str |
IpHL_y |
\(IpHL_{y}\) |
Algeb |
Output after limiter and post gain |
v_str |
IqHL_x |
\(IqHL_{x}\) |
Algeb |
Value before limiter |
v_str |
IqHL_y |
\(IqHL_{y}\) |
Algeb |
Output after limiter and post gain |
v_str |
a |
\(a\) |
ExtAlgeb |
Bus voltage angle |
v |
\(v\) |
ExtAlgeb |
d-axis bus voltage magnitude |
Pe |
\(Pe\) |
ExtAlgeb |
Retrieved Pe of RenGen |
Qe |
\(Qe\) |
ExtAlgeb |
Retrieved Qe of RenGen |
Ipcmd |
\(Ipcmd\) |
ExtAlgeb |
Retrieved Ipcmd of RenGen |
Iqcmd |
\(Iqcmd\) |
ExtAlgeb |
Retrieved Iqcmd of RenGen |
Initialization Equations#
Name |
Symbol |
Type |
Initial Value |
s0_y |
\(s_{0 y}\) |
State |
\(v\) |
S1_y |
\(S_{1 y}\) |
State |
\(Pe\) |
PIQ_xi |
\(PIQ_{\xi}\) |
State |
\(0.0\) |
s4_y |
\(s_{4 y}\) |
State |
\(\frac{PFsel}{vp}\) |
pfilt_y |
\(pfilt_{y}\) |
State |
\(Pref\) |
s5_y |
\(s_{5 y}\) |
State |
\(Psel\) |
PIV_xi |
\(PIV_{\xi}\) |
State |
\(- Iqcmd_{0} SWQ_{s1}\) |
Pord |
\(Pord\) |
AliasState |
vp |
\(vp\) |
Algeb |
\(VLower_{zi} v + 0.01 VLower_{zl}\) |
pfaref |
\(pfaref\) |
Algeb |
\(pfaref_{0}\) |
Qref |
\(Qref\) |
Algeb |
\(- qref_{0}\) |
Qcpf |
\(Qcpf\) |
Algeb |
\(q_{0}\) |
PFsel |
\(PFsel\) |
Algeb |
\(Qcpf SWPF_{s1} + Qref SWPF_{s0}\) |
Qerr |
\(Qerr\) |
Algeb |
\(PFlim_{zi} PFsel + PFlim_{zl} QMin + PFlim_{zu} QMax - Qe\) |
PIQ_ys |
\(PIQ_{ys}\) |
Algeb |
\(Kqp Qerr SWV_{s1}\) |
PIQ_y |
\(PIQ_{y}\) |
Algeb |
\(PIQ_{lim zi} PIQ_{ys} + PIQ_{lim zl} VMIN + PIQ_{lim zu} VMAX\) |
Vsel_x |
\(Vsel_{x}\) |
Algeb |
\(PIQ_{y} SWV_{s1} + SWV_{s0} \left(Qcpf SWPF_{s1} + Qref SWPF_{s0} + Vref_{1}\right)\) |
Vsel_y |
\(Vsel_{y}\) |
Algeb |
\(VMAX Vsel_{lim zu} + VMIN Vsel_{lim zl} + Vsel_{lim zi} Vsel_{x}\) |
Verr |
\(Verr\) |
Algeb |
\(Vref_{0} - s_{0 y}\) |
dbV_y |
\(dbV_{y}\) |
Algeb |
\(1.0 dbV_{db zl} \left(Verr - dbd_{1}\right) + 1.0 dbV_{db zu} \left(Verr - dbd_{2}\right)\) |
Iqinj |
\(Iqinj\) |
Algeb |
\(Kqv Volt_{dip} dbV_{y} + fThld \left(1 - Volt_{dip}\right) \left(Iqfrz pThld + Kqv dbV_{y} nThld\right)\) |
wg |
\(wg\) |
Algeb |
\(1.0\) |
Pref |
\(Pref\) |
Algeb |
\(\frac{p_{0}}{wg}\) |
Psel |
\(Psel\) |
Algeb |
\(SWP_{s0} pfilt_{y} + SWP_{s1} pfilt_{y} wg\) |
VDL1_y |
\(VDL_{1 y}\) |
Algeb |
\(\operatorname{FixPiecewise}{\left(\left( Iq_{1}, \ Vq_{1} \geq s_{0 y}\right),\left( Iq_{1} + kVq_{12} \left(- Vq_{1} + s_{0 y}\right), \ Vq_{2} \geq s_{0 y}\right),\left( Iq_{2} + kVq_{23} \left(- Vq_{2} + s_{0 y}\right), \ Vq_{3} \geq s_{0 y}\right),\left( Iq_{3} + kVq_{34} \left(- Vq_{3} + s_{0 y}\right), \ Vq_{4} \geq s_{0 y}\right),\left( Iq_{4}, \ \text{True}\right) \right)}\) |
VDL2_y |
\(VDL_{2 y}\) |
Algeb |
\(\operatorname{FixPiecewise}{\left(\left( Ip_{1}, \ Vp_{1} \geq s_{0 y}\right),\left( Ip_{1} + kVp_{12} \left(- Vp_{1} + s_{0 y}\right), \ Vp_{2} \geq s_{0 y}\right),\left( Ip_{2} + kVp_{23} \left(- Vp_{2} + s_{0 y}\right), \ Vp_{3} \geq s_{0 y}\right),\left( Ip_{3} + kVp_{34} \left(- Vp_{3} + s_{0 y}\right), \ Vp_{4} \geq s_{0 y}\right),\left( Ip_{4}, \ \text{True}\right) \right)}\) |
Ipmax |
\(Ipmax\) |
Algeb |
\(\left(1 - fThld_{2}\right) \left(\sqrt{Ipmax2sq0} SWPQ_{s0} + SWPQ_{s1} \left(zVDL_{2} \left(Imaxr \left(1 - VDL2c\right) + VDL_{2 y} VDL2c\right) - 100000000.0 zVDL_{2} + 100000000.0\right)\right)\) |
Iqmax |
\(Iqmax\) |
Algeb |
\(\sqrt{Iqmax2sq0} SWPQ_{s1} + SWPQ_{s0} \left(zVDL_{1} \left(Imaxr \left(1 - VDL1c\right) + VDL_{1 y} VDL1c\right) - 100000000.0 zVDL_{1} + 100000000.0\right)\) |
PIV_ys |
\(PIV_{ys}\) |
Algeb |
\(- Iqcmd_{0} SWQ_{s1} + Kvp SWQ_{s1} \left(- SWV_{s0} s_{0 y} + Vsel_{y}\right)\) |
PIV_y |
\(PIV_{y}\) |
Algeb |
\(Iqmax PIV_{lim zu} + Iqmin PIV_{lim zl} + PIV_{lim zi} PIV_{ys}\) |
Qsel |
\(Qsel\) |
Algeb |
\(PIV_{y} SWQ_{s1} + SWQ_{s0} s_{4 y}\) |
IpHL_x |
\(IpHL_{x}\) |
Algeb |
\(\frac{s_{5 y}}{vp}\) |
IpHL_y |
\(IpHL_{y}\) |
Algeb |
\(IpHL_{lim zi} IpHL_{x} + IpHL_{lim zl} Ipmin + IpHL_{lim zu} Ipmax\) |
IqHL_x |
\(IqHL_{x}\) |
Algeb |
\(Iqinj + Qsel\) |
IqHL_y |
\(IqHL_{y}\) |
Algeb |
\(IqHL_{lim zi} IqHL_{x} + IqHL_{lim zl} Iqmin + IqHL_{lim zu} Iqmax\) |
a |
\(a\) |
ExtAlgeb |
v |
\(v\) |
ExtAlgeb |
Pe |
\(Pe\) |
ExtAlgeb |
Qe |
\(Qe\) |
ExtAlgeb |
Ipcmd |
\(Ipcmd\) |
ExtAlgeb |
Iqcmd |
\(Iqcmd\) |
ExtAlgeb |
Differential Equations#
Name |
Symbol |
Type |
RHS of Equation "T x' = f(x, y)" |
T (LHS) |
s0_y |
\(s_{0 y}\) |
State |
\(- s_{0 y} + v\) |
\(T_{rv}\) |
S1_y |
\(S_{1 y}\) |
State |
\(Pe - S_{1 y}\) |
\(T_p\) |
PIQ_xi |
\(PIQ_{\xi}\) |
State |
\(Kqi \left(1 - Volt_{dip}\right) \left(2 PIQ_{y} - 2 PIQ_{ys} + Qerr SWV_{s1}\right)\) |
s4_y |
\(s_{4 y}\) |
State |
\(\left(1 - Volt_{dip}\right) \left(\frac{PFsel}{vp} - s_{4 y}\right)\) |
\(T_{iq}\) |
pfilt_y |
\(pfilt_{y}\) |
State |
\(Pref - pfilt_{y}\) |
\(0.02\) |
s5_y |
\(s_{5 y}\) |
State |
\(\left(1 - Volt_{dip}\right) \left(Psel - s_{5 y}\right)\) |
\(T_{pord}\) |
PIV_xi |
\(PIV_{\xi}\) |
State |
\(Kvi \left(1 - Volt_{dip}\right) \left(2 PIV_{y} - 2 PIV_{ys} + SWQ_{s1} \left(- SWV_{s0} s_{0 y} + Vsel_{y}\right)\right)\) |
Pord |
\(Pord\) |
AliasState |
\(0\) |
Algebraic Equations#
Name |
Symbol |
Type |
RHS of Equation "0 = g(x, y)" |
vp |
\(vp\) |
Algeb |
\(VLower_{zi} v + 0.01 VLower_{zl} - vp\) |
pfaref |
\(pfaref\) |
Algeb |
\(- pfaref + pfaref_{0}\) |
Qref |
\(Qref\) |
Algeb |
\(- Qref - qref_{0}\) |
Qcpf |
\(Qcpf\) |
Algeb |
\(\left(1 - zp_{z1}\right) \left(- Qcpf + S_{1 y} \tan{\left(pfaref \right)}\right)\) |
PFsel |
\(PFsel\) |
Algeb |
\(- PFsel + Qcpf SWPF_{s1} + Qref SWPF_{s0}\) |
Qerr |
\(Qerr\) |
Algeb |
\(PFlim_{zi} PFsel + PFlim_{zl} QMin + PFlim_{zu} QMax - Qe - Qerr\) |
PIQ_ys |
\(PIQ_{ys}\) |
Algeb |
\(\left(1 - Volt_{dip}\right) \left(Kqp Qerr SWV_{s1} + PIQ_{\xi} - PIQ_{ys}\right)\) |
PIQ_y |
\(PIQ_{y}\) |
Algeb |
\(\left(1 - Volt_{dip}\right) \left(PIQ_{lim zi} PIQ_{ys} + PIQ_{lim zl} VMIN + PIQ_{lim zu} VMAX - PIQ_{y}\right)\) |
Vsel_x |
\(Vsel_{x}\) |
Algeb |
\(PIQ_{y} SWV_{s1} + SWV_{s0} \left(Qcpf SWPF_{s1} + Qref SWPF_{s0} + Vref_{1}\right) - Vsel_{x}\) |
Vsel_y |
\(Vsel_{y}\) |
Algeb |
\(VMAX Vsel_{lim zu} + VMIN Vsel_{lim zl} + Vsel_{lim zi} Vsel_{x} - Vsel_{y}\) |
Verr |
\(Verr\) |
Algeb |
\(- Verr + Vref_{0} - s_{0 y}\) |
dbV_y |
\(dbV_{y}\) |
Algeb |
\(1.0 dbV_{db zl} \left(Verr - dbd_{1}\right) + 1.0 dbV_{db zu} \left(Verr - dbd_{2}\right) - dbV_{y}\) |
Iqinj |
\(Iqinj\) |
Algeb |
\(- Iqinj + Kqv Volt_{dip} dbV_{y} + fThld \left(1 - Volt_{dip}\right) \left(Iqfrz pThld + Kqv dbV_{y} nThld\right)\) |
wg |
\(wg\) |
Algeb |
\(1.0 - wg\) |
Pref |
\(Pref\) |
Algeb |
\(- Pref + \frac{p_{0}}{wg}\) |
Psel |
\(Psel\) |
Algeb |
\(- Psel + SWP_{s0} pfilt_{y} + SWP_{s1} pfilt_{y} wg\) |
VDL1_y |
\(VDL_{1 y}\) |
Algeb |
\(- VDL_{1 y} + \operatorname{FixPiecewise}{\left(\left( Iq_{1}, \ Vq_{1} \geq s_{0 y}\right),\left( Iq_{1} + kVq_{12} \left(- Vq_{1} + s_{0 y}\right), \ Vq_{2} \geq s_{0 y}\right),\left( Iq_{2} + kVq_{23} \left(- Vq_{2} + s_{0 y}\right), \ Vq_{3} \geq s_{0 y}\right),\left( Iq_{3} + kVq_{34} \left(- Vq_{3} + s_{0 y}\right), \ Vq_{4} \geq s_{0 y}\right),\left( Iq_{4}, \ \text{True}\right) \right)}\) |
VDL2_y |
\(VDL_{2 y}\) |
Algeb |
\(- VDL_{2 y} + \operatorname{FixPiecewise}{\left(\left( Ip_{1}, \ Vp_{1} \geq s_{0 y}\right),\left( Ip_{1} + kVp_{12} \left(- Vp_{1} + s_{0 y}\right), \ Vp_{2} \geq s_{0 y}\right),\left( Ip_{2} + kVp_{23} \left(- Vp_{2} + s_{0 y}\right), \ Vp_{3} \geq s_{0 y}\right),\left( Ip_{3} + kVp_{34} \left(- Vp_{3} + s_{0 y}\right), \ Vp_{4} \geq s_{0 y}\right),\left( Ip_{4}, \ \text{True}\right) \right)}\) |
Ipmax |
\(Ipmax\) |
Algeb |
\(- Ipmax + Ipmaxh fThld_{2} + \left(1 - fThld_{2}\right) \left(\sqrt{Ipmax2sq} SWPQ_{s0} + SWPQ_{s1} \left(zVDL_{2} \left(Imaxr \left(1 - VDL2c\right) + VDL_{2 y} VDL2c\right) - 100000000.0 zVDL_{2} + 100000000.0\right)\right)\) |
Iqmax |
\(Iqmax\) |
Algeb |
\(- Iqmax + \sqrt{Iqmax2sq} SWPQ_{s1} + SWPQ_{s0} \left(zVDL_{1} \left(Imaxr \left(1 - VDL1c\right) + VDL_{1 y} VDL1c\right) - 100000000.0 zVDL_{1} + 100000000.0\right)\) |
PIV_ys |
\(PIV_{ys}\) |
Algeb |
\(\left(1 - Volt_{dip}\right) \left(Kvp SWQ_{s1} \left(- SWV_{s0} s_{0 y} + Vsel_{y}\right) + PIV_{\xi} - PIV_{ys}\right)\) |
PIV_y |
\(PIV_{y}\) |
Algeb |
\(\left(1 - Volt_{dip}\right) \left(Iqmax PIV_{lim zu} + Iqmin PIV_{lim zl} + PIV_{lim zi} PIV_{ys} - PIV_{y}\right)\) |
Qsel |
\(Qsel\) |
Algeb |
\(PIV_{y} SWQ_{s1} - Qsel + SWQ_{s0} s_{4 y}\) |
IpHL_x |
\(IpHL_{x}\) |
Algeb |
\(- IpHL_{x} + \frac{s_{5 y}}{vp}\) |
IpHL_y |
\(IpHL_{y}\) |
Algeb |
\(IpHL_{lim zi} IpHL_{x} + IpHL_{lim zl} Ipmin + IpHL_{lim zu} Ipmax - IpHL_{y}\) |
IqHL_x |
\(IqHL_{x}\) |
Algeb |
\(- IqHL_{x} + Iqinj + Qsel\) |
IqHL_y |
\(IqHL_{y}\) |
Algeb |
\(IqHL_{lim zi} IqHL_{x} + IqHL_{lim zl} Iqmin + IqHL_{lim zu} Iqmax - IqHL_{y}\) |
a |
\(a\) |
ExtAlgeb |
\(0\) |
v |
\(v\) |
ExtAlgeb |
\(0\) |
Pe |
\(Pe\) |
ExtAlgeb |
\(0\) |
Qe |
\(Qe\) |
ExtAlgeb |
\(0\) |
Ipcmd |
\(Ipcmd\) |
ExtAlgeb |
\(IpHL_{y} - Ipcmd_{0}\) |
Iqcmd |
\(Iqcmd\) |
ExtAlgeb |
\(- IqHL_{y} - Iqcmd_{0}\) |
Name |
Symbol |
Equation |
Type |
Ipcmd0 |
\(Ipcmd0\) |
\(\frac{p_{0}}{v}\) |
ConstService |
Iqcmd0 |
\(Iqcmd0\) |
\(- \frac{q_{0}}{v}\) |
ConstService |
pfaref0 |
\(\Phi_{ref0}\) |
\(\operatorname{atan}_{2}{\left(q_{0},p_{0} \right)}\) |
ConstService |
Volt_dip |
\(z_{Vdip}\) |
\(1 - Vcmp_{zi}\) |
VarService |
qref0 |
\(q_{ref0}\) |
\(Iqcmd_{0} SWQ_{s0} \left(VLower_{zi} v + 0.01 VLower_{zl}\right) + SWQ_{s1} \left(- Vref_{1} + v\right)\) |
ConstService |
PIQ_flag |
\(z^{flag}_{PIQ}\) |
\(0\) |
EventFlag |
s4_flag |
\(z^{flag}_{s_4}\) |
\(0\) |
EventFlag |
pThld |
\(p_{Thld}\) |
\(\operatorname{Indicator}{\left(Thld > 0 \right)}\) |
ConstService |
nThld |
\(n_{Thld}\) |
\(\operatorname{Indicator}{\left(Thld < 0 \right)}\) |
ConstService |
Thld_abs |
\(|Thld|\) |
\(\left|{Thld}\right|\) |
ConstService |
fThld |
\(fThld\) |
\(0\) |
ExtendedEvent |
s5_flag |
\(z^{flag}_{s5}\) |
\(0\) |
EventFlag |
kVq12 |
\(k_{Vq12}\) |
\(\frac{- Iq_{1} + Iq_{2}}{- Vq_{1} + Vq_{2}}\) |
ConstService |
kVq23 |
\(k_{Vq23}\) |
\(\frac{- Iq_{2} + Iq_{3}}{- Vq_{2} + Vq_{3}}\) |
ConstService |
kVq34 |
\(k_{Vq34}\) |
\(\frac{- Iq_{3} + Iq_{4}}{- Vq_{3} + Vq_{4}}\) |
ConstService |
zVDL1 |
\(z_{VDL1}\) |
\(Iq_{1} \leq Iq_{2} \wedge Iq_{2} \leq Iq_{3} \wedge Iq_{3} \leq Iq_{4} \wedge Vq_{1} \leq Vq_{2} \wedge Vq_{2} \leq Vq_{3} \wedge Vq_{3} \leq Vq_{4}\) |
ConstService |
kVp12 |
\(k_{Vp12}\) |
\(\frac{- Ip_{1} + Ip_{2}}{- Vp_{1} + Vp_{2}}\) |
ConstService |
kVp23 |
\(k_{Vp23}\) |
\(\frac{- Ip_{2} + Ip_{3}}{- Vp_{2} + Vp_{3}}\) |
ConstService |
kVp34 |
\(k_{Vp34}\) |
\(\frac{- Ip_{3} + Ip_{4}}{- Vp_{3} + Vp_{4}}\) |
ConstService |
zVDL2 |
\(z_{VDL2}\) |
\(Ip_{1} \leq Ip_{2} \wedge Ip_{2} \leq Ip_{3} \wedge Ip_{3} \leq Ip_{4} \wedge Vp_{1} \leq Vp_{2} \wedge Vp_{2} \leq Vp_{3} \wedge Vp_{3} \leq Vp_{4}\) |
ConstService |
fThld2 |
\(fThld2\) |
\(0\) |
ExtendedEvent |
VDL1c |
\(VDL1c\) |
\(VDL_{1 y} < Imaxr\) |
VarService |
VDL2c |
\(VDL2c\) |
\(VDL_{2 y} < Imaxr\) |
VarService |
Ipmax2sq0 |
\(I_{pmax20,nn}^2\) |
\(\operatorname{FixPiecewise}{\left(\left( 0, \ Imax^{2} - Iqcmd_{0}^{2} \leq 0\right),\left( Imax^{2} - Iqcmd_{0}^{2}, \ \text{True}\right) \right)}\) |
ConstService |
Ipmax2sq |
\(I_{pmax2}^2\) |
\(\operatorname{FixPiecewise}{\left(\left( 0, \ Imax^{2} - IqHL_{y}^{2} \leq 0\right),\left( Imax^{2} - IqHL_{y}^{2}, \ \text{True}\right) \right)}\) |
VarService |
Ipmaxh |
\(Ipmaxh\) |
\(0\) |
VarHold |
Iqmax2sq0 |
\(I_{qmax,nn}^2\) |
\(\operatorname{FixPiecewise}{\left(\left( 0, \ Imax^{2} - Ipcmd_{0}^{2} \leq 0\right),\left( Imax^{2} - Ipcmd_{0}^{2}, \ \text{True}\right) \right)}\) |
ConstService |
Iqmax2sq |
\(I_{qmax2}^2\) |
\(\operatorname{FixPiecewise}{\left(\left( 0, \ Imax^{2} - IpHL_{y}^{2} \leq 0\right),\left( Imax^{2} - IpHL_{y}^{2}, \ \text{True}\right) \right)}\) |
VarService |
Ipmin |
\(I_{pmin}\) |
\(0.0\) |
ConstService |
PIV_flag |
\(z^{flag}_{PIV}\) |
\(0\) |
EventFlag |
Name |
Symbol |
Type |
Info |
\(SW_{PF}\) |
Switcher |
\(SW_{V}\) |
Switcher |
\(SW_{V}\) |
Switcher |
\(SW_{P}\) |
Switcher |
\(SW_{PQ}\) |
Switcher |
zp |
\(zp\) |
IsEqual |
Vcmp |
\(V_{cmp}\) |
Limiter |
Voltage dip comparator |
VLower |
\(VLower\) |
Limiter |
Limiter for lower voltage cap |
PFlim |
\(PFlim\) |
Limiter |
PIQ_lim |
\(lim_{PIQ}\) |
HardLimiter |
Vsel_lim |
\(lim_{Vsel}\) |
HardLimiter |
dbV_db |
\(db_{dbV}\) |
DeadBand |
pfilt_lim |
\(lim_{P_{filt}}\) |
RateLimiter |
Rate limiter in Lag |
s5_lim |
\(lim_{s5}\) |
AntiWindup |
Limiter in Lag |
PIV_lim |
\(lim_{PIV}\) |
HardLimiter |
IpHL_lim |
\(lim_{IpHL}\) |
HardLimiter |
IqHL_lim |
\(lim_{IqHL}\) |
HardLimiter |
Name |
Symbol |
Type |
Info |
s0 |
\(s0\) |
Lag |
Voltage filter |
S1 |
\(S_1\) |
Lag |
Pe filter |
\(PIQ\) |
PITrackAWFreeze |
Vsel |
\(Vsel\) |
GainLimiter |
Selection output of VFLAG |
s4 |
\(s_4\) |
LagFreeze |
Filter for calculated voltage with freeze |
dbV |
\(dbV\) |
DeadBand1 |
Deadband for voltage error (ref0) |
pfilt |
\(P_{filt}\) |
LagRate |
Active power filter with rate limits |
s5 |
\(s5\) |
LagAWFreeze |
VDL1 |
\(V_{DL1}\) |
Piecewise |
Piecewise linear characteristics of Vq-Iq |
VDL2 |
\(V_{DL2}\) |
Piecewise |
Piecewise linear characteristics of Vp-Ip |
\(PIV\) |
PITrackAWFreeze |
IpHL |
\(IpHL\) |
GainLimiter |
IqHL |
\(IqHL\) |
GainLimiter |
Config Fields in [REECA1]
Option |
Symbol |
Value |
Info |
Accepted values |
allow_adjust |
1 |
allow adjusting upper or lower limits |
(0, 1) |
adjust_lower |
0 |
adjust lower limit |
(0, 1) |
adjust_upper |
1 |
adjust upper limit |
(0, 1) |
kqs |
\(K_{qs}\) |
2 |
Q PI controller tracking gain |
kvs |
\(K_{vs}\) |
2 |
Voltage PI controller tracking gain |
tpfilt |
\(T_{pfilt}\) |
0.020 |
Time const. for Pref filter |
REGCA1 with inertia emulation and primary frequency droop. Measurements are based on frequency measurement model.
Bus ROCOF obtained from BusROCOF
Name |
Symbol |
Description |
Default |
Unit |
Properties |
idx |
unique device idx |
u |
\(u\) |
connection status |
1 |
bool |
name |
device name |
reg |
Renewable generator idx |
mandatory |
busr |
Optional remote bus for voltage control |
Power factor control flag; 1-PF control, 0-Q control |
bool |
mandatory |
Voltage control flag; 1-Q control, 0-V control |
bool |
mandatory |
Q control flag; 1-V or Q control, 0-const. PF or Q |
bool |
mandatory |
P speed-dependency flag; 1-has speed dep., 0-no dep. |
bool |
mandatory |
P/Q priority flag for I limit; 0-Q priority, 1-P priority |
bool |
mandatory |
Vdip |
\(V_{dip}\) |
Low V threshold to activate Iqinj logic |
0.800 |
p.u. |
Vup |
\(V_{up}\) |
V threshold above which to activate Iqinj logic |
1.200 |
p.u. |
Trv |
\(T_{rv}\) |
Voltage filter time constant |
0.020 |
dbd1 |
\(d_{bd1}\) |
Lower bound of the voltage deadband (<=0) |
-0.020 |
dbd2 |
\(d_{bd2}\) |
Upper bound of the voltage deadband (>=0) |
0.020 |
Kqv |
\(K_{qv}\) |
Gain to compute Iqinj from V error (caution!!) |
1 |
Iqh1 |
\(I_{qh1}\) |
Upper limit on Iqinj |
999 |
Iql1 |
\(I_{ql1}\) |
Lower limit on Iqinj |
-999 |
Vref0 |
\(V_{ref0}\) |
User defined Vref (if 0, use initial bus V) |
1 |
Iqfrz |
\(I_{qfrz}\) |
Hold Iqinj at the value for Thld (>0) seconds following a Vdip |
0 |
Thld |
\(T_{hld}\) |
Time for which Iqinj is held. Hold at Iqinj if>0; hold at State 1 if<0 |
0 |
s |
Thld2 |
\(T_{hld2}\) |
Time for which IPMAX is held after voltage dip ends |
0 |
s |
Tp |
\(T_p\) |
Filter time constant for Pe |
0.020 |
s |
QMax |
\(Q_{max}\) |
Upper limit for reactive power regulator |
999 |
QMin |
\(Q_{min}\) |
Lower limit for reactive power regulator |
-999 |
\(V_{max}\) |
Upper limit for voltage control |
999 |
\(V_{min}\) |
Lower limit for voltage control |
-999 |
Kqp |
\(K_{qp}\) |
Proportional gain for reactive power error |
1 |
Kqi |
\(K_{qi}\) |
Integral gain for reactive power error |
0.100 |
Kvp |
\(K_{vp}\) |
Proportional gain for voltage error |
1 |
Kvi |
\(K_{vi}\) |
Integral gain for voltage error |
0.100 |
Vref1 |
\(V_{ref1}\) |
Voltage ref. if VFLAG=0 |
1 |
non_zero |
Tiq |
\(T_{iq}\) |
Filter time constant for Iq |
0.020 |
dPmax |
\(d_{Pmax}\) |
Power reference max. ramp rate (>0) |
999 |
dPmin |
\(d_{Pin}\) |
Power reference min. ramp rate (<0) |
-999 |
\(P_{max}\) |
Max. active power limit > 0 |
999 |
\(P_{min}\) |
Min. active power limit |
0 |
Imax |
\(I_{max}\) |
Max. apparent current limit |
999 |
current |
Tpord |
\(T_{pord}\) |
Filter time constant for power setpoint |
0.020 |
Vq1 |
\(V_{q1}\) |
Reactive power V-I pair (point 1), voltage |
0.200 |
Iq1 |
\(I_{q1}\) |
Reactive power V-I pair (point 1), current |
2 |
current |
Vq2 |
\(V_{q2}\) |
Reactive power V-I pair (point 2), voltage |
0.400 |
Iq2 |
\(I_{q2}\) |
Reactive power V-I pair (point 2), current |
4 |
current |
Vq3 |
\(V_{q3}\) |
Reactive power V-I pair (point 3), voltage |
0.800 |
Iq3 |
\(I_{q3}\) |
Reactive power V-I pair (point 3), current |
8 |
current |
Vq4 |
\(V_{q4}\) |
Reactive power V-I pair (point 4), voltage |
1 |
Iq4 |
\(I_{q4}\) |
Reactive power V-I pair (point 4), current |
10 |
current |
Vp1 |
\(V_{p1}\) |
Active power V-I pair (point 1), voltage |
0.200 |
Ip1 |
\(I_{p1}\) |
Active power V-I pair (point 1), current |
2 |
current |
Vp2 |
\(V_{p2}\) |
Active power V-I pair (point 2), voltage |
0.400 |
Ip2 |
\(I_{p2}\) |
Active power V-I pair (point 2), current |
4 |
current |
Vp3 |
\(V_{p3}\) |
Active power V-I pair (point 3), voltage |
0.800 |
Ip3 |
\(I_{p3}\) |
Active power V-I pair (point 3), current |
8 |
current |
Vp4 |
\(V_{p4}\) |
Active power V-I pair (point 4), voltage |
1 |
Ip4 |
\(I_{p4}\) |
Active power V-I pair (point 4), current |
12 |
current |
Kf |
\(K_{df}\) |
gain for frequency deviation |
0 |
Kdf |
\(K_{df}\) |
gain for rate-of-change of frequency |
0 |
busroc |
Optional BusROCOF device idx |
bus |
Retrieved bus idx |
gen |
Retrieved StaticGen idx |
Sn |
\(S_n\) |
0 |
Name |
Symbol |
Type |
Description |
Unit |
Properties |
s0_y |
\(s_{0 y}\) |
State |
State in lag transfer function |
v_str |
S1_y |
\(S_{1 y}\) |
State |
State in lag transfer function |
v_str |
PIQ_xi |
\(PIQ_{\xi}\) |
State |
Integrator output |
v_str |
s4_y |
\(s_{4 y}\) |
State |
State in lag transfer function |
v_str |
pfilt_y |
\(pfilt_{y}\) |
State |
State in lag TF |
v_str |
s5_y |
\(s_{5 y}\) |
State |
State in lag TF |
v_str |
PIV_xi |
\(PIV_{\xi}\) |
State |
Integrator output |
v_str |
Pord |
\(Pord\) |
AliasState |
Alias of s5_y |
vp |
\(vp\) |
Algeb |
Sensed lower-capped voltage |
v_str |
pfaref |
\(pfaref\) |
Algeb |
power factor angle ref |
rad |
v_str |
Qref |
\(Qref\) |
Algeb |
external Q ref |
p.u. |
v_str |
Qcpf |
\(Qcpf\) |
Algeb |
Q calculated from P and power factor |
p.u. |
v_str |
PFsel |
\(PFsel\) |
Algeb |
Output of PFFLAG selector |
v_str |
Qerr |
\(Qerr\) |
Algeb |
Reactive power error |
v_str |
PIQ_ys |
\(PIQ_{ys}\) |
Algeb |
PI summation before limit |
v_str |
PIQ_y |
\(PIQ_{y}\) |
Algeb |
PI output |
v_str |
Vsel_x |
\(Vsel_{x}\) |
Algeb |
Value before limiter |
v_str |
Vsel_y |
\(Vsel_{y}\) |
Algeb |
Output after limiter and post gain |
v_str |
Verr |
\(Verr\) |
Algeb |
Voltage error (Vref0) |
v_str |
dbV_y |
\(dbV_{y}\) |
Algeb |
Deadband type 1 output |
v_str |
Iqinj |
\(Iqinj\) |
Algeb |
Additional Iq signal during under- or over-voltage |
v_str |
wg |
\(wg\) |
Algeb |
Drive train generator speed |
v_str |
Pref |
\(Pref\) |
Algeb |
external P ref |
p.u. |
v_str |
Psel |
\(Psel\) |
Algeb |
Output selection of PFLAG |
v_str |
VDL1_y |
\(VDL_{1 y}\) |
Algeb |
Output of piecewise |
v_str |
VDL2_y |
\(VDL_{2 y}\) |
Algeb |
Output of piecewise |
v_str |
Ipmax |
\(Ipmax\) |
Algeb |
Upper limit on Ipcmd |
v_str |
Iqmax |
\(Iqmax\) |
Algeb |
Upper limit on Iqcmd |
v_str |
PIV_ys |
\(PIV_{ys}\) |
Algeb |
PI summation before limit |
v_str |
PIV_y |
\(PIV_{y}\) |
Algeb |
PI output |
v_str |
Qsel |
\(Qsel\) |
Algeb |
Selection output of QFLAG |
v_str |
IpHL_x |
\(IpHL_{x}\) |
Algeb |
Value before limiter |
v_str |
IpHL_y |
\(IpHL_{y}\) |
Algeb |
Output after limiter and post gain |
v_str |
IqHL_x |
\(IqHL_{x}\) |
Algeb |
Value before limiter |
v_str |
IqHL_y |
\(IqHL_{y}\) |
Algeb |
Output after limiter and post gain |
v_str |
a |
\(a\) |
ExtAlgeb |
Bus voltage angle |
v |
\(v\) |
ExtAlgeb |
d-axis bus voltage magnitude |
Pe |
\(Pe\) |
ExtAlgeb |
Retrieved Pe of RenGen |
Qe |
\(Qe\) |
ExtAlgeb |
Retrieved Qe of RenGen |
Ipcmd |
\(Ipcmd\) |
ExtAlgeb |
Retrieved Ipcmd of RenGen |
Iqcmd |
\(Iqcmd\) |
ExtAlgeb |
Retrieved Iqcmd of RenGen |
df |
\(df\) |
ExtAlgeb |
Bus frequency deviation |
dfdt |
\(dfdt\) |
ExtAlgeb |
p.u. |
Initialization Equations#
Name |
Symbol |
Type |
Initial Value |
s0_y |
\(s_{0 y}\) |
State |
\(v\) |
S1_y |
\(S_{1 y}\) |
State |
\(Pe\) |
PIQ_xi |
\(PIQ_{\xi}\) |
State |
\(0.0\) |
s4_y |
\(s_{4 y}\) |
State |
\(\frac{PFsel}{vp}\) |
pfilt_y |
\(pfilt_{y}\) |
State |
\(Pref\) |
s5_y |
\(s_{5 y}\) |
State |
\(Psel\) |
PIV_xi |
\(PIV_{\xi}\) |
State |
\(- Iqcmd_{0} SWQ_{s1}\) |
Pord |
\(Pord\) |
AliasState |
vp |
\(vp\) |
Algeb |
\(VLower_{zi} v + 0.01 VLower_{zl}\) |
pfaref |
\(pfaref\) |
Algeb |
\(pfaref_{0}\) |
Qref |
\(Qref\) |
Algeb |
\(- qref_{0}\) |
Qcpf |
\(Qcpf\) |
Algeb |
\(q_{0}\) |
PFsel |
\(PFsel\) |
Algeb |
\(Qcpf SWPF_{s1} + Qref SWPF_{s0}\) |
Qerr |
\(Qerr\) |
Algeb |
\(PFlim_{zi} PFsel + PFlim_{zl} QMin + PFlim_{zu} QMax - Qe\) |
PIQ_ys |
\(PIQ_{ys}\) |
Algeb |
\(Kqp Qerr SWV_{s1}\) |
PIQ_y |
\(PIQ_{y}\) |
Algeb |
\(PIQ_{lim zi} PIQ_{ys} + PIQ_{lim zl} VMIN + PIQ_{lim zu} VMAX\) |
Vsel_x |
\(Vsel_{x}\) |
Algeb |
\(PIQ_{y} SWV_{s1} + SWV_{s0} \left(Qcpf SWPF_{s1} + Qref SWPF_{s0} + Vref_{1}\right)\) |
Vsel_y |
\(Vsel_{y}\) |
Algeb |
\(VMAX Vsel_{lim zu} + VMIN Vsel_{lim zl} + Vsel_{lim zi} Vsel_{x}\) |
Verr |
\(Verr\) |
Algeb |
\(Vref_{0} - s_{0 y}\) |
dbV_y |
\(dbV_{y}\) |
Algeb |
\(1.0 dbV_{db zl} \left(Verr - dbd_{1}\right) + 1.0 dbV_{db zu} \left(Verr - dbd_{2}\right)\) |
Iqinj |
\(Iqinj\) |
Algeb |
\(Kqv Volt_{dip} dbV_{y} + fThld \left(1 - Volt_{dip}\right) \left(Iqfrz pThld + Kqv dbV_{y} nThld\right)\) |
wg |
\(wg\) |
Algeb |
\(1.0\) |
Pref |
\(Pref\) |
Algeb |
\(\frac{p_{0}}{wg}\) |
Psel |
\(Psel\) |
Algeb |
\(SWP_{s0} pfilt_{y} + SWP_{s1} pfilt_{y} wg\) |
VDL1_y |
\(VDL_{1 y}\) |
Algeb |
\(\operatorname{FixPiecewise}{\left(\left( Iq_{1}, \ Vq_{1} \geq s_{0 y}\right),\left( Iq_{1} + kVq_{12} \left(- Vq_{1} + s_{0 y}\right), \ Vq_{2} \geq s_{0 y}\right),\left( Iq_{2} + kVq_{23} \left(- Vq_{2} + s_{0 y}\right), \ Vq_{3} \geq s_{0 y}\right),\left( Iq_{3} + kVq_{34} \left(- Vq_{3} + s_{0 y}\right), \ Vq_{4} \geq s_{0 y}\right),\left( Iq_{4}, \ \text{True}\right) \right)}\) |
VDL2_y |
\(VDL_{2 y}\) |
Algeb |
\(\operatorname{FixPiecewise}{\left(\left( Ip_{1}, \ Vp_{1} \geq s_{0 y}\right),\left( Ip_{1} + kVp_{12} \left(- Vp_{1} + s_{0 y}\right), \ Vp_{2} \geq s_{0 y}\right),\left( Ip_{2} + kVp_{23} \left(- Vp_{2} + s_{0 y}\right), \ Vp_{3} \geq s_{0 y}\right),\left( Ip_{3} + kVp_{34} \left(- Vp_{3} + s_{0 y}\right), \ Vp_{4} \geq s_{0 y}\right),\left( Ip_{4}, \ \text{True}\right) \right)}\) |
Ipmax |
\(Ipmax\) |
Algeb |
\(\left(1 - fThld_{2}\right) \left(\sqrt{Ipmax2sq0} SWPQ_{s0} + SWPQ_{s1} \left(zVDL_{2} \left(Imaxr \left(1 - VDL2c\right) + VDL_{2 y} VDL2c\right) - 100000000.0 zVDL_{2} + 100000000.0\right)\right)\) |
Iqmax |
\(Iqmax\) |
Algeb |
\(\sqrt{Iqmax2sq0} SWPQ_{s1} + SWPQ_{s0} \left(zVDL_{1} \left(Imaxr \left(1 - VDL1c\right) + VDL_{1 y} VDL1c\right) - 100000000.0 zVDL_{1} + 100000000.0\right)\) |
PIV_ys |
\(PIV_{ys}\) |
Algeb |
\(- Iqcmd_{0} SWQ_{s1} + Kvp SWQ_{s1} \left(- SWV_{s0} s_{0 y} + Vsel_{y}\right)\) |
PIV_y |
\(PIV_{y}\) |
Algeb |
\(Iqmax PIV_{lim zu} + Iqmin PIV_{lim zl} + PIV_{lim zi} PIV_{ys}\) |
Qsel |
\(Qsel\) |
Algeb |
\(PIV_{y} SWQ_{s1} + SWQ_{s0} s_{4 y}\) |
IpHL_x |
\(IpHL_{x}\) |
Algeb |
\(\frac{s_{5 y}}{vp}\) |
IpHL_y |
\(IpHL_{y}\) |
Algeb |
\(IpHL_{lim zi} IpHL_{x} + IpHL_{lim zl} Ipmin + IpHL_{lim zu} Ipmax\) |
IqHL_x |
\(IqHL_{x}\) |
Algeb |
\(Iqinj + Qsel\) |
IqHL_y |
\(IqHL_{y}\) |
Algeb |
\(IqHL_{lim zi} IqHL_{x} + IqHL_{lim zl} Iqmin + IqHL_{lim zu} Iqmax\) |
a |
\(a\) |
ExtAlgeb |
v |
\(v\) |
ExtAlgeb |
Pe |
\(Pe\) |
ExtAlgeb |
Qe |
\(Qe\) |
ExtAlgeb |
Ipcmd |
\(Ipcmd\) |
ExtAlgeb |
Iqcmd |
\(Iqcmd\) |
ExtAlgeb |
df |
\(df\) |
ExtAlgeb |
dfdt |
\(dfdt\) |
ExtAlgeb |
Differential Equations#
Name |
Symbol |
Type |
RHS of Equation "T x' = f(x, y)" |
T (LHS) |
s0_y |
\(s_{0 y}\) |
State |
\(- s_{0 y} + v\) |
\(T_{rv}\) |
S1_y |
\(S_{1 y}\) |
State |
\(Pe - S_{1 y}\) |
\(T_p\) |
PIQ_xi |
\(PIQ_{\xi}\) |
State |
\(Kqi \left(1 - Volt_{dip}\right) \left(2 PIQ_{y} - 2 PIQ_{ys} + Qerr SWV_{s1}\right)\) |
s4_y |
\(s_{4 y}\) |
State |
\(\left(1 - Volt_{dip}\right) \left(\frac{PFsel}{vp} - s_{4 y}\right)\) |
\(T_{iq}\) |
pfilt_y |
\(pfilt_{y}\) |
State |
\(Pref - pfilt_{y}\) |
\(0.02\) |
s5_y |
\(s_{5 y}\) |
State |
\(\left(1 - Volt_{dip}\right) \left(Psel - s_{5 y}\right)\) |
\(T_{pord}\) |
PIV_xi |
\(PIV_{\xi}\) |
State |
\(Kvi \left(1 - Volt_{dip}\right) \left(2 PIV_{y} - 2 PIV_{ys} + SWQ_{s1} \left(- SWV_{s0} s_{0 y} + Vsel_{y}\right)\right)\) |
Pord |
\(Pord\) |
AliasState |
\(0\) |
Algebraic Equations#
Name |
Symbol |
Type |
RHS of Equation "0 = g(x, y)" |
vp |
\(vp\) |
Algeb |
\(VLower_{zi} v + 0.01 VLower_{zl} - vp\) |
pfaref |
\(pfaref\) |
Algeb |
\(- pfaref + pfaref_{0}\) |
Qref |
\(Qref\) |
Algeb |
\(- Qref - qref_{0}\) |
Qcpf |
\(Qcpf\) |
Algeb |
\(\left(1 - zp_{z1}\right) \left(- Qcpf + S_{1 y} \tan{\left(pfaref \right)}\right)\) |
PFsel |
\(PFsel\) |
Algeb |
\(- PFsel + Qcpf SWPF_{s1} + Qref SWPF_{s0}\) |
Qerr |
\(Qerr\) |
Algeb |
\(PFlim_{zi} PFsel + PFlim_{zl} QMin + PFlim_{zu} QMax - Qe - Qerr\) |
PIQ_ys |
\(PIQ_{ys}\) |
Algeb |
\(\left(1 - Volt_{dip}\right) \left(Kqp Qerr SWV_{s1} + PIQ_{\xi} - PIQ_{ys}\right)\) |
PIQ_y |
\(PIQ_{y}\) |
Algeb |
\(\left(1 - Volt_{dip}\right) \left(PIQ_{lim zi} PIQ_{ys} + PIQ_{lim zl} VMIN + PIQ_{lim zu} VMAX - PIQ_{y}\right)\) |
Vsel_x |
\(Vsel_{x}\) |
Algeb |
\(PIQ_{y} SWV_{s1} + SWV_{s0} \left(Qcpf SWPF_{s1} + Qref SWPF_{s0} + Vref_{1}\right) - Vsel_{x}\) |
Vsel_y |
\(Vsel_{y}\) |
Algeb |
\(VMAX Vsel_{lim zu} + VMIN Vsel_{lim zl} + Vsel_{lim zi} Vsel_{x} - Vsel_{y}\) |
Verr |
\(Verr\) |
Algeb |
\(- Verr + Vref_{0} - s_{0 y}\) |
dbV_y |
\(dbV_{y}\) |
Algeb |
\(1.0 dbV_{db zl} \left(Verr - dbd_{1}\right) + 1.0 dbV_{db zu} \left(Verr - dbd_{2}\right) - dbV_{y}\) |
Iqinj |
\(Iqinj\) |
Algeb |
\(- Iqinj + Kqv Volt_{dip} dbV_{y} + fThld \left(1 - Volt_{dip}\right) \left(Iqfrz pThld + Kqv dbV_{y} nThld\right)\) |
wg |
\(wg\) |
Algeb |
\(1.0 - wg\) |
Pref |
\(Pref\) |
Algeb |
\(- Kdf dfdt - Kf df - Pref + \frac{p_{0}}{wg}\) |
Psel |
\(Psel\) |
Algeb |
\(- Psel + SWP_{s0} pfilt_{y} + SWP_{s1} pfilt_{y} wg\) |
VDL1_y |
\(VDL_{1 y}\) |
Algeb |
\(- VDL_{1 y} + \operatorname{FixPiecewise}{\left(\left( Iq_{1}, \ Vq_{1} \geq s_{0 y}\right),\left( Iq_{1} + kVq_{12} \left(- Vq_{1} + s_{0 y}\right), \ Vq_{2} \geq s_{0 y}\right),\left( Iq_{2} + kVq_{23} \left(- Vq_{2} + s_{0 y}\right), \ Vq_{3} \geq s_{0 y}\right),\left( Iq_{3} + kVq_{34} \left(- Vq_{3} + s_{0 y}\right), \ Vq_{4} \geq s_{0 y}\right),\left( Iq_{4}, \ \text{True}\right) \right)}\) |
VDL2_y |
\(VDL_{2 y}\) |
Algeb |
\(- VDL_{2 y} + \operatorname{FixPiecewise}{\left(\left( Ip_{1}, \ Vp_{1} \geq s_{0 y}\right),\left( Ip_{1} + kVp_{12} \left(- Vp_{1} + s_{0 y}\right), \ Vp_{2} \geq s_{0 y}\right),\left( Ip_{2} + kVp_{23} \left(- Vp_{2} + s_{0 y}\right), \ Vp_{3} \geq s_{0 y}\right),\left( Ip_{3} + kVp_{34} \left(- Vp_{3} + s_{0 y}\right), \ Vp_{4} \geq s_{0 y}\right),\left( Ip_{4}, \ \text{True}\right) \right)}\) |
Ipmax |
\(Ipmax\) |
Algeb |
\(- Ipmax + Ipmaxh fThld_{2} + \left(1 - fThld_{2}\right) \left(\sqrt{Ipmax2sq} SWPQ_{s0} + SWPQ_{s1} \left(zVDL_{2} \left(Imaxr \left(1 - VDL2c\right) + VDL_{2 y} VDL2c\right) - 100000000.0 zVDL_{2} + 100000000.0\right)\right)\) |
Iqmax |
\(Iqmax\) |
Algeb |
\(- Iqmax + \sqrt{Iqmax2sq} SWPQ_{s1} + SWPQ_{s0} \left(zVDL_{1} \left(Imaxr \left(1 - VDL1c\right) + VDL_{1 y} VDL1c\right) - 100000000.0 zVDL_{1} + 100000000.0\right)\) |
PIV_ys |
\(PIV_{ys}\) |
Algeb |
\(\left(1 - Volt_{dip}\right) \left(Kvp SWQ_{s1} \left(- SWV_{s0} s_{0 y} + Vsel_{y}\right) + PIV_{\xi} - PIV_{ys}\right)\) |
PIV_y |
\(PIV_{y}\) |
Algeb |
\(\left(1 - Volt_{dip}\right) \left(Iqmax PIV_{lim zu} + Iqmin PIV_{lim zl} + PIV_{lim zi} PIV_{ys} - PIV_{y}\right)\) |
Qsel |
\(Qsel\) |
Algeb |
\(PIV_{y} SWQ_{s1} - Qsel + SWQ_{s0} s_{4 y}\) |
IpHL_x |
\(IpHL_{x}\) |
Algeb |
\(- IpHL_{x} + \frac{s_{5 y}}{vp}\) |
IpHL_y |
\(IpHL_{y}\) |
Algeb |
\(IpHL_{lim zi} IpHL_{x} + IpHL_{lim zl} Ipmin + IpHL_{lim zu} Ipmax - IpHL_{y}\) |
IqHL_x |
\(IqHL_{x}\) |
Algeb |
\(- IqHL_{x} + Iqinj + Qsel\) |
IqHL_y |
\(IqHL_{y}\) |
Algeb |
\(IqHL_{lim zi} IqHL_{x} + IqHL_{lim zl} Iqmin + IqHL_{lim zu} Iqmax - IqHL_{y}\) |
a |
\(a\) |
ExtAlgeb |
\(0\) |
v |
\(v\) |
ExtAlgeb |
\(0\) |
Pe |
\(Pe\) |
ExtAlgeb |
\(0\) |
Qe |
\(Qe\) |
ExtAlgeb |
\(0\) |
Ipcmd |
\(Ipcmd\) |
ExtAlgeb |
\(IpHL_{y} - Ipcmd_{0}\) |
Iqcmd |
\(Iqcmd\) |
ExtAlgeb |
\(- IqHL_{y} - Iqcmd_{0}\) |
df |
\(df\) |
ExtAlgeb |
\(0\) |
dfdt |
\(dfdt\) |
ExtAlgeb |
\(0\) |
Name |
Symbol |
Equation |
Type |
Ipcmd0 |
\(Ipcmd0\) |
\(\frac{p_{0}}{v}\) |
ConstService |
Iqcmd0 |
\(Iqcmd0\) |
\(- \frac{q_{0}}{v}\) |
ConstService |
pfaref0 |
\(\Phi_{ref0}\) |
\(\operatorname{atan}_{2}{\left(q_{0},p_{0} \right)}\) |
ConstService |
Volt_dip |
\(z_{Vdip}\) |
\(1 - Vcmp_{zi}\) |
VarService |
qref0 |
\(q_{ref0}\) |
\(Iqcmd_{0} SWQ_{s0} \left(VLower_{zi} v + 0.01 VLower_{zl}\right) + SWQ_{s1} \left(- Vref_{1} + v\right)\) |
ConstService |
PIQ_flag |
\(z^{flag}_{PIQ}\) |
\(0\) |
EventFlag |
s4_flag |
\(z^{flag}_{s_4}\) |
\(0\) |
EventFlag |
pThld |
\(p_{Thld}\) |
\(\operatorname{Indicator}{\left(Thld > 0 \right)}\) |
ConstService |
nThld |
\(n_{Thld}\) |
\(\operatorname{Indicator}{\left(Thld < 0 \right)}\) |
ConstService |
Thld_abs |
\(|Thld|\) |
\(\left|{Thld}\right|\) |
ConstService |
fThld |
\(fThld\) |
\(0\) |
ExtendedEvent |
s5_flag |
\(z^{flag}_{s5}\) |
\(0\) |
EventFlag |
kVq12 |
\(k_{Vq12}\) |
\(\frac{- Iq_{1} + Iq_{2}}{- Vq_{1} + Vq_{2}}\) |
ConstService |
kVq23 |
\(k_{Vq23}\) |
\(\frac{- Iq_{2} + Iq_{3}}{- Vq_{2} + Vq_{3}}\) |
ConstService |
kVq34 |
\(k_{Vq34}\) |
\(\frac{- Iq_{3} + Iq_{4}}{- Vq_{3} + Vq_{4}}\) |
ConstService |
zVDL1 |
\(z_{VDL1}\) |
\(Iq_{1} \leq Iq_{2} \wedge Iq_{2} \leq Iq_{3} \wedge Iq_{3} \leq Iq_{4} \wedge Vq_{1} \leq Vq_{2} \wedge Vq_{2} \leq Vq_{3} \wedge Vq_{3} \leq Vq_{4}\) |
ConstService |
kVp12 |
\(k_{Vp12}\) |
\(\frac{- Ip_{1} + Ip_{2}}{- Vp_{1} + Vp_{2}}\) |
ConstService |
kVp23 |
\(k_{Vp23}\) |
\(\frac{- Ip_{2} + Ip_{3}}{- Vp_{2} + Vp_{3}}\) |
ConstService |
kVp34 |
\(k_{Vp34}\) |
\(\frac{- Ip_{3} + Ip_{4}}{- Vp_{3} + Vp_{4}}\) |
ConstService |
zVDL2 |
\(z_{VDL2}\) |
\(Ip_{1} \leq Ip_{2} \wedge Ip_{2} \leq Ip_{3} \wedge Ip_{3} \leq Ip_{4} \wedge Vp_{1} \leq Vp_{2} \wedge Vp_{2} \leq Vp_{3} \wedge Vp_{3} \leq Vp_{4}\) |
ConstService |
fThld2 |
\(fThld2\) |
\(0\) |
ExtendedEvent |
VDL1c |
\(VDL1c\) |
\(VDL_{1 y} < Imaxr\) |
VarService |
VDL2c |
\(VDL2c\) |
\(VDL_{2 y} < Imaxr\) |
VarService |
Ipmax2sq0 |
\(I_{pmax20,nn}^2\) |
\(\operatorname{FixPiecewise}{\left(\left( 0, \ Imax^{2} - Iqcmd_{0}^{2} \leq 0\right),\left( Imax^{2} - Iqcmd_{0}^{2}, \ \text{True}\right) \right)}\) |
ConstService |
Ipmax2sq |
\(I_{pmax2}^2\) |
\(\operatorname{FixPiecewise}{\left(\left( 0, \ Imax^{2} - IqHL_{y}^{2} \leq 0\right),\left( Imax^{2} - IqHL_{y}^{2}, \ \text{True}\right) \right)}\) |
VarService |
Ipmaxh |
\(Ipmaxh\) |
\(0\) |
VarHold |
Iqmax2sq0 |
\(I_{qmax,nn}^2\) |
\(\operatorname{FixPiecewise}{\left(\left( 0, \ Imax^{2} - Ipcmd_{0}^{2} \leq 0\right),\left( Imax^{2} - Ipcmd_{0}^{2}, \ \text{True}\right) \right)}\) |
ConstService |
Iqmax2sq |
\(I_{qmax2}^2\) |
\(\operatorname{FixPiecewise}{\left(\left( 0, \ Imax^{2} - IpHL_{y}^{2} \leq 0\right),\left( Imax^{2} - IpHL_{y}^{2}, \ \text{True}\right) \right)}\) |
VarService |
Ipmin |
\(I_{pmin}\) |
\(0.0\) |
ConstService |
PIV_flag |
\(z^{flag}_{PIV}\) |
\(0\) |
EventFlag |
Name |
Symbol |
Type |
Info |
\(SW_{PF}\) |
Switcher |
\(SW_{V}\) |
Switcher |
\(SW_{V}\) |
Switcher |
\(SW_{P}\) |
Switcher |
\(SW_{PQ}\) |
Switcher |
zp |
\(zp\) |
IsEqual |
Vcmp |
\(V_{cmp}\) |
Limiter |
Voltage dip comparator |
VLower |
\(VLower\) |
Limiter |
Limiter for lower voltage cap |
PFlim |
\(PFlim\) |
Limiter |
PIQ_lim |
\(lim_{PIQ}\) |
HardLimiter |
Vsel_lim |
\(lim_{Vsel}\) |
HardLimiter |
dbV_db |
\(db_{dbV}\) |
DeadBand |
pfilt_lim |
\(lim_{P_{filt}}\) |
RateLimiter |
Rate limiter in Lag |
s5_lim |
\(lim_{s5}\) |
AntiWindup |
Limiter in Lag |
PIV_lim |
\(lim_{PIV}\) |
HardLimiter |
IpHL_lim |
\(lim_{IpHL}\) |
HardLimiter |
IqHL_lim |
\(lim_{IqHL}\) |
HardLimiter |
Name |
Symbol |
Type |
Info |
s0 |
\(s0\) |
Lag |
Voltage filter |
S1 |
\(S_1\) |
Lag |
Pe filter |
\(PIQ\) |
PITrackAWFreeze |
Vsel |
\(Vsel\) |
GainLimiter |
Selection output of VFLAG |
s4 |
\(s_4\) |
LagFreeze |
Filter for calculated voltage with freeze |
dbV |
\(dbV\) |
DeadBand1 |
Deadband for voltage error (ref0) |
pfilt |
\(P_{filt}\) |
LagRate |
Active power filter with rate limits |
s5 |
\(s5\) |
LagAWFreeze |
VDL1 |
\(V_{DL1}\) |
Piecewise |
Piecewise linear characteristics of Vq-Iq |
VDL2 |
\(V_{DL2}\) |
Piecewise |
Piecewise linear characteristics of Vp-Ip |
\(PIV\) |
PITrackAWFreeze |
IpHL |
\(IpHL\) |
GainLimiter |
IqHL |
\(IqHL\) |
GainLimiter |
Config Fields in [REECA1E]
Option |
Symbol |
Value |
Info |
Accepted values |
allow_adjust |
1 |
allow adjusting upper or lower limits |
(0, 1) |
adjust_lower |
0 |
adjust lower limit |
(0, 1) |
adjust_upper |
1 |
adjust upper limit |
(0, 1) |
kqs |
\(K_{qs}\) |
2 |
Q PI controller tracking gain |
kvs |
\(K_{vs}\) |
2 |
Voltage PI controller tracking gain |
tpfilt |
\(T_{pfilt}\) |
0.020 |
Time const. for Pref filter |
REECA1G is a variant of REECA1E.
REECA1G uses speed from synchronous generators.
The application of this model is limited because it is uncommon to connect a SynGen on the same bus as a RenGen.
Name |
Symbol |
Description |
Default |
Unit |
Properties |
idx |
unique device idx |
u |
\(u\) |
connection status |
1 |
bool |
name |
device name |
reg |
Renewable generator idx |
mandatory |
busr |
Optional remote bus for voltage control |
Power factor control flag; 1-PF control, 0-Q control |
bool |
mandatory |
Voltage control flag; 1-Q control, 0-V control |
bool |
mandatory |
Q control flag; 1-V or Q control, 0-const. PF or Q |
bool |
mandatory |
P speed-dependency flag; 1-has speed dep., 0-no dep. |
bool |
mandatory |
P/Q priority flag for I limit; 0-Q priority, 1-P priority |
bool |
mandatory |
Vdip |
\(V_{dip}\) |
Low V threshold to activate Iqinj logic |
0.800 |
p.u. |
Vup |
\(V_{up}\) |
V threshold above which to activate Iqinj logic |
1.200 |
p.u. |
Trv |
\(T_{rv}\) |
Voltage filter time constant |
0.020 |
dbd1 |
\(d_{bd1}\) |
Lower bound of the voltage deadband (<=0) |
-0.020 |
dbd2 |
\(d_{bd2}\) |
Upper bound of the voltage deadband (>=0) |
0.020 |
Kqv |
\(K_{qv}\) |
Gain to compute Iqinj from V error (caution!!) |
1 |
Iqh1 |
\(I_{qh1}\) |
Upper limit on Iqinj |
999 |
Iql1 |
\(I_{ql1}\) |
Lower limit on Iqinj |
-999 |
Vref0 |
\(V_{ref0}\) |
User defined Vref (if 0, use initial bus V) |
1 |
Iqfrz |
\(I_{qfrz}\) |
Hold Iqinj at the value for Thld (>0) seconds following a Vdip |
0 |
Thld |
\(T_{hld}\) |
Time for which Iqinj is held. Hold at Iqinj if>0; hold at State 1 if<0 |
0 |
s |
Thld2 |
\(T_{hld2}\) |
Time for which IPMAX is held after voltage dip ends |
0 |
s |
Tp |
\(T_p\) |
Filter time constant for Pe |
0.020 |
s |
QMax |
\(Q_{max}\) |
Upper limit for reactive power regulator |
999 |
QMin |
\(Q_{min}\) |
Lower limit for reactive power regulator |
-999 |
\(V_{max}\) |
Upper limit for voltage control |
999 |
\(V_{min}\) |
Lower limit for voltage control |
-999 |
Kqp |
\(K_{qp}\) |
Proportional gain for reactive power error |
1 |
Kqi |
\(K_{qi}\) |
Integral gain for reactive power error |
0.100 |
Kvp |
\(K_{vp}\) |
Proportional gain for voltage error |
1 |
Kvi |
\(K_{vi}\) |
Integral gain for voltage error |
0.100 |
Vref1 |
\(V_{ref1}\) |
Voltage ref. if VFLAG=0 |
1 |
non_zero |
Tiq |
\(T_{iq}\) |
Filter time constant for Iq |
0.020 |
dPmax |
\(d_{Pmax}\) |
Power reference max. ramp rate (>0) |
999 |
dPmin |
\(d_{Pin}\) |
Power reference min. ramp rate (<0) |
-999 |
\(P_{max}\) |
Max. active power limit > 0 |
999 |
\(P_{min}\) |
Min. active power limit |
0 |
Imax |
\(I_{max}\) |
Max. apparent current limit |
999 |
current |
Tpord |
\(T_{pord}\) |
Filter time constant for power setpoint |
0.020 |
Vq1 |
\(V_{q1}\) |
Reactive power V-I pair (point 1), voltage |
0.200 |
Iq1 |
\(I_{q1}\) |
Reactive power V-I pair (point 1), current |
2 |
current |
Vq2 |
\(V_{q2}\) |
Reactive power V-I pair (point 2), voltage |
0.400 |
Iq2 |
\(I_{q2}\) |
Reactive power V-I pair (point 2), current |
4 |
current |
Vq3 |
\(V_{q3}\) |
Reactive power V-I pair (point 3), voltage |
0.800 |
Iq3 |
\(I_{q3}\) |
Reactive power V-I pair (point 3), current |
8 |
current |
Vq4 |
\(V_{q4}\) |
Reactive power V-I pair (point 4), voltage |
1 |
Iq4 |
\(I_{q4}\) |
Reactive power V-I pair (point 4), current |
10 |
current |
Vp1 |
\(V_{p1}\) |
Active power V-I pair (point 1), voltage |
0.200 |
Ip1 |
\(I_{p1}\) |
Active power V-I pair (point 1), current |
2 |
current |
Vp2 |
\(V_{p2}\) |
Active power V-I pair (point 2), voltage |
0.400 |
Ip2 |
\(I_{p2}\) |
Active power V-I pair (point 2), current |
4 |
current |
Vp3 |
\(V_{p3}\) |
Active power V-I pair (point 3), voltage |
0.800 |
Ip3 |
\(I_{p3}\) |
Active power V-I pair (point 3), current |
8 |
current |
Vp4 |
\(V_{p4}\) |
Active power V-I pair (point 4), voltage |
1 |
Ip4 |
\(I_{p4}\) |
Active power V-I pair (point 4), current |
12 |
current |
Kf |
\(K_{df}\) |
gain for frequency deviation |
0 |
sg |
synchronous gen idx |
mandatory |
bus |
Retrieved bus idx |
gen |
Retrieved StaticGen idx |
Sn |
\(S_n\) |
0 |
Name |
Symbol |
Type |
Description |
Unit |
Properties |
s0_y |
\(s_{0 y}\) |
State |
State in lag transfer function |
v_str |
S1_y |
\(S_{1 y}\) |
State |
State in lag transfer function |
v_str |
PIQ_xi |
\(PIQ_{\xi}\) |
State |
Integrator output |
v_str |
s4_y |
\(s_{4 y}\) |
State |
State in lag transfer function |
v_str |
pfilt_y |
\(pfilt_{y}\) |
State |
State in lag TF |
v_str |
s5_y |
\(s_{5 y}\) |
State |
State in lag TF |
v_str |
PIV_xi |
\(PIV_{\xi}\) |
State |
Integrator output |
v_str |
Pord |
\(Pord\) |
AliasState |
Alias of s5_y |
omega |
\(\omega\) |
ExtState |
generator speed |
pu |
vp |
\(vp\) |
Algeb |
Sensed lower-capped voltage |
v_str |
pfaref |
\(pfaref\) |
Algeb |
power factor angle ref |
rad |
v_str |
Qref |
\(Qref\) |
Algeb |
external Q ref |
p.u. |
v_str |
Qcpf |
\(Qcpf\) |
Algeb |
Q calculated from P and power factor |
p.u. |
v_str |
PFsel |
\(PFsel\) |
Algeb |
Output of PFFLAG selector |
v_str |
Qerr |
\(Qerr\) |
Algeb |
Reactive power error |
v_str |
PIQ_ys |
\(PIQ_{ys}\) |
Algeb |
PI summation before limit |
v_str |
PIQ_y |
\(PIQ_{y}\) |
Algeb |
PI output |
v_str |
Vsel_x |
\(Vsel_{x}\) |
Algeb |
Value before limiter |
v_str |
Vsel_y |
\(Vsel_{y}\) |
Algeb |
Output after limiter and post gain |
v_str |
Verr |
\(Verr\) |
Algeb |
Voltage error (Vref0) |
v_str |
dbV_y |
\(dbV_{y}\) |
Algeb |
Deadband type 1 output |
v_str |
Iqinj |
\(Iqinj\) |
Algeb |
Additional Iq signal during under- or over-voltage |
v_str |
wg |
\(wg\) |
Algeb |
Drive train generator speed |
v_str |
Pref |
\(Pref\) |
Algeb |
external P ref |
p.u. |
v_str |
Psel |
\(Psel\) |
Algeb |
Output selection of PFLAG |
v_str |
VDL1_y |
\(VDL_{1 y}\) |
Algeb |
Output of piecewise |
v_str |
VDL2_y |
\(VDL_{2 y}\) |
Algeb |
Output of piecewise |
v_str |
Ipmax |
\(Ipmax\) |
Algeb |
Upper limit on Ipcmd |
v_str |
Iqmax |
\(Iqmax\) |
Algeb |
Upper limit on Iqcmd |
v_str |
PIV_ys |
\(PIV_{ys}\) |
Algeb |
PI summation before limit |
v_str |
PIV_y |
\(PIV_{y}\) |
Algeb |
PI output |
v_str |
Qsel |
\(Qsel\) |
Algeb |
Selection output of QFLAG |
v_str |
IpHL_x |
\(IpHL_{x}\) |
Algeb |
Value before limiter |
v_str |
IpHL_y |
\(IpHL_{y}\) |
Algeb |
Output after limiter and post gain |
v_str |
IqHL_x |
\(IqHL_{x}\) |
Algeb |
Value before limiter |
v_str |
IqHL_y |
\(IqHL_{y}\) |
Algeb |
Output after limiter and post gain |
v_str |
a |
\(a\) |
ExtAlgeb |
Bus voltage angle |
v |
\(v\) |
ExtAlgeb |
d-axis bus voltage magnitude |
Pe |
\(Pe\) |
ExtAlgeb |
Retrieved Pe of RenGen |
Qe |
\(Qe\) |
ExtAlgeb |
Retrieved Qe of RenGen |
Ipcmd |
\(Ipcmd\) |
ExtAlgeb |
Retrieved Ipcmd of RenGen |
Iqcmd |
\(Iqcmd\) |
ExtAlgeb |
Retrieved Iqcmd of RenGen |
Initialization Equations#
Name |
Symbol |
Type |
Initial Value |
s0_y |
\(s_{0 y}\) |
State |
\(v\) |
S1_y |
\(S_{1 y}\) |
State |
\(Pe\) |
PIQ_xi |
\(PIQ_{\xi}\) |
State |
\(0.0\) |
s4_y |
\(s_{4 y}\) |
State |
\(\frac{PFsel}{vp}\) |
pfilt_y |
\(pfilt_{y}\) |
State |
\(Pref\) |
s5_y |
\(s_{5 y}\) |
State |
\(Psel\) |
PIV_xi |
\(PIV_{\xi}\) |
State |
\(- Iqcmd_{0} SWQ_{s1}\) |
Pord |
\(Pord\) |
AliasState |
omega |
\(\omega\) |
ExtState |
vp |
\(vp\) |
Algeb |
\(VLower_{zi} v + 0.01 VLower_{zl}\) |
pfaref |
\(pfaref\) |
Algeb |
\(pfaref_{0}\) |
Qref |
\(Qref\) |
Algeb |
\(- qref_{0}\) |
Qcpf |
\(Qcpf\) |
Algeb |
\(q_{0}\) |
PFsel |
\(PFsel\) |
Algeb |
\(Qcpf SWPF_{s1} + Qref SWPF_{s0}\) |
Qerr |
\(Qerr\) |
Algeb |
\(PFlim_{zi} PFsel + PFlim_{zl} QMin + PFlim_{zu} QMax - Qe\) |
PIQ_ys |
\(PIQ_{ys}\) |
Algeb |
\(Kqp Qerr SWV_{s1}\) |
PIQ_y |
\(PIQ_{y}\) |
Algeb |
\(PIQ_{lim zi} PIQ_{ys} + PIQ_{lim zl} VMIN + PIQ_{lim zu} VMAX\) |
Vsel_x |
\(Vsel_{x}\) |
Algeb |
\(PIQ_{y} SWV_{s1} + SWV_{s0} \left(Qcpf SWPF_{s1} + Qref SWPF_{s0} + Vref_{1}\right)\) |
Vsel_y |
\(Vsel_{y}\) |
Algeb |
\(VMAX Vsel_{lim zu} + VMIN Vsel_{lim zl} + Vsel_{lim zi} Vsel_{x}\) |
Verr |
\(Verr\) |
Algeb |
\(Vref_{0} - s_{0 y}\) |
dbV_y |
\(dbV_{y}\) |
Algeb |
\(1.0 dbV_{db zl} \left(Verr - dbd_{1}\right) + 1.0 dbV_{db zu} \left(Verr - dbd_{2}\right)\) |
Iqinj |
\(Iqinj\) |
Algeb |
\(Kqv Volt_{dip} dbV_{y} + fThld \left(1 - Volt_{dip}\right) \left(Iqfrz pThld + Kqv dbV_{y} nThld\right)\) |
wg |
\(wg\) |
Algeb |
\(1.0\) |
Pref |
\(Pref\) |
Algeb |
\(\frac{p_{0}}{wg}\) |
Psel |
\(Psel\) |
Algeb |
\(SWP_{s0} pfilt_{y} + SWP_{s1} pfilt_{y} wg\) |
VDL1_y |
\(VDL_{1 y}\) |
Algeb |
\(\operatorname{FixPiecewise}{\left(\left( Iq_{1}, \ Vq_{1} \geq s_{0 y}\right),\left( Iq_{1} + kVq_{12} \left(- Vq_{1} + s_{0 y}\right), \ Vq_{2} \geq s_{0 y}\right),\left( Iq_{2} + kVq_{23} \left(- Vq_{2} + s_{0 y}\right), \ Vq_{3} \geq s_{0 y}\right),\left( Iq_{3} + kVq_{34} \left(- Vq_{3} + s_{0 y}\right), \ Vq_{4} \geq s_{0 y}\right),\left( Iq_{4}, \ \text{True}\right) \right)}\) |
VDL2_y |
\(VDL_{2 y}\) |
Algeb |
\(\operatorname{FixPiecewise}{\left(\left( Ip_{1}, \ Vp_{1} \geq s_{0 y}\right),\left( Ip_{1} + kVp_{12} \left(- Vp_{1} + s_{0 y}\right), \ Vp_{2} \geq s_{0 y}\right),\left( Ip_{2} + kVp_{23} \left(- Vp_{2} + s_{0 y}\right), \ Vp_{3} \geq s_{0 y}\right),\left( Ip_{3} + kVp_{34} \left(- Vp_{3} + s_{0 y}\right), \ Vp_{4} \geq s_{0 y}\right),\left( Ip_{4}, \ \text{True}\right) \right)}\) |
Ipmax |
\(Ipmax\) |
Algeb |
\(\left(1 - fThld_{2}\right) \left(\sqrt{Ipmax2sq0} SWPQ_{s0} + SWPQ_{s1} \left(zVDL_{2} \left(Imaxr \left(1 - VDL2c\right) + VDL_{2 y} VDL2c\right) - 100000000.0 zVDL_{2} + 100000000.0\right)\right)\) |
Iqmax |
\(Iqmax\) |
Algeb |
\(\sqrt{Iqmax2sq0} SWPQ_{s1} + SWPQ_{s0} \left(zVDL_{1} \left(Imaxr \left(1 - VDL1c\right) + VDL_{1 y} VDL1c\right) - 100000000.0 zVDL_{1} + 100000000.0\right)\) |
PIV_ys |
\(PIV_{ys}\) |
Algeb |
\(- Iqcmd_{0} SWQ_{s1} + Kvp SWQ_{s1} \left(- SWV_{s0} s_{0 y} + Vsel_{y}\right)\) |
PIV_y |
\(PIV_{y}\) |
Algeb |
\(Iqmax PIV_{lim zu} + Iqmin PIV_{lim zl} + PIV_{lim zi} PIV_{ys}\) |
Qsel |
\(Qsel\) |
Algeb |
\(PIV_{y} SWQ_{s1} + SWQ_{s0} s_{4 y}\) |
IpHL_x |
\(IpHL_{x}\) |
Algeb |
\(\frac{s_{5 y}}{vp}\) |
IpHL_y |
\(IpHL_{y}\) |
Algeb |
\(IpHL_{lim zi} IpHL_{x} + IpHL_{lim zl} Ipmin + IpHL_{lim zu} Ipmax\) |
IqHL_x |
\(IqHL_{x}\) |
Algeb |
\(Iqinj + Qsel\) |
IqHL_y |
\(IqHL_{y}\) |
Algeb |
\(IqHL_{lim zi} IqHL_{x} + IqHL_{lim zl} Iqmin + IqHL_{lim zu} Iqmax\) |
a |
\(a\) |
ExtAlgeb |
v |
\(v\) |
ExtAlgeb |
Pe |
\(Pe\) |
ExtAlgeb |
Qe |
\(Qe\) |
ExtAlgeb |
Ipcmd |
\(Ipcmd\) |
ExtAlgeb |
Iqcmd |
\(Iqcmd\) |
ExtAlgeb |
Differential Equations#
Name |
Symbol |
Type |
RHS of Equation "T x' = f(x, y)" |
T (LHS) |
s0_y |
\(s_{0 y}\) |
State |
\(- s_{0 y} + v\) |
\(T_{rv}\) |
S1_y |
\(S_{1 y}\) |
State |
\(Pe - S_{1 y}\) |
\(T_p\) |
PIQ_xi |
\(PIQ_{\xi}\) |
State |
\(Kqi \left(1 - Volt_{dip}\right) \left(2 PIQ_{y} - 2 PIQ_{ys} + Qerr SWV_{s1}\right)\) |
s4_y |
\(s_{4 y}\) |
State |
\(\left(1 - Volt_{dip}\right) \left(\frac{PFsel}{vp} - s_{4 y}\right)\) |
\(T_{iq}\) |
pfilt_y |
\(pfilt_{y}\) |
State |
\(Pref - pfilt_{y}\) |
\(0.02\) |
s5_y |
\(s_{5 y}\) |
State |
\(\left(1 - Volt_{dip}\right) \left(Psel - s_{5 y}\right)\) |
\(T_{pord}\) |
PIV_xi |
\(PIV_{\xi}\) |
State |
\(Kvi \left(1 - Volt_{dip}\right) \left(2 PIV_{y} - 2 PIV_{ys} + SWQ_{s1} \left(- SWV_{s0} s_{0 y} + Vsel_{y}\right)\right)\) |
Pord |
\(Pord\) |
AliasState |
\(0\) |
omega |
\(\omega\) |
ExtState |
\(0\) |
Algebraic Equations#
Name |
Symbol |
Type |
RHS of Equation "0 = g(x, y)" |
vp |
\(vp\) |
Algeb |
\(VLower_{zi} v + 0.01 VLower_{zl} - vp\) |
pfaref |
\(pfaref\) |
Algeb |
\(- pfaref + pfaref_{0}\) |
Qref |
\(Qref\) |
Algeb |
\(- Qref - qref_{0}\) |
Qcpf |
\(Qcpf\) |
Algeb |
\(\left(1 - zp_{z1}\right) \left(- Qcpf + S_{1 y} \tan{\left(pfaref \right)}\right)\) |
PFsel |
\(PFsel\) |
Algeb |
\(- PFsel + Qcpf SWPF_{s1} + Qref SWPF_{s0}\) |
Qerr |
\(Qerr\) |
Algeb |
\(PFlim_{zi} PFsel + PFlim_{zl} QMin + PFlim_{zu} QMax - Qe - Qerr\) |
PIQ_ys |
\(PIQ_{ys}\) |
Algeb |
\(\left(1 - Volt_{dip}\right) \left(Kqp Qerr SWV_{s1} + PIQ_{\xi} - PIQ_{ys}\right)\) |
PIQ_y |
\(PIQ_{y}\) |
Algeb |
\(\left(1 - Volt_{dip}\right) \left(PIQ_{lim zi} PIQ_{ys} + PIQ_{lim zl} VMIN + PIQ_{lim zu} VMAX - PIQ_{y}\right)\) |
Vsel_x |
\(Vsel_{x}\) |
Algeb |
\(PIQ_{y} SWV_{s1} + SWV_{s0} \left(Qcpf SWPF_{s1} + Qref SWPF_{s0} + Vref_{1}\right) - Vsel_{x}\) |
Vsel_y |
\(Vsel_{y}\) |
Algeb |
\(VMAX Vsel_{lim zu} + VMIN Vsel_{lim zl} + Vsel_{lim zi} Vsel_{x} - Vsel_{y}\) |
Verr |
\(Verr\) |
Algeb |
\(- Verr + Vref_{0} - s_{0 y}\) |
dbV_y |
\(dbV_{y}\) |
Algeb |
\(1.0 dbV_{db zl} \left(Verr - dbd_{1}\right) + 1.0 dbV_{db zu} \left(Verr - dbd_{2}\right) - dbV_{y}\) |
Iqinj |
\(Iqinj\) |
Algeb |
\(- Iqinj + Kqv Volt_{dip} dbV_{y} + fThld \left(1 - Volt_{dip}\right) \left(Iqfrz pThld + Kqv dbV_{y} nThld\right)\) |
wg |
\(wg\) |
Algeb |
\(1.0 - wg\) |
Pref |
\(Pref\) |
Algeb |
\(- Kf \left(\omega - 1\right) - Pref + \frac{p_{0}}{wg}\) |
Psel |
\(Psel\) |
Algeb |
\(- Psel + SWP_{s0} pfilt_{y} + SWP_{s1} pfilt_{y} wg\) |
VDL1_y |
\(VDL_{1 y}\) |
Algeb |
\(- VDL_{1 y} + \operatorname{FixPiecewise}{\left(\left( Iq_{1}, \ Vq_{1} \geq s_{0 y}\right),\left( Iq_{1} + kVq_{12} \left(- Vq_{1} + s_{0 y}\right), \ Vq_{2} \geq s_{0 y}\right),\left( Iq_{2} + kVq_{23} \left(- Vq_{2} + s_{0 y}\right), \ Vq_{3} \geq s_{0 y}\right),\left( Iq_{3} + kVq_{34} \left(- Vq_{3} + s_{0 y}\right), \ Vq_{4} \geq s_{0 y}\right),\left( Iq_{4}, \ \text{True}\right) \right)}\) |
VDL2_y |
\(VDL_{2 y}\) |
Algeb |
\(- VDL_{2 y} + \operatorname{FixPiecewise}{\left(\left( Ip_{1}, \ Vp_{1} \geq s_{0 y}\right),\left( Ip_{1} + kVp_{12} \left(- Vp_{1} + s_{0 y}\right), \ Vp_{2} \geq s_{0 y}\right),\left( Ip_{2} + kVp_{23} \left(- Vp_{2} + s_{0 y}\right), \ Vp_{3} \geq s_{0 y}\right),\left( Ip_{3} + kVp_{34} \left(- Vp_{3} + s_{0 y}\right), \ Vp_{4} \geq s_{0 y}\right),\left( Ip_{4}, \ \text{True}\right) \right)}\) |
Ipmax |
\(Ipmax\) |
Algeb |
\(- Ipmax + Ipmaxh fThld_{2} + \left(1 - fThld_{2}\right) \left(\sqrt{Ipmax2sq} SWPQ_{s0} + SWPQ_{s1} \left(zVDL_{2} \left(Imaxr \left(1 - VDL2c\right) + VDL_{2 y} VDL2c\right) - 100000000.0 zVDL_{2} + 100000000.0\right)\right)\) |
Iqmax |
\(Iqmax\) |
Algeb |
\(- Iqmax + \sqrt{Iqmax2sq} SWPQ_{s1} + SWPQ_{s0} \left(zVDL_{1} \left(Imaxr \left(1 - VDL1c\right) + VDL_{1 y} VDL1c\right) - 100000000.0 zVDL_{1} + 100000000.0\right)\) |
PIV_ys |
\(PIV_{ys}\) |
Algeb |
\(\left(1 - Volt_{dip}\right) \left(Kvp SWQ_{s1} \left(- SWV_{s0} s_{0 y} + Vsel_{y}\right) + PIV_{\xi} - PIV_{ys}\right)\) |
PIV_y |
\(PIV_{y}\) |
Algeb |
\(\left(1 - Volt_{dip}\right) \left(Iqmax PIV_{lim zu} + Iqmin PIV_{lim zl} + PIV_{lim zi} PIV_{ys} - PIV_{y}\right)\) |
Qsel |
\(Qsel\) |
Algeb |
\(PIV_{y} SWQ_{s1} - Qsel + SWQ_{s0} s_{4 y}\) |
IpHL_x |
\(IpHL_{x}\) |
Algeb |
\(- IpHL_{x} + \frac{s_{5 y}}{vp}\) |
IpHL_y |
\(IpHL_{y}\) |
Algeb |
\(IpHL_{lim zi} IpHL_{x} + IpHL_{lim zl} Ipmin + IpHL_{lim zu} Ipmax - IpHL_{y}\) |
IqHL_x |
\(IqHL_{x}\) |
Algeb |
\(- IqHL_{x} + Iqinj + Qsel\) |
IqHL_y |
\(IqHL_{y}\) |
Algeb |
\(IqHL_{lim zi} IqHL_{x} + IqHL_{lim zl} Iqmin + IqHL_{lim zu} Iqmax - IqHL_{y}\) |
a |
\(a\) |
ExtAlgeb |
\(0\) |
v |
\(v\) |
ExtAlgeb |
\(0\) |
Pe |
\(Pe\) |
ExtAlgeb |
\(0\) |
Qe |
\(Qe\) |
ExtAlgeb |
\(0\) |
Ipcmd |
\(Ipcmd\) |
ExtAlgeb |
\(IpHL_{y} - Ipcmd_{0}\) |
Iqcmd |
\(Iqcmd\) |
ExtAlgeb |
\(- IqHL_{y} - Iqcmd_{0}\) |
Name |
Symbol |
Equation |
Type |
Ipcmd0 |
\(Ipcmd0\) |
\(\frac{p_{0}}{v}\) |
ConstService |
Iqcmd0 |
\(Iqcmd0\) |
\(- \frac{q_{0}}{v}\) |
ConstService |
pfaref0 |
\(\Phi_{ref0}\) |
\(\operatorname{atan}_{2}{\left(q_{0},p_{0} \right)}\) |
ConstService |
Volt_dip |
\(z_{Vdip}\) |
\(1 - Vcmp_{zi}\) |
VarService |
qref0 |
\(q_{ref0}\) |
\(Iqcmd_{0} SWQ_{s0} \left(VLower_{zi} v + 0.01 VLower_{zl}\right) + SWQ_{s1} \left(- Vref_{1} + v\right)\) |
ConstService |
PIQ_flag |
\(z^{flag}_{PIQ}\) |
\(0\) |
EventFlag |
s4_flag |
\(z^{flag}_{s_4}\) |
\(0\) |
EventFlag |
pThld |
\(p_{Thld}\) |
\(\operatorname{Indicator}{\left(Thld > 0 \right)}\) |
ConstService |
nThld |
\(n_{Thld}\) |
\(\operatorname{Indicator}{\left(Thld < 0 \right)}\) |
ConstService |
Thld_abs |
\(|Thld|\) |
\(\left|{Thld}\right|\) |
ConstService |
fThld |
\(fThld\) |
\(0\) |
ExtendedEvent |
s5_flag |
\(z^{flag}_{s5}\) |
\(0\) |
EventFlag |
kVq12 |
\(k_{Vq12}\) |
\(\frac{- Iq_{1} + Iq_{2}}{- Vq_{1} + Vq_{2}}\) |
ConstService |
kVq23 |
\(k_{Vq23}\) |
\(\frac{- Iq_{2} + Iq_{3}}{- Vq_{2} + Vq_{3}}\) |
ConstService |
kVq34 |
\(k_{Vq34}\) |
\(\frac{- Iq_{3} + Iq_{4}}{- Vq_{3} + Vq_{4}}\) |
ConstService |
zVDL1 |
\(z_{VDL1}\) |
\(Iq_{1} \leq Iq_{2} \wedge Iq_{2} \leq Iq_{3} \wedge Iq_{3} \leq Iq_{4} \wedge Vq_{1} \leq Vq_{2} \wedge Vq_{2} \leq Vq_{3} \wedge Vq_{3} \leq Vq_{4}\) |
ConstService |
kVp12 |
\(k_{Vp12}\) |
\(\frac{- Ip_{1} + Ip_{2}}{- Vp_{1} + Vp_{2}}\) |
ConstService |
kVp23 |
\(k_{Vp23}\) |
\(\frac{- Ip_{2} + Ip_{3}}{- Vp_{2} + Vp_{3}}\) |
ConstService |
kVp34 |
\(k_{Vp34}\) |
\(\frac{- Ip_{3} + Ip_{4}}{- Vp_{3} + Vp_{4}}\) |
ConstService |
zVDL2 |
\(z_{VDL2}\) |
\(Ip_{1} \leq Ip_{2} \wedge Ip_{2} \leq Ip_{3} \wedge Ip_{3} \leq Ip_{4} \wedge Vp_{1} \leq Vp_{2} \wedge Vp_{2} \leq Vp_{3} \wedge Vp_{3} \leq Vp_{4}\) |
ConstService |
fThld2 |
\(fThld2\) |
\(0\) |
ExtendedEvent |
VDL1c |
\(VDL1c\) |
\(VDL_{1 y} < Imaxr\) |
VarService |
VDL2c |
\(VDL2c\) |
\(VDL_{2 y} < Imaxr\) |
VarService |
Ipmax2sq0 |
\(I_{pmax20,nn}^2\) |
\(\operatorname{FixPiecewise}{\left(\left( 0, \ Imax^{2} - Iqcmd_{0}^{2} \leq 0\right),\left( Imax^{2} - Iqcmd_{0}^{2}, \ \text{True}\right) \right)}\) |
ConstService |
Ipmax2sq |
\(I_{pmax2}^2\) |
\(\operatorname{FixPiecewise}{\left(\left( 0, \ Imax^{2} - IqHL_{y}^{2} \leq 0\right),\left( Imax^{2} - IqHL_{y}^{2}, \ \text{True}\right) \right)}\) |
VarService |
Ipmaxh |
\(Ipmaxh\) |
\(0\) |
VarHold |
Iqmax2sq0 |
\(I_{qmax,nn}^2\) |
\(\operatorname{FixPiecewise}{\left(\left( 0, \ Imax^{2} - Ipcmd_{0}^{2} \leq 0\right),\left( Imax^{2} - Ipcmd_{0}^{2}, \ \text{True}\right) \right)}\) |
ConstService |
Iqmax2sq |
\(I_{qmax2}^2\) |
\(\operatorname{FixPiecewise}{\left(\left( 0, \ Imax^{2} - IpHL_{y}^{2} \leq 0\right),\left( Imax^{2} - IpHL_{y}^{2}, \ \text{True}\right) \right)}\) |
VarService |
Ipmin |
\(I_{pmin}\) |
\(0.0\) |
ConstService |
PIV_flag |
\(z^{flag}_{PIV}\) |
\(0\) |
EventFlag |
Name |
Symbol |
Type |
Info |
\(SW_{PF}\) |
Switcher |
\(SW_{V}\) |
Switcher |
\(SW_{V}\) |
Switcher |
\(SW_{P}\) |
Switcher |
\(SW_{PQ}\) |
Switcher |
zp |
\(zp\) |
IsEqual |
Vcmp |
\(V_{cmp}\) |
Limiter |
Voltage dip comparator |
VLower |
\(VLower\) |
Limiter |
Limiter for lower voltage cap |
PFlim |
\(PFlim\) |
Limiter |
PIQ_lim |
\(lim_{PIQ}\) |
HardLimiter |
Vsel_lim |
\(lim_{Vsel}\) |
HardLimiter |
dbV_db |
\(db_{dbV}\) |
DeadBand |
pfilt_lim |
\(lim_{P_{filt}}\) |
RateLimiter |
Rate limiter in Lag |
s5_lim |
\(lim_{s5}\) |
AntiWindup |
Limiter in Lag |
PIV_lim |
\(lim_{PIV}\) |
HardLimiter |
IpHL_lim |
\(lim_{IpHL}\) |
HardLimiter |
IqHL_lim |
\(lim_{IqHL}\) |
HardLimiter |
Name |
Symbol |
Type |
Info |
s0 |
\(s0\) |
Lag |
Voltage filter |
S1 |
\(S_1\) |
Lag |
Pe filter |
\(PIQ\) |
PITrackAWFreeze |
Vsel |
\(Vsel\) |
GainLimiter |
Selection output of VFLAG |
s4 |
\(s_4\) |
LagFreeze |
Filter for calculated voltage with freeze |
dbV |
\(dbV\) |
DeadBand1 |
Deadband for voltage error (ref0) |
pfilt |
\(P_{filt}\) |
LagRate |
Active power filter with rate limits |
s5 |
\(s5\) |
LagAWFreeze |
VDL1 |
\(V_{DL1}\) |
Piecewise |
Piecewise linear characteristics of Vq-Iq |
VDL2 |
\(V_{DL2}\) |
Piecewise |
Piecewise linear characteristics of Vp-Ip |
\(PIV\) |
PITrackAWFreeze |
IpHL |
\(IpHL\) |
GainLimiter |
IqHL |
\(IqHL\) |
GainLimiter |
Config Fields in [REECA1G]
Option |
Symbol |
Value |
Info |
Accepted values |
allow_adjust |
1 |
allow adjusting upper or lower limits |
(0, 1) |
adjust_lower |
0 |
adjust lower limit |
(0, 1) |
adjust_upper |
1 |
adjust upper limit |
(0, 1) |
kqs |
\(K_{qs}\) |
2 |
Q PI controller tracking gain |
kvs |
\(K_{vs}\) |
2 |
Voltage PI controller tracking gain |
tpfilt |
\(T_{pfilt}\) |
0.020 |
Time const. for Pref filter |